I am the villain, plundering the destiny of the heroine

Chapter 26 26: My sister always loves her brother the most

"Sister, can I not drink these decoctions? I want to become a monk like my sister."

After pinching his nose and drinking the medicine again, the boy asked his sister with a sad face.

"that's not allowed."

The noble and flawless sister, who is like a little fairy, will only treat her younger brother with such tenderness and pampering, stroking the boy's hair and saying, "My younger brother is born with deficiencies and is almost unable to embark on the path of spiritual practice. He must drink a can of elixir every day to improve his health."

The boy wanted to cry after hearing this: "My sister is already so powerful. If I can't practice, won't I become a waste in the future, and the gap between me and my sister will become wider and wider?"

The sister held the boy in her arms and coaxed him, kissing his forehead: "Even if I can't practice, my brother will not become a waste."

"My younger brother can increase his wisdom through reading and become the smartest think tank around dad in the future. My sister will be the most powerful monk around dad. Together we will help dad achieve his hegemony."

The boy was confused and confused as he heard this. He didn't know that his father, a prime minister, was already an extremely human minister and had endless access to glory and wealth. What else would he want to achieve?

"Then...then if I can't be the smartest think tank around dad, and at the same time I'm still a waste who can't practice, will my sister look down on me and despise me?" The boy choked with sobs and hugged his sister tightly with his backhand.

"No way~"

The elder sister gently patted the boy's back, and Yu Jieyin said sweetly and tirelessly: "No matter how my younger brother grows up in the future, he will always be the person closest to my elder sister. My elder sister loves my younger brother the most."

Although her sister loved her brother the most, she couldn't spare any extra time to spend with the boy.

Her qualifications are so good that none of the countless sages and masters in the past can surpass her. In the true sense, there may be no one who has ever existed before or after. In order to protect her younger brother and assist her father in achieving hegemony, she must race against time to grasp all the skills of cultivation. time.

The boy is also very sensible. He knows that he is useless because he cannot practice, but he can no longer delay his sister. He never dares to disturb his sister's practice.

So, every time when his sister was practicing, the boy was so bored that he could only sneak out of the Prime Minister's Mansion and play with the children nearby who were also ministers of the court.

Xuanwu Street more than ten years ago was a street filled with mansions of dignitaries, and it was difficult not to form a clique.

Those playmates of the same age were very friendly and harmonious. When they saw that the boy was frail and sick, they deliberately took care of him when they got along, allowing the boy to experience friendship other than his sisters.

In addition to his sister, the boy has only these playmates left to accompany him. He cherishes and likes his friends very much.

The only thing that troubled the boy was that among his friends there was a boy named Ye Fan. Every time Ye Fan saw Li Tianai, he would drool with surprise. He pulled the boy several times and wanted to become his brother-in-law and brother-in-law.

Finally one day, Ye Fan no longer pulled the boy to marry him, and he no longer drooled over Li Tianai's amazement.

Because Ye Fan's family was copied by Li Chunfeng.

"Li Xu! Ye Fan's father was accused of treason by your father. Tomorrow at 3:30 noon, the entire nine tribes will be escorted to the execution ground and beheaded!"

Seeing their friends again, they all shouted angrily at the boy.

The boy was shocked: "How can Ye Fan's father be treason? This is the death penalty of beheading!"

Friends sneered again and again: "Ye Fan's father is not treasonous. According to what my father said, Emperor Yan is now obsessed with cultivating immortals. As the prime minister, your father has monopolized the power of the government, intending to wipe out the sects of the world and destroy the people, so that he can usurp the Dayan Dynasty in the future. Jiye, Ye Fan’s father and your father just had different political opinions, so they were framed and massacred. "

"Li Xu, your father is actually a treacherous prime minister who has brought disaster to the country. He is not upright at the top but crooked at the bottom. We are ashamed to be associated with you!"

The friends said nothing and stormed away.

When the boy returned to the house, he found his sister anxiously and asked what kind of hegemony his father wanted to achieve.

The elder sister slept with the boy that night. She held her younger brother in her arms and talked many truths to him. She analyzed the world situation to him, saying that the major sects were like cancer, killing countless people. The court and the sects would eventually have a battle, and both sides could only do so. One survives.

Compared with those friends, the boy certainly trusts his sister more than anything else. Whatever his sister says is right, then it is right!

The next day, the boy wanted to go to his friends one by one and tell them what his sister told him last night, explaining that his father was not a traitor to the country. Unexpectedly, those friends came to him faster than him and all knelt down. He collapsed outside the Prime Minister's Mansion, crying with snot and tears, and confessed:

"Li Xu, I'm sorry! We shouldn't have said bad things about your father yesterday. Now your father has eradicated dissidents and it's our father's fault. He also wants to destroy the nine tribes in our family!"

"Please, please help us say a few good words to your father? Don't destroy the nine tribes in our family!"

The boy was cold and helpless.

The next day, the boy escaped from his sister's supervision and ran to the Meridian Gate alone. He witnessed all his former playmates kneeling on the execution ground. As the executioner's knife fell, rotten watermelons rolled all over the ground.

From then on, the only high-ranking officials on Xuanwu Street were the Xiangguofu family.

That day, the boy fell seriously ill, and the miserable and resentful looks of his playmates before they died lingered around him like a nightmare.

Fortunately, his sister took care of him, so the boy's frail body did not suffer from illness.

However, on the day he recovered from the illness, the boy was separated from his sister for the first time in his life.

Li Chunfeng plans to issue an imperial edict to formally declare war on the sect on behalf of the Dayan Dynasty!

After raising an army for a thousand days and using it for a while, Li Tianai went on an expedition as the deputy general of the army when he was only fourteen years old.

"Good news! The eldest lady led the army to level the Sun and Moon God Sect!"

"Great victory! Another great victory! Guangmingding is full of hundreds of thousands of elders and disciples, and they are all executed!"

"The latest news! The eldest lady has broken through to the second-grade fusion state before the battle!"

"A fourteen-year-old second-grade monk... hiss! The eldest lady's suppression is so terrifying in this world!"

The boy was in the Prime Minister's Mansion, and through the housekeepers and guards around him, he kept receiving news that his sister was commanding troops outside. His heart was in his throat every day, fearing that he would one day hear bad news related to his sister.

Unlike the good news of the victory inside the Prime Minister's Mansion, there were rumors and rumors outside the Imperial City.

The brutal battle between the imperial court and various major sects resulted in the destruction of countless people's homes. People all over the Tianxuan Continent were in dire straits. Even the imperial capital, the capital of a country, suffered from famine. This caused countless people to betray Li Chunfeng, who had caused the war. curse.

There are even rumors that Emperor Yan is not obsessed with cultivating immortals at all, but has Li Chunfeng under house arrest. Now the power of the government is completely in Li Chunfeng's hands, and he is just waiting to wipe out all the major sects, and there is no more opposition to him in the world. Only then can he usurp the country and become the emperor.

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