"These are his habits."

"Of course there is the most important thing...intuition, right?" Having said this, Qiao Canxue pressed her hands on her closed eyelids, her expression showing obvious hesitation and confusion.

Qiao Mu's eyes widened slightly.

How can I put it, this little habit is remembered by others, just like meeting your ex-girlfriend when you go to the small supermarket to buy spicy noodles, there is a strange sense of shame.

"You hesitated, that means I guessed it right." Only then did Qiao Canxue smile:

"If a blind man who cannot see anything wants to survive alone in this troubled world, he must have some tricks on his side."

"Guess? It seems that I was deceived." After Qiao Mu was surprised, he didn't care too much.

If you expose him, just expose him. Anyway, he plans to send Qiao Canxue away soon, so it won't be a big problem.

"So, how did you lie to them and say you were 28 years old? Did you put on makeup to disguise yourself?" Qiao Canxue asked with her eyes closed.

She couldn't see the changes in my face, so she guessed based on smell and other things, and did she rely on intuition in the end... Qiao Mu casually prevaricates: "Absolutely."

"Actually, during the battle against bandits that day, I was seriously injured and fell into enemy lines. My comrades in arms thought I was dead. Until I woke up leisurely, I saw an immortal who called himself Wang Songhe. He gave me an elixir. After swallowing it, my skills improved greatly and my injuries recovered..."

"Immortal? Is there really an immortal way in this world?" Qiao Canxue's smile froze, obviously surprised.

Qiao Mu complained: At first Wang Songhe said that it was strange for me, a member of the Qiao family, not to know about foreigners, but I didn’t expect that you, a real member of the Qiao family, didn’t know either?

Chapter 33 Send me to the funeral

"Immortal... Stranger... If this is the case, many things will make sense."

After being educated by Qiao Mu, Qiao Canxue was confused at first, and then gradually gained an inexplicable confidence.

"Is there a possibility that I am different?" she said with her eyes closed.

Qiao Mu glanced at her closed eyes and nodded: "Indeed."

"It's been two days since I heard you tell the story about Hou Tian's eyes opening on the night of genocide and crushing the Martial Saint."

"I'm serious." Qiao Canxue said seriously:

"Do you think that the entire Qiao family was wiped out, leaving only me as a blind man who can't see anything? Is it because I'm lucky? Or is the Martial Saint moved by compassion?"

"How can a person like Wu Shengren have any compassion? If he doesn't kill me, he must have ulterior motives."

"Do you think you can come to seek revenge in the future?" Qiao Mu said casually.

Qiao Canxue did not respond, but continued to herself:

"When I was young, a stranger came to my home and said that I was born with spiritual consciousness and was not an extraordinary person. He wanted to accept me as his disciple. But my Qiao family is a big martial arts family, so of course I don't want to associate with strangers."

"I'm blind, so I can't follow the path of martial arts, but there may be another way to go."

"Immortal way."

Qiao Mu frowned: "Why are you boasting again? What exactly do you want to say?"

"I want to say... stop it, Qiao Mu." Qiao Canxue said sincerely:

"The city outside is full of people from Guo Yan. He himself is a seventh- or sixth-grade warrior, and there are thousands of officers and soldiers in the military camp. You have just entered the ninth grade, and your vitality has been greatly damaged by the disintegration of the demon, so you are invincible. "

"So, stop it and let me do it."

"?" A question mark slowly appeared on Qiao Mu's head.

Are you going to compete with me to kill someone?

"Actually, after the city lord's son came to my door today and informed me of your death, I realized how indecisive I was." Qiao Canxue said calmly:

"I want revenge, but I don't have the strength."

"I'll use the secret book in exchange for your help, but I can't bear to see you die because of it."

"And this kind of half-hearted idea has no chance of successful revenge!"

"So when it comes to revenge, you shouldn't take advantage of others." While speaking, Qiao Canxue fumbled for a thread-bound book on her body.

"You almost lost your life for me, and I can't repay you..."

"My stay in Yancheng is just a burden. But before I leave, you and I should make one last deal."

"The Qiao family's longevity boxing is naturally extraordinary. Only after you develop your inner strength can you get a first glimpse of the secret."

"The big reason for this is that in the Changsheng Fist, there is an ultra-limited secret method that uses internal energy. You need to practice the internal energy before you can try to practice it."

Qiao Canxue explained: "The so-called over-limit is to exceed the physical limit and exert more than 100% of the power. For example, the method of disintegrating the demon is to force the limit to be exceeded by squeezing the human body's potential."

"And what I'm talking about about the ultra-limitless secret method of Qiao Jiaosheng's boxing is another extremely advanced boxing technique, the technique of exerting internal energy."

"It's called... ripples and overlapping waves."

Can you become a substitute with your ripples? Qiao Mu rubbed his hands expectantly.

With his immortal body and immortality, coupled with the ability of a substitute, he is invincible!

"The ripples and wave energy are to emit multiple internal energies, allowing the internal energy to stack up like water waves, getting higher and higher, and then exerting power beyond the limit."

"In the past, I, the leader of the Qiao family, was the only one in the Qiao family who had mastered the power of ripples and waves to the level of [Triple Waves]. When the triple power exploded, it was extremely powerful...


"Take it, this is my last secret book. Ripple Overlapping Wave Power is extremely difficult and obscure. Although there is only one secret book, you can study it for several lifetimes." She handed this secret book to Qiao Mu said sincerely:

"And my exchange condition is... stop, you leave Yancheng as soon as possible, and don't fight with the city lord again, otherwise you will only die."

"What you said makes sense." Qiao Mu was greatly moved:

"That's it for now, let's eat some noodles first."

He took the secret book in one hand, lowered his head to sip the noodles, and completely ignored Qiao Canxue's long speech.

He had already made his decision.

She has her own path to immortality, but Qiao Mu also has her own path.

Reckless way!

No one can stop a reckless man from seeking his own death!

After eating the noodles, night gradually fell, and Qiao Canxue left.

Time was running out, and the parting between the two parties was silent.

As for how the blind girl leaves, there is no need for Qiao Mu to worry about it. He is not a nanny. People who are blind and can still walk in this troubled world have their own way of survival.

What Qiao Mu wants to care about is how he will die tomorrow.

Walking back from the street to the alley, many pedestrians looked sideways and pointed at the trees with a bit of pity in their eyes.

Obviously, Lao Huang and others have been quite effective in spreading the news.

This Yancheng is not big, and the gossips of the seven aunts and eight women can be spread from the beginning of the city to the end of the city in one day.

Especially rumors related to important figures like the city lord Guo family.

"The people's support is with me, so I have no choice but to die." Qiao Mu bought an exquisite urn at a funeral shop and planned to make an exquisite dead ghost.

Whenever others look at her with pity, Qiao Mu will also express sadness at the right time.

He is gradually getting into the act.

The martial artist with keen senses did not see through Qiao Mu, but he was seen through by Qiao Canxue. This is also a reminder.

From now on, try to be a character monster.

Back in the alley, Qiao Mu did not enter the empty house, but randomly chose another empty house next to it.

The consciousness sank into his heart, and the Ouroboros longevity lock glowed faintly.

The so-called longevity lock is a lock-shaped ornament that parents hang on their children's necks. Its meaning is to ward off evil spirits and disasters, and to lock up life. The longevity locks usually have words like "long life" and "long life rich" written on them. Congratulations like that.

As for Qiao Mu's longevity lock, which says "immortality" on it, it can indeed lock his life.

Even if he dies in battle, he can be resurrected and come back, and his martial arts cultivation can even be improved.

At this moment, the five chains under the ancient lock in his mind rapidly expanded, extending from the inside to the outside of Qiao Mu's heart, and the five illusory chains were fixed in the surrounding void.

"The resurrection point is complete."

During the long night, Qiao Mu burned his body and let himself use the remaining heat. He took the two secret books in his hands and read them with the help of the firelight.

Not surprisingly, "Ripples Overlapping Waves" is as obscure as a heavenly book and I can't understand it at all, but "Iron Cloth Shirt" can be understood, but it takes time to practice, and it will never be possible to master it overnight.

Before I knew it, the sky outside the window turned pale, and it was already the next day.

"It's time to send me to the funeral." Qiao Mu picked up the urn and prepared for the funeral.

Chapter 34 Spring Breeze Blows Again

In the morning, the sky is slightly white.

A swordsman in green clothes walked into a restaurant with hazy sleepy eyes.

The green-robed swordsman was about in his early thirties, with disheveled hair and a messy stubble on his chin, looking a bit unkempt.

It's just that he has such a good skin, even though he is slovenly, he doesn't look slovenly, but has a decadent handsomeness.

"How can a broken mirror be reunited..."

He muttered lowly and walked into a restaurant.

Ever since they met the city lord's son on the long street in the inner city that day, the couple broke up.

He was originally a traveler from other places, but he didn't leave Yancheng after what happened. He just drank to drown his sorrows every day, and the days passed before he knew it.

"Warm a pot of wine and get a pound of beef..." As Jiang Chen spoke, he reached into his arms to fumble for the money bag, then paused slightly and changed his words:

"No more beef, let's have a glass of wine first."

"But you don't have enough money for this bottle of wine." The waiter spread his hands.

"No money?" Jiang Chen opened his sleepy eyes, a little confused, and then his eyes fell on the sword at his waist.

"What do I need this three-foot green blade for?"

He was about to go to the other side of the street to pawn the sword. As soon as he walked out the door, he saw a figure in the distance, and his sleepy eyes suddenly opened.

He saw Qiao Mu walking towards the outside of the city with a spear on his back and an urn in his hand.

It's not just him, there are many pedestrians on both sides of the street looking at this man's figure, occasionally whispering a few words, and their expressions are quite pitiful.

"Is it the original Qiaomu benefactor? No, this one is obviously older? Could it be his elder brother?"

Jiang Chen grabbed a few pedestrians who were discussing on the street and asked a few questions. Then his eyes suddenly widened and he was no longer sleepy at all.

"Qiao Mu is dead?"

Although he thanked Qiao Mu that day, because he was in a very bad mood, he simply thanked him and left quickly. However, he did not expect that when he heard the news about Qiao Mu again, it was the news of his death.

"Is there any more Wang Fa?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Wang Fa? Don't forget that Yancheng's surname is Guo."

"Don't talk nonsense. Don't let it be heard. Don't forget that the righteous soldier Qiao Mu was so brave and died."

Listening to this discussion, Jiang Chen couldn't help but put his hand on the sword on his waist, feeling a sense of injustice in his chest.

"My former benefactor Qiao Mu stood up for me, but he lost his own life. How could I survive..." He held the sword in his hand and walked faster and faster, heading straight to the city lord's palace.

But when he arrived at the door of the city lord's mansion and saw the guarding sergeant, he hesitated again.

"Oh." He sighed and finally turned around and left.

In and around Yancheng, in these troubled times, there are many people with grievances, but there have always been only a few who dare to draw their swords...

On both sides of the street, gazes followed the figure of Qiao Mu, who was carrying a spear on his back and an urn in his hand, as he left the city and gradually walked away.


Qiao Mu left the city and walked alone on the mountain road.

On the cliff beside the road, the old man in gray clothes slowly put on a pair of silver gloves on his hands and looked at him coldly.

The last time they fought was at Qiao Canxue's house in the deep lane. At that time, the old man in gray clothes had the upper hand against Qiao Mu's spear with just a pair of fleshy palms.

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