The sleepiness came a little bit, and Ruan Nan finally gave up the struggle and fell asleep in Qin Juan's arms obediently.


Qin Juan's biological clock woke up at six o'clock on time, but because he slept too late yesterday, it was delayed by an hour today.

In the morning, I opened my eyes in a daze, the unfamiliar environment fell in my eyes, and I felt in my arms, Qin actually almost exploded in his mind in an instant, the first thought that popped up in his mind was "The tender model has not left? She is Didn't you do something to be sorry to Ruan Nan?"

Qin unexpectedly pulled out his arms in a reversal manner, sat on the chair and reacted for two seconds, and was instantly relieved after seeing Ruan Nan who was still huddled and sleeping beside him.

No, why didn't she remember when she climbed Ruan Nan's bed?

The decoration and arrangement of the two bedrooms are almost identical. Qin actually flipped his hair and saw that there was no cat lamp on his head. Only then did he realize that it was Ruan Nan who climbed onto his bed?

Qin actually relaxed completely, stretched out his hand and glanced at his watch, the light-blocking ability of Ruan Nan's bedroom curtains was very strong, and almost no light came in until now. Qin actually looked at the sleeping girl, hooked the corner of his mouth lightly, lay down, stretched out his hand and put the quilt over the two of them again.

Qin actually closed his eyes and pretended to put his arms on Ruan Nan in his sleep.

very soft.

Didn't wake up.

She moved her body forward again, her whole body was almost wrapped in her arms, warm and still awake.

Little lazy cat.

A lazy cat that can crawl.

Qin actually smiled more deeply. Ruan Nan may have been hugged a little warmly by her, and his face gradually turned red, and his brows were slightly wrinkled. His smoky gray curls were laid quietly on one side, and his sleeping face was peaceful and beautiful.

The left cheek was kissed, and the right cheek was also kissed.

Qin actually thought about it for a while, and finally dropped a light kiss on Ruan Nan's shoulder, hugged her a little harder, and then picked up the phone and put it down.

Ruan Nan didn't know how long he had slept, but when he woke up, he was covered with Qin Juan's big quilt. The people around him had already left, and the pillow next to him was deliberately smoothed.

Ruan Nan hurriedly put on his shoes and got out of the room. No one was seen in the whole house. The empty house was tidied up very cleanly, and there was a note on the coffee table:

Breakfast is in the kitchen. The milk is in the microwave, so you can warm it up while you wash it.

Ruan Nan took the note and looked at the seemingly empty space that didn't seem like someone had been there. He lowered his eyes and walked slowly to the bathroom.


The mid-term exams were held as scheduled, and there were three courses for two consecutive days. Qin actually felt that many of the classmates had met for the first time, and she couldn't even name her when they passed by to say hello.

Huáng Ying's grades are also good, this semester has been hovering on the edge of scholarship, so I am very nervous about this exam. The first exam started at 9:00 in the morning, and she was still carrying the book on her back on the way to the exam room at 8:30.

After all, it was the first exam in this world, so Qin was actually a little nervous, plus Huáng Ying was chanting the scriptures next to him, Qin actually felt a little irritable.

The two got on the elevator, and the examination room was not allowed to enter for the time being. Qin actually leaned against the window and scanned the crowd, but Ruan Nan hadn't come yet.

When a girl saw that Qin was actually here, she hurriedly asked a question. Qin actually didn't have any airs, and when he saw that he was meeting, he told her about it incidentally.

This question is not easy. It took about ten minutes to talk about it. During the examination room, the door was already open. Huáng Ying said she helped her occupy a seat and went in first.

Qin actually finished the topic, and there was no one around. The girl exaggeratedly thanked him. Qin actually smiled politely. As soon as he put away the pen and paper and looked up, he saw Ruan Nan and Lin Wei walking this way.

Lin Wei wore an exaggerated famous brand, Ruan Nan wore a plaid trench coat, and neither of them had backpacks, as if they were just here for the catwalk.

Lin Wei greeted Qin unexpectedly: "Hey, what about Xueba's topic? How do you charge today, can you give me a discount?"

Qin actually replied to him: "I can give you a discount on your legs."


Lin Wei entered the classroom angrily, and Ruan Nan glanced at Qin Jian: "Is something wrong?" Since Qin Jian left her house silently that day, she has never contacted her.

Although only three days have passed.

"Are you nervous?" Qin asked unexpectedly.

There are only ten minutes left before the exam. Any large-scale exam has an unwritten rule of entering the classroom in advance. There are fewer and fewer students in the corridor. The invigilator of the next class is already coughing upstairs with a thermos cup.

Ruan Nan shook his head indifferently: "Don't be nervous."

"I'm nervous." Qin Juan's voice came from behind.


Ruan Nan wondered if he had heard it wrong, and turned to look at her as if he was joking.

"What are you nervous about? Are you afraid you can't exceed the second place by one grade point?"

Everyone knows what a grade point means in college, but Qin actually smiled and continued: "I'm afraid I won't be able to get a good grade in the test."

She was leaning against the window, her whole body was a little thin due to the light and shadow, and her eyes and voice showed the usual look when she was serious.

Ruan Nan was a little unclear, so he looked at no one around, and leaned closer to her and said, "No."

"Why not?" Qin raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

Ruan Nan was stunned for a moment, as if he had never thought about this question, he frowned slightly, and gave a positive answer: "Because

You are Qin actually. "

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