Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 39 Sixth Level Peak!

Chen Feng gathered his energy and concentrated his attention. After a long time, a white object suddenly stabbed out of his hand.

The white object in his hand was about two feet long, completely white, thick at the bottom and thin at the top, slightly curved, and looked like the teeth of some large animal.

This is the fang of the black blood snake.

In addition to the snake skin, Chen Feng also brought back three things, all produced by the black blood snake.

Snake gallbladder, crystal core, and the longest and sharpest pair of fangs in the black blood snake's mouth.

This pair of fangs is extremely strong, tougher than fine iron, and the tips are extremely sharp. Chen Feng originally wanted to bring it as a material and sell it, but now he has no weapon in his hand, so he just used this as a sword.

His sword thrust out extremely fast.

The blade and tip of the sword drew a wonderful arc in the air. The speed was so fast that the true energy cut through the air and condensed into white lines in the air without enough time to dissipate. Instead, it roughly condensed into the shape of a flower petal.

Of course, this petal is very different and rough, like a naughty child's graffiti.

In other words, you can roughly see the outline of a petal, but there are no details at all.

Chen Feng was overjoyed.

The falling flowers condensed by Yu Luofei's sword technique are extremely complicated. Each flower has ninety-nine and eighty-one petals, which are gorgeous and complicated, layered on top of each other.

Now that I can roughly condense into a petal, although my level is still very low, it at least proves that I am walking on the right path.

Of course, there is still a long way to go, after all, I can't even condense a realistic petal now.

Chen Feng practiced over and over again, tensing his muscles and concentrating on it.

He didn't know how many times he had practiced it, but when night fell, he was finally able to congeal a petal that was seventy percent similar to a real petal.

Three days later, Chen Feng was finally able to perfectly condense a petal.

The lines and veins on the petals are the same as real petals. It looks like a real flower. But it is different from all other words and is unique in the world.

The corners of Chen Feng's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a faint smile.

He breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head and whispered softly: "See, I'm always moving forward."

It seems that I am telling myself.

In the next half month, Chen Feng practiced the Yuluofeihua Sword Technique every day during the day, and practiced the Bedoro Ye Golden Sutra at night to improve and consolidate his realm.

His acquired sixth-level peak realm has been completely stabilized.

He did not take the Guyuan Pill. He thought that he was about to enter the seventh level of the day after tomorrow. It would be worthwhile to wait until he reached the seventh level of the day after tomorrow to stabilize his state.

The path to spiritual practice becomes more difficult the higher you go.

Chen Feng could break through in a few days before, but that was because his level was too low at the time. Now that the strength is higher and the realm is higher, it is more difficult to improve.

Chen Feng knew that after he broke through to the acquired seventh level, he might stay at the acquired seventh level for a long time.

At that time, it is necessary to stabilize the state.

Another half month has passed, and it has been more than a month since Chen Feng came here.

There is still less than half a month until the external sect competition.

After half a month of hard training, Chen Feng's body is so full of true energy that he is ready to move every day and may break through to the acquired seventh level at any time!

Chen Feng knew that he should have a breakthrough.

The endless downpour seemed to cover the entire Aomori Mountains.

Rainwater gathers on the ground to form countless rivers.

Mountain streams surged, roaring and rushing through the valleys.

This heavy rain in midsummer came suddenly and fiercely.

It was raining continuously outside. In a secret cave, Chen Feng sat cross-legged with calm eyes.

Compared to a few months ago when he was unable to practice, his whole person seemed to be completely transformed.

His face turned from yellow and dry to fair and shiny, his figure was thin but full of strength, and his long hair was as long as ink, flowing down to his waist.

Although he is still young, he is already very handsome.

Next to him, several large silver-gray cocoons were placed on the ground, bulging one after another, containing surging power.

These are those little wolf cubs. They have been sleeping until now after eating all the black blood snake meat.

He formed a seal with his hands, and what he held in his hands was the demonic beast crystal core of the black blood snake.

That's right, today, Chen Feng wants to absorb the power contained in the black blood snake crystal core.

All monsters have crystal nuclei. The crystal core is the essence of the monster beast. Fifty percent of the monster's power is contained in the crystal core.

The remaining ones are among the flesh and fur.

The palm-sized black-blooded snake magic crystal is emerald green, indicating that the black-blooded snake is a wood-attribute monster.

At this time, visible to the naked eye, wisps of emerald green light were being extracted from the crystal core and entering Chen Feng's body.

Touches of green followed his palms to his arms, then entered his meridians and Dantian.

Chen Feng was filled with joy at this time.

The black blood snake crystal core contains a huge amount of life essence, and the spiritual energy inside is extremely pure and huge, even far exceeding that of mid-grade spiritual stones.

After the wood-attribute Qi enters the body, it brings a slight sense of coolness and comfort.

Chen Feng secretly estimated that according to this progress, he would not only be able to fully enter the seventh level of the acquired world, but also be able to improve a little further.

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