Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 680 This Jiang Wei and Jiang Boyue, I have been waiting for him

Chapter 680 This Jiang Wei and Jiang Boyue, I have been waiting for him——

Take one person in front of you and walk through the unknown road.

Fortunately, all the explosives in Hanoi City have been detonated.

However, I don't know whether it was because of Qianzhao's courage or the instinct of the Wei soldiers' desire to survive. Gradually, more and more people followed Qianzhao and walked toward the city gate.

It seems that every Wei soldier has only one thing most urgent in his heart:

That is to leave here, leave this Shura field, leave this place where the eternal nightmare exists.

Fortunately, there were always friendly voices shouting outside the city gate. The shouts such as "Cao Zhang, Cao Zhang", "Mr. Zhang", "General Zhang"... seemed to be guiding them on the way forward——

This makes them feel that they are not alone.

Finally, they arrived at the west city gate. The city gate, which was originally as majestic as a giant beast, was now reduced to ruins by the explosion, with broken walls everywhere.

At this moment, the leaders became more cautious. After all, they heard from the surviving soldiers of the Wei army that last night... the explosion at the city gate was the most intense, and it was also the one that caused the most tragic losses to the Wei army.

As lucky as ever, it seemed that all the explosions that should have been made had been made, and Qianzhao successfully passed through the city gate.

What appears in front of you is the wide land in front of the city, and the friendly troops and comrades on the opposite side who are shouting loudly!

——"Is this an escape from heaven?" 』

At this moment, tears welled up in Qianzhao's eyes. This feeling of surviving the disaster was so lucky.

It seemed that more Wei soldiers were extremely excited because they finally walked out of the damn city gate.

From the moment they stepped out of the city gate, they all ran outside like wild horses...

The same is true for Cao Zhang. He can't wait to escape from here as soon as possible and escape from this disaster place.

Speaking of which, his life is really good!

Fortunately, he didn't walk or run ahead.

Because when the Wei troops in the front row were running towards the outside of the city, Tian Yu on the opposite side immediately realized that something was wrong. He quickly led the soldiers and shouted loudly, "Don't come over, go back...go back -"

Inexplicably, this cry is somewhat similar to the words from the messenger from Hulao Pass last night - "Run!" General, run! 』

It's just that it's too late...


When the ankles of these Wei soldiers touched a certain structure, to be precise, they touched the pressure fuse of the explosive package, which caused the saltpeter and white phosphorus inside the explosive package to come into contact and rub against each other...

This friction can easily raise the temperature of the enclosed space...

The ignition point of white phosphorus is only 40 degrees. When the temperature generated by friction stirs up the first spark inside the explosive package, the explosive will be detonated——



The familiar, scheduled, deafening explosion is right under your feet, that eternal terrifying nightmare, it... it... it's back again.

The fire instantly tore through Wei Jun's armor and illuminated their frightened faces.

The ground shook violently, as if it was going to swallow them up. The shock wave of the explosion knocked some soldiers to the ground, and dust and gravel flew everywhere.

The first wave of Wei soldiers had been blown into the sky and fell heavily to the ground.

Those who were lucky enough not to step on the explosives struggled to get up, panicking and scurrying around instinctively.

But the goddess of luck will not visit again and again, and they finally stepped on those machines...

Then, a series of explosions sounded one after another, and each explosion seemed to announce the arrival of death.

Fire, smoke, and debris intertwined together, it was simply a horrific scene of doomsday.

Until, all the soldiers of the Wei army who tried to escape from Hanoi City fell to the ground one by one, bloody and dark, and their death was extremely tragic.

And this... is Guan Lin's most solemn welcome and intimidation to these Wei's knights!

"Oh my god——"

"Who can save us——"

"No more fighting, I want to go home, I want to go home -"

The figures of the Wei soldiers were crumbling in the firelight after the explosion. Their formation was completely disrupted, and panic and despair enveloped everyone's hearts.

At this moment, the remaining fighting spirit was completely lost. At this moment, they just wanted to go home, and they just wanted to go home to find their mother——

(Ps: It is mentioned in "Guangya·Shiqin" that "Mom, mother." This shows that the word "Mom" has already appeared in the Three Kingdoms era, and corresponds to the word "Dad".)

"Again... again?" Qianzhao murmured, looking at the endless flat land outside the city where he could not break through, but his tone was extremely nervous and stumbling.

"Is the escape route also blocked?" Yan Rou swallowed her saliva subconsciously, his eyes full of horror!

He has endured humiliation and responsibilities in Wuhuan since he was a child, hiding his courage and hiding his courage... In the decades since he has been in the army, he has never been as frightened as he is now!

Not only the Wei soldiers, but now... even the Wei generals are completely confused and have completely lost their fighting spirit.

"Alas..." Tian Yu, who was opposite him, clenched his fist sadly and bit his lip with his teeth.

Still couldn't stop it!

But this also illustrates how brutal the scene is in the city.

"This...such a good fight, did it end like this!"

Tian Yu couldn't help but grit his teeth. At this moment, even someone as tough as him... couldn't hold back anymore, couldn't hold it anymore——

The tears of dissatisfaction poured out from the corners of my eyes!

After the explosion, there was only a mess left inside and outside the city.

The broken limbs, broken weapons and armor scattered on the ground silently told the tragedy of this disaster.

The surviving Wei soldiers, covered with scars and exhaustion, huddled under the city gate, looking with difficulty at the hopeless, impassable plain in front of them.

Likewise, this is also a deadly silent battlefield——

"General, we can't go back..."

"General, how about...surrender!"

"Yes, general, there is no need for the Han army to take action. Just these invisible and intangible enemies, we will... just..."

A series of sad and heart-wrenching voices kept coming out.

Cao Zhang was dull, looking at the dead battlefield with a solemn expression.

Tian Yu and his soldiers and horses were two hundred steps away, but these two hundred steps seemed to be a pain that these Wei soldiers could never overcome.

"Don't come over here...Those things buried deep in the ground will explode with astonishing power...Mr. Zhang, don't come over here...don't come over here..."

Tian Yu shouted almost in tears.

"Mr. Zhang, there is nothing we can do now!" Yan Rou also looked at Cao Zhang. He had collapsed and couldn't think of any countermeasures.

Qianzhao seemed to have thought of something. He opened his mouth, but immediately closed it and swallowed everything he wanted to say.

His expression also became more bitter, as if he was thinking of something terrible.

Cao Zhang was also desperate.

Others can surrender, but as the son of King Wei and the man who will compete for the throne of Wei in the future, how can he surrender?


Cao Zhang suddenly thought of something. His eyes suddenly changed from dull and desperate, and a green light suddenly appeared in his round eyes.

"This general knows what to do!"

Cao Zhang's hoarse voice groaned, and his eyes widened to the extreme, "We can't stay here. Staying here will sooner or later lead to death... We must break out-"

"But, to break out of the encirclement! This perimeter will explode as soon as you step on it, how to break out of the encirclement?" Yan Rou asked in a raised voice, puzzled.

"Haha..." Cao Zhang smiled. He turned around and looked around at his soldiers, and then back at the hopeless plain in front of him. He pointed to the place where the explosion had just occurred and said: "A place will only explode once, and it will only explode once." It will hurt a lot of people!”


Cao Zhang blurted out these words, and Yan Rou realized what he was thinking in an instant.

Looking back at Qianzhao, he gritted his teeth and murmured: "Sure enough... Master Zhang would do this -"

Just as Yan Rou guessed, and just as Qian Zhao thought.

Cao Zhang has already issued an order, "All the soldiers of the Wei army, as long as they are alive, will be turned into a team of ten, and the order will be drawn... walk through the road in front of you in turn! If a soldier in the front is bombed, the team in the rear will make up for it, and all my soldiers will be formed Supervise the battle team. If any soldiers hesitate to move forward or are afraid to move forward, kill them on the spot——"



Although Yan Rou and Qianzhao had guessed it and were mentally prepared, the moment Cao Zhang's words came out, they still felt a sudden tremor in their hearts.

Apart from them, all the Wei soldiers were even more shocked.

How could they not understand that what Cao Zhang meant... was to use the flesh and blood of the soldiers to survive the explosions again and again, and to use the blood of his comrades to build an absolutely safe road to survive.

Indeed, this may be the only way to escape today.

But...but this is too cruel!

You know, if the enemy is so cruel, they can still understand. After all, the battlefield is a place where life and death are fought, and this is never a place of mercy.

But friendly forces...but our own people, but our own generals are so cruel to their subordinates, then...that...a question from the depths of the soul inevitably arises.

——What is the meaning of their war? Who are they fighting for?


At this moment, all the Wei soldiers were shaken.

But their wavering will not change Cao Zhang's mind. Cao Zhang has never been a young man who can listen to opinions. He has always been stubborn.

"What are you all doing standing still?"

"General Zhao, divide all the soldiers of the Wei army into groups according to the number of soldiers. General Yan Rou... prepare to draw lots immediately..."

It seemed that the entire Wei army still did not take action.

Cao Zhang raised his voice again, "What? In this city of Hanoi? Isn't my general's words useless at all? The personal guards on the left and right will supervise the battle immediately. Anyone who delays the military order does not need to report, he will be asked and executed directly -"

It seemed because his words were too shocking, and it seemed because it all happened so fast that even the so-called "supervision team" in Cao Zhang's mouth had not yet reacted.

But Cao Zhang's sword had already been drawn out, and with a "swish" sound, it went directly into the chest of the guard leader beside him.

This sudden scene shocked everyone again.


At this time, the other guards around him all handed over.

Cao Zhang was not busy pulling out his sword, but pointed his finger at the deputy of the leader of the personal guard, "From now on, you are the leader of this general. You will supervise the battle immediately, otherwise..."

The moment the words "otherwise" were uttered, Cao Zhang stared at the former guard leader who slowly fell to the ground, dying in panic...

With the sound of "dong, dong", the guard leader immediately fell to the ground.

The hearts of all the Wei soldiers trembled.


The newly promoted leader of the personal guards dared to hesitate. He immediately shouted, and then pulled out his sword with a "swish". He shouted loudly to everyone around him: "Didn't you hear what the general said? Draw lots immediately and walk through this ghost." In this place, if anyone hesitates again, he will be killed immediately regardless of the reason. The whole Zhulian clan——"


Under this huge threat, every Wei soldier felt infinite despair. They stood up, they lined up, they drew lots, and they walked with infinite sorrow towards the Shura field where many people were destined to die.

The expected story happened as expected——


"Boom boom——"

There were constant sounds of explosions, and soldiers of the Wei army continued to die. Because of the presence of the supervising team, those behind had to step up.

Of course, there are also those who dare not step forward because of fear. Their end is to be mercilessly killed by the supervising team.

At this time, it is a matter of life and death, and military orders are paramount——


Don't look at these war supervisors holding sabers in their hands. They can lift and lower their swords with ease...

But every time they swung the sword, tears filled their eyes. How could they be willing to...slash their own comrades with the sword?

In the front, those Wei soldiers who were destined to die, their tears were like fountains.

"Mom, the baby is gone——"

"Jizhou Giant Deer Zhang Ergou has gone -"

"Li San from Zhuo County in Youzhou will never be a Wei soldier in the next life——"



One after another...

Those Wei soldiers who were destined to die died extremely tragically one by one. The bodies exploded high and the bodies broke. Suddenly, it seemed that a scene was constructed here that was ten times more terrifying than the explosion in Hanoi City last night. picture scroll.

And every Wei soldier in this picture is walking with heavy steps, but his heart is completely cold!

"What is Cao Zhang doing? Is he crazy?"

Because there were only two hundred steps, Tian Yu on the opposite side could see clearly... their general Cao Zhang was forcing his soldiers to die!

Tian Yu had never seen such a scene, nor had he seen such a general.

In fact, disasters and desperate situations... just release a person's "evil" to the maximum!

"Mr. Tian, ​​when the King of Wei was in a desperate situation without food, didn't he also plan to kill the food inspector... to calm the resentment among the army and gain the opportunity to defeat Yuan Shu?"

A counselor beside him advised Tian Yu...

The implication is that at that time, Cao Cao could "take care of your wife, and I will take care of her." Now, in order to survive and to protect tens of thousands of Wei soldiers, it is understandable for Cao Zhang to die some people.

"This is different!" Tian Yu glared at the counselor angrily, "Your wife, I will raise her, hum...The King of Wei raised not your wife, of course you can say such sarcastic words, but now...Cao Zhang...he let his subordinates The soldiers died! Even if they were not killed by the explosion, what would the soldiers think in the future? Who else would be loyal to such a general?"

Tian Yu just yelled here...

"Definitely -"

Only the neighing of a horse was heard. It turned out that a road full of bombs was broken through by Wei soldiers with their lives.

On the other hand, Cao Zhang got a horse from nowhere. When he saw that the road ahead was clear, he didn't even stop for a moment to command and comfort the soldiers. Instead, he quickly reined up the horse... and escaped in one stroke. This Shura field.

Of course, this scene is actually nothing to all the Wei soldiers.

Because they no longer have hope for this so-called general report, there is no disappointment.

"Mr. Zhang..."

Seeing Cao Zhang coming on horseback, Tian Yu was about to stop him and ask, but he never thought that Cao Zhang simply ignored him and galloped past him.

It seems that he doesn't want to stay in this place for a moment, and he can't stay for a moment anymore——

"Alas... alas——"

Seeing Cao Zhang leave, Tian Yu could only sigh with great sadness and anger. At this moment, he was not shaken, he was completely disappointed in Wei!

Such a great Wei deserves to encounter such a natural chasm——

Luoyang City official office, a study room.

Guan Lin knelt on the main seat, and Guan Yinping knelt on the opposite side, talking about the situation in Hulao.

"I originally thought that Zhang Liao was very courageous, but I never thought that after just one explosion, he retreated thirty miles without any thought of attacking... Just now, he retreated another thirty miles and retreated directly. When we arrived at Suanzao County in Chenliu County...the city gates were tightly closed, as if we were facing a formidable enemy."

When Guan Yinping said this, Guan Lin pondered lightly, "Is this Suanzao County? That was the place where the Eighteenth Princes met to make an alliance when they challenged Dong. At that time, our father, our uncle, and our third uncle also came, but...nothing We have no city, so we have been humiliated!"

Guan Yinping heard that the princes were begging Dong and immediately became curious, "Is that where our father warmed the wine and killed Hua Xiong?"

Guan Lin waved his hand, "I don't know if our father killed Hua Xiong. Some people even say that it was Sun Jian who killed Hua Xiong... Some people even say that there is no such thing as a three-hero battle under Hulao Pass. Lu Bu!"

Having said this, Guan Lin paused and continued to explain: "Third sister, in fact, many times, we can't just look at things on the surface, and we can't just listen to rumors... Sometimes, the situation forces us to support some people. Some stories need to be described...Many of the things we hear are arranged by others and are what others want us to hear!”

Guan Yinping nodded in understanding...

She seemed to have thought of something else, "I heard that Cao Zhang escaped from Hanoi City today, and even used a small number of soldiers to die, and easily destroyed his brother's explosive array... This is not good news! Not to mention, the explosive array There are only so many of them. If the Wei army is like this in the future, sending a small army to test the road before sending a large army to advance, then the effect of this explosive package will be greatly reduced. "

Faced with Guan Yinping's doubts.

Guan Lin explained in detail: "Third sister... you thought it was Cao Zhang who broke my explosive array. In fact, it was me who used an explosive array to completely break their military morale, fighting spirit, and public opinion against Wei... Don't worry, Cao Zhang has run away, but if people's hearts are broken, it will be difficult to lead the team!"


Guan Yin seemed to understand again, and she continued to ask, "I heard that Cao Zhen came with the Guanzhong Army. I heard that among them was a young general who rebelled against the Wei Dynasty. He was quite famous. He raised three soldiers in Tianshui alone. Thousands of soldiers, and they are all extremely powerful and should not be underestimated! Counting Cao Zhen's original troops, the total number should be no less than 50,000, plus Cao Zhang's 40,000 who fled back, so 90,000 soldiers... The morale of the army is shattered, but it’s still not easy to deal with! Fourth brother, don’t be careless!”

Following Guan Yinping's words.

Guan Lin couldn't help but smile, "Young general..." He chanted this sentence first, and then said with a smile: "The third sister is probably talking about Jiang Wei..."

Speaking of this, Guan Lin's voice became a little more serious and meticulous.

He even stood up on purpose, narrowed his eyes, looked out the window, and looked in the northwest direction...

Although the buildings were blocked by the buildings and the city walls were covering them, it seemed that Guan Lin could see through them and see the 30,000 invading sailors from Huanghuang, as well as their leader Jiang Wei and Jiang Boyue——

After pondering for a long time, Guan Lin finally blurted out: "Actually, this Jiang Wei and Jiang Boyue... I have been waiting for him -"

"There is another person like me who has been waiting for him——"

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