Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 48 It turns out that the war can still be fought like this

——The reason why Jiangdong must be defeated is actually Guan Yu?

Guan Lin's words made Guan Yu startled.

You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately.

Guan Yu is proud and conceited, but he is not so conceited that he would take it for granted that just by being in Jingzhou, he would be able to influence the situation on the battlefield in Hefei.

——"Guan Lin, this kid, has completely let himself go, right?" 』

Ma Liang, on the other hand, listened very carefully and followed Guan Lin's words and asked.

"The offensive and defensive sides in the First Battle of Hefei were Sun Quan and Zhang Liao, and it was a game between Soochow and Cao Jun. How can Yunqi say that the reason for Jiangdong's defeat is Guan Gong? What does this have to do with it?"

As he spoke, Ma Liang frowned slightly, looking like he was willing to hear advice.

Guan Lin smiled faintly and said with emotion: "Because Zhang Wenyuan, who is stationed in Hefei, is my father's close disciple!"

"What nonsense!"

Hearing this, Guan Yu couldn't hold himself back any longer. With a "bang" sound, he stood up from the table and said, "Wen Yuan and I are gentlemen, and each has his own master. When did my father teach him his skills? How did he ever?" Have you been a closed disciple of someone again?"

Seeing Guan Yu's anger, Ma Liang quickly advised: "Guan Gong, you might as well listen to Mr. Yun Qi's words."

Ma Liang adjusted the atmosphere here in a timely manner and tried his best to ease the tense relationship between father and son.

The top priority is the overall situation.

Sure enough, Ma Liang's words had an effect.

Guan Yu turned his back and said nothing.

Guan Lin blinked and continued: "Whether my father admits it or not, Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan are indeed his disciples. Of course, this starts from the Baima battlefield before the Battle of Guandu."

It turned out that on the eve of the Battle of Guandu, Yuan Shao sent general Yan Liang to besiege Baima.

The original plan was that Yan Liang would be the vanguard, and Yuan Shao's army would rush to support him, using the "white horse" as a breakthrough to severely damage Cao Cao.

When there was no room for improvement, Cao Cao adopted Xun You's strategy of "making a sound in the east and attacking in the west".

The troops stationed in "Yanjin" pretended to cross the river to attack Yuan Shao's rear, and successfully tricked Yuan Shao into dividing his troops in Yanjin to fight. Yan Liang of "White Horse" became a lone army for a while.

After that, Cao Cao sent Qingqi again from Yanjin to surprise the "White Horse" Yan Liangbu, creating a perfect time difference.

Of course, the battle plan is formulated in this way, but it will be more difficult to implement.

Cao Cao must send a group of light cavalry to defeat Yan Liang's tribe besieging the "White Horse" with "thundering force".

The time must be accurate to the millimeter.

Otherwise, once Yuan Jun comes to his senses, military support will arrive.

Then Cao Cao's 'Qingqi' became a "lone army" and fell into a dilemma. The final result must be complete destruction!

Guan Lin explained the general background of the "White Horse" battle, and then changed the subject.

"Lifting the siege of Baima is an extremely arduous task. In addition, Yan Liang is a general in Hebei, and his soldiers and horses are all the best in Yuan's army. It is simply an impossible task to defeat them like wind and autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. ."

"But by chance, one person completed this task, and that was my father who was in Cao Ying. He not only solved the siege of Baima, but even the Hebei general Yan Liang was chopped down by his father's sword."


Hearing this, Guan Yu blinked his eyes, a little surprised.

It's not that he couldn't believe the battle he once "made famous", but Guan Yu felt something was wrong?

——Is this kid praising him?

One person's feelings for another person are often deeply ingrained and difficult to change.

Guan Yu's feeling towards Guan Lin was that he was a "treasonous son" sent by the world to oppose him.

According to this feeling, Guan Lin's words are probably "a dog's mouth cannot spit out ivory".

But... now, this boy is praising Guan Yu, which makes Guan Yu surprised and incredible.

Ma Liang also chirped.

I muttered in my heart - "Isn't this good? It seems that Mr. Yun Qi admires Guan Gong from the bottom of his heart!" 』

As soon as this idea appeared, Guan Lin's conversation started to go wrong.

"Of course, there may be some reasons why my father was able to kill Yan Liang that are not suitable for outsiders. For example, wasn't my uncle still in Yuan Ying at that time?"

"Perhaps my uncle had told Yan Liang a long time ago to pay attention to my father on the battlefield, even because of my father's cuckold, long beard, and red face. Yan Liang recognized his father at a glance. The enemy general was one of his own. Yan Liang Naturally, I thought I was safe and put away the knife!"

"I was about to say, 'Uncle asked him to come find his father,' but my father didn't respect martial ethics and just chopped him down with a knife. Of course... Whether my father respects martial ethics or not, it doesn't matter in this matter!"


Guan Lin's words made Ma Liang and Guan Yu speechless at the same time.

They realized that they were very foolish and naive.

It's easy to change a country's nature, but it's hard to change one's nature. How can a "rebellious son" praise his father? This is completely contrary to the image of the treacherous son.


Guan Yu thought "haha" in his heart. This time he didn't feel angry at all, and the fire in his chest didn't even ignite at all.

got used to!

Guan Yu actually got used to being "passive".

Of course, Guan Lin's words always don't sound good, especially the last sentence - it doesn't matter whether Guan Yu talks about martial ethics.

Your uncle's!

Such words were tantamount to a great shame and humiliation for the martial artist Guan Gong.

"Given the overall situation, I will endure it, I will endure it!" 』

Guan Yu thought silently in his heart...

Ma Liang quickly opened his mouth and asked, "What Mr. Yunqi said was just the 'White Horse Battlefield' before the Battle of Guandu. What does this have to do with the Hefei Battlefield? What does it have to do with whether Zhang Liao is a disciple of Guan Gong?"

"This is so relevant!" Guan Lin continued: "I'm afraid Uncle Ma Liang doesn't know that when my father beheaded Yan Liang on a white horse, his lieutenants were Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan!"

"When my father beheaded Yan Liang, Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan were the closest to my father."

"Perhaps at that moment, when he saw my father single-handedly beheading an enemy general in the midst of thousands of troops, the enemy army became frightened and tens of thousands of troops were unable to resist, waiting to be killed and reduced to withered bones in the grave!"

——"He Zhang Wenyuan was already exclaiming, 'So the battle can still be fought like this'!"

Yangzhou, Huainan County, Hefei City.

The atmosphere in the main hall of the official office here was extremely tense.

One of the five good generals in Cao Jun's camp, the 48-year-old Zhang Liao was wearing armor and sitting majestically on the main seat. Le Jin and Li Dian sat aside.

A scout was standing in the middle, reporting the latest information.

——"Report to the three generals and get accurate information."

——"Three days later, Sun Quan, the leader of the Eastern Wu Kingdom, personally commanded an army of 100,000 people, with Gan Ning and Ling Tong as the vanguard, and hundreds of troops including Lu Meng, Chen Wu, Pan Zhang, Song Qian, Xu Sheng, Ding Feng, Jiang Qin, and He Qi. We will go out with the army and march north to invade Hefei!"

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