Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 697: The deposited manuscript has also been posted, right?

A huge explosion exploded from the surface of the giant Ark ship. The bright fire light illuminated the entire night sky, illuminating the belly of the surrounding Eldar spirit bone battleships. The same fire light also imprinted into the infinity. In the hanging window of the Frontier, Cole leaned on the armrest and looked out amid the rumbling explosions.

A brilliant fire lit up on the surface of the ark, and broken bones flew to the outside. Cole frowned in confusion, "What happened inside?"

Before he finished speaking, the folding fortune teller beside Cole rang violently, and it emitted a piercing alarm, "Cole!" Bell's voice yelled from behind, and Cole turned his head subconsciously, With his eyes wide open, he saw a bright teleportation light outside the window on the side of the bridge.

On the splendid cosmic background, those gorgeous stars merged in an instant. They twisted together, and accompanied by a dazzling lightning that lit up from the deep space, one after another, the portals opened. From those doors, a whole A Chaos fleet jumped out of it.

"Chaos? Why are they here?" Cole asked in surprise, and then he was shocked to see the bow of the Chaos warship leaping out. A dazzling light suddenly lit up. Cole turned around and roared. Order, "Raise the void shield immediately!"

Before he finished speaking, a bolt of lightning shot past the window, but the lightning did not hit the Infinite Frontier. Instead, it passed them by and hit an Eldar warship next to the side. The hull tore apart and exploded in the blink of an eye, and in the starry sky the Chaos Fleet lit up its thrusters and charged forward.

All the weapons on those purple battleships began to roar. Those battleships were the former imperial battleships. They chose to join Chaos for various reasons. The remaining ones made in subspace also looked the same as the imperial battleships. At this moment, it was as if a supporting imperial fleet entered the battlefield.

The macrocannon shells whizzed past the window, and the light spears lit up one by one, illuminating the entire night sky with a pale light. In front of Cole's eyes, the Eldar fleet was caught off guard, and their warships were caught off guard in a short time. Ship after ship exploded, and the proud Eldar shields twisted and deformed under the power of subspace.

"Contact Vito. No matter what he did, it's not appropriate to stay here for long. Let him get back immediately!" Cole yelled at Bell behind him. Needless to say, the latter had already started contacting the antenna of the communication array. Rising from the outside of the battleship, through the exploded outer shell of the Ark, it made contact with a friendly signal inside.

But when the communication array was turned on, what came out of it was not Vito's voice, but another voice, a woman's?

"Start the subspace engine, accelerate, and prepare to jump." The female voice said coldly, not like a conversation, but more like a simple command. Several people present were stunned. Lancelot and Loken looked at each other. , "Is this another one of Vito's female supporters?"

"Who are you? How come you are in our communication system, where is Vito?" Cole did not get confused and immediately asked in an orderly manner. The woman did not bother to say more. There was a burst of something turning on from her side. Roaring sounds came slowly from the roaring background, "Do as I say and prepare to jump. I will arrive with Vito later."

After that, the woman's voice was cut off along with the communication array, leaving Cole no chance to ask another question. He stood by the terminal and frowned hesitantly. Bell beside him asked, "What should we do now?" Whether what she said is true or not, we cannot stay on the battlefield between the Eldar and Chaos for long."

Cole stood up with determination. He strode to the edge of the captain's podium and skillfully began to point at the command center below one by one. "The chief of fire control concentrated all power on the void shield, and the avian chief activated the jump ceremony. Helmsman, advance 6 and leave the battlefield!”

As the order was given, the Infinite Frontier quickly began to turn, and the heavy propellers roared to push the warship towards the front of the battlefield. The wreckage of the explosion and the flying stray bullets hit their hulls, causing explosions one after another. , but Infinite Frontier still rushed out with overwhelming force.

Its scarlet bow pierced out of the sea of ​​fire and rushed towards the huge ark, because only there was a safe and open area with enough space for the warship to make a jump, and the big hole was right in the bow of the ship. Location.

Cole looked at the big hole and frowned, "Vito, no matter what you did in there, get the hell out of here." The captain said, and the fire from the stern thruster illuminated the dark world.

And inside the Ark, there was another bright fire that engulfed everything around it. In the dim hangar, the fire instantly pierced the darkness. The Skyhawk, parked behind the hangar door, rose up, its thrusters retracted into its belly. At the same moment, the bow of the ship fired a short burst of ions.

In the blink of an eye, the cabin door exploded, and blue flames shot into the sky and rushed outward onto the runway of the hangar. All the Eldar pirates there were caught off guard. They were all overturned and fell to the ground. People on the runway got up and looked at the Skyhawk that slid out from behind the hatch.

"Why is that ship flying?! Isn't it empty?" "How the hell do I know? What kind of machine spirit might it be a human being?" "Stop making noise! ​​Shoot it down. If Lord Irio knows that it has escaped, , we don’t have to wait for the lustful female devils to come to us!”

The Eldar pirates roared, raised their disintegrating guns and fired at the Skyhawk. Green lightning struck the smooth surface of the Skyhawk again and again, but to no avail. The pirates stood up and opened fire violently, with the muzzle of the gun flashing. It flickered across the runway, illuminating the smooth bow of the Skyhawk.

They saw their faces from the reflective arc of the bow, and also saw the cannons protruding from the bottom of the bow. The Eldar pirates opened their eyes wide, and their pupils were instantly lit up by the fire, and the exploding cannons rotated and blasted. Around them, the bodies of the Eldar pirates exploded into pieces of flesh flying all over the sky in an instant.

The gunfire bounced off the deck and hit other nearby Eldar fighters that had not had time to take off. As soon as their pilots rushed toward them, they were engulfed in flames along with their beloved aircraft.

The Skyhawk slid back, circling left and right, firing its nose cannon at the Eldar fighters around it. Honeycomb missiles popped out from under its wings, and tiny light spots roared out with a buzzing sound. A sharp hissing sound was followed by an explosion. The whole hangar was rolling and exploding, and the broken wreckage jumped like a school of fish in the sea of ​​fire.

The Skyhawk retreated, and after the deft ignition of the vector thruster, it changed direction and roared towards the exit at the end of the runway. It jumped out of the flames caused by the exploding fighter plane at the entrance. , the belly passed by the end of the runway, and the thrusters ignited instantly, making it leap into the sky.

The Eldar pirates on the edge of the runway stopped under the shock wave. Irio raised his hand and looked at the explosion in the sky. Two Eldar fighters exploded, and the Skyhawk rushed past them in the flames. .

"Vito, how come I'm not surprised at all?" Irio smiled cruelly, raised his hand and shot the head of the Slaanesh succubus that rushed out from his side. She was torn apart in the blink of an eye. Several pirates, amidst their screams, blasted the succubus's head with a buzz of decomposition rays.

Iriol looked down at the platform below from the edge of the runway. There was already a chaos there. Beams and rays jumped back and forth on the wide deck. Purple figures ran on the deck, stabbing towards the other end like thin lines. .

The Slaanesh succubi jumped onto the container and grabbed the Eldar pirate behind them. Their wide mouths and slender tongues were accompanied by the pirate's screams, and white smoke spewed out from his face, accompanied by There was a burst of desperate screams, and in the end only a shriveled corpse was left.

The Slaanesh succubus threw the body down casually. She stood on the container, tearing and roaring, spreading her claws. Her tail swept behind her, and then she suddenly looked at Iriol above the platform, her dark eyes There are no pupils on it, reflecting the shadows of the platform and Iriol.

She burst out with an incomprehensible howl towards Irio, and after a moment, Irio knew what she was shouting. There was a scream behind him, and the pirates rushed around the corner. The succubus opened fire, and the rays were shot at her, but they were all avoided by her dodge and move.

The female demon stood up on tiptoes and pierced the pirate's face with one claw. She pressed him to the ground and stabbed the other pirate's abdomen with her other sharp claw. Then she pulled up and pulled his entire chest. He disembowelled the body and then pulled out the beating heart.

The pirate collapsed to the ground, with blood on his fearful face. The Slaanesh succubus roared at the remaining pirates. She jumped up from the ground and rushed towards the remaining pirates at lightning speed. , they fired at her hastily, the laser rays hitting the ground around them, but none of them hit her.

The succubus came flying over, jumped up and pushed a pirate to the ground. She scratched his face with a claw, and the skull and half of his brain were torn out. She provoked him again, and continued at the speed of lightning. She cut off several pirates at the waist, then avoided the lightning that shot past her ear, and pierced the gun-wielding pirate in front of her with one tail.

She threw away his body and rushed towards Irio. The latter drew out his gun and shot her. The succubus naturally avoided it, but at the same time, Irio drew his gun at a speed that could not be seen at all. The second gun was fired, hitting the female demon's thigh with a precise advance, and the decomposing lightning instantly pierced her materialized thigh.

The succubus rolled over and fell in front of Iriol. She raised her head with her paws on her hands and looked at the person in front of her with her dark eyes. Then her head was chopped off by the whizzing long knife.

Irio stood behind him with a shadow claw holding a long knife. He watched the Slaanesh succubus in front of him fall to the ground. His claws violently threw her off the platform. Irio looked around at the people who were still in front of him. The living pirates climbed up from the ground, holding their guns and panting tiredly.

"Come with me, we shouldn't stay here for too long." After saying that, Irio picked up the gun on the ground and walked between the corpses of the pirates. The living pirates around him also took a few breaths and hurriedly left. Followed.

At a high place, a huge explosion burst through the wall of the royal court. Broken bricks and tiles fell from the air. The pirates avoided it and turned to look at their colleagues who fell from high places and screamed. His body was roared from above. The incoming sharp thorns pierced him, and he was pulled back alive, and then there was an even more tragic scream.

The burning fighter plane roared in the air and hit the front of the team. The flames of its explosion instantly caused the pirates to raise their hands to block it, but Irio walked over indifferently, without even looking at it. He walked past the burned corpse of the pilot and entered the hangar nearby.

It was empty here, and there were no fighter planes parked, so they didn't suffer any attacks. The pirates followed in from the outside. They quickly followed Irio towards the central spaceship with their guns in hand. On the wide runway, with There is only one spaceship parked in front of the huge cave entrance.

Its hatch was lowered, but Iriol suddenly stopped because a shriveled corpse rolled down from it. It was the driver's, and his head, like a dried grape, was shriveled in the helmet. , Irio stopped and looked at the sharp claws stretched out from the shadow behind the hatch.

A slender Slaanesh running beast stuck out its head from it, and a tongue instantly pierced out of its screaming mouth. The tongue roared out and shot at Iriol, who dodged sideways. , but the fellow pirates behind him were not so lucky, one of them was impaled on the spot.

He screamed, and his whole body, from his hands and feet to his face, shriveled up completely. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a flat corpse and fell to the ground.

The pirates dispersed in a hurry, and the running beast jumped out. It galloped towards Irio, its claws slashed from the air. Irio raised the knife on the shadow claw behind him and aimed the gun at it. head, but in the end, he didn't shoot.

Because a figure accompanied by a whirlwind above his head fell on the beast. Her whip suddenly wrapped around the slender neck of the beast, and pulled it back violently. The beast screamed and lifted up. Head, she whipped out the knife and slashed at the beast's neck.

But the monster was not one to sit back and wait. Its slender tail suddenly wrapped around her body from behind and pulled it away from its back, but it ignored the slender legs. She swung her legs suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, her calves turned into a pair of sharp knives.

She raised her legs, swung back and cut off the running beast's tail. The Slaanesh creature screamed, and the cut-off tail fell to the ground together with the woman, but the latter did not stop after landing like the cut-off tail. He stood on tiptoe with both hands, straightened his long legs and swiveled violently, cutting off the two legs of the running beast in the blink of an eye.

The beast fell to the ground with a crash, and raised its slender head with a scream, but was instantly pierced by the sharp thorns from its glasses. It spurted out a huge amount of purple blood and fell to the ground, its body twitching. The woman suddenly raised her leg and pulled out the sharp spikes on her calf from its head.

"Vivian, my dear sister." Irio smiled at her and greeted her. The latter also smiled, twisted her slender waist, and came walking with spiked legs, "Hello, brother, I'm very happy. You're still alive." "Me too."

Vivian came to him. After the two looked at each other and smiled, she gestured to the spaceship behind her, "There are Slaanesh demons everywhere here. If we don't want to be sucked dry by them, we have to prepare to evacuate quickly."

"Indeed." Irio nodded in approval. Vivian smiled and put her hands on her hips, making a gesture of invitation, "The leader invites you first, and we will come last."

Iriol walked a few steps with a smile, but soon stopped at the door of the cabin. He tilted his head slightly and listened to the sound of the body falling behind him, "I want you to be the queen?" "They..." Behind Irio, all the pirate followers fell to the ground, and in the blink of an eye they turned around and turned into headless corpses.

Vivian raised her blood-stained legs. Not only the knife on her calf, but also her tight leather pants were stained with blood. She slowly lowered her leg, smiled towards Iriol, and raised her head. He raised his gun and pointed it at the back of his head, "We are the only ones left now, dear brother."

"My little poisonous snake finally showed its fangs." Irio said with a smile, turning his back to Vivian, who shrugged and put his finger on the trigger, "It's just a little earlier, my dear brother, As you said, family ties are a joke among the Dark Eldar, only interests are eternal."

"Unfortunately, our alliance of interests ended not long ago." She said with a smile, raising the muzzle of the gun and pointing it at Irio's back, raising his head and snorting softly, "Look He's brought you a new idea, right? ""Yeah, and it's more tempting than yours, in every way. Now, put your gun down and come with me."

"Oh, yes, I will go with you." Irio said and turned his head. The second shadow claw behind him suddenly appeared from the back, and then stabbed Vivian. Pulling the trigger, the beam whizzed away but was deflected by the long knife before it hit her head.

Vivian flipped backwards and raised her long legs in front of her. The sharp claws roared and flew almost close to her chin. Vivian flipped backwards a few times and then landed firmly on the ground. Her Her legs spread to both sides, causing sparks to fly on the ground. She put one hand on the ground, raised her head and looked at Iriol with a smile.

"I have always been curious, who will win in a fight between us." "Then today, you have a chance to test it, dear sister." Irio said and grabbed the thorn, Vivian rolled over to avoid the sharp claw, and grew After hanging his legs from the ground, he quickly kicked off his legs and jumped out in a semi-sideways position.

She arrived in front of Iriol like lightning, suddenly raised her leg and stabbed him in the abdomen. The latter stepped back to avoid and then slashed towards Vivian's neck with a knife. She stood up on the spot, her calf The blade on his body quickly blocked back and forth in front of him, and the blades collided with each other, spraying out dazzling sparks.

Vivian landed on the ground with one leg. When she turned around, she raised her leg high and stabbed her left leg several times at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye. Irio raised his knife to block it in front of him, and the spikes hung from the edge of the blade. , stabbed past Iriol's eyes amid flying sparks.

Vivian withdrew her leg, then turned half of her body and slashed her leg from the other side. Her speed was so fast that even the Eldar herself couldn't see clearly. Irio's shadow claw was instantly raised to block. The moment the side of his head blocked his long legs, he immediately seized the opportunity to raise his gun and aim at Vivian.

But the moment before his finger pressed on the trigger, the whip whizzed out and entangled the Gunslinger. He jerked back and broke the pistol out of Irio's hand. It flew away and reached Vivian's hand. In her hand, she turned the gun and put it against Irio's head, and the two of them stopped.

It stopped at Vivian raising her legs, holding the pistol sideways and pointing it at Iriol's head. The latter frowned and looked at his pistol in front of him. Vivian laughed and patted it. Her brother's head said, "Dear brother, have you forgotten that you are usually the one in charge of conspiracy, but I am always the one who is really in charge of fighting?"

"You certainly have great power, but power without skill is worthless." She said, pulling out a second pistol and shooting to interrupt Iriol's shadow claw that was preparing for a sneak attack. He stepped back and looked at His claws fell to the ground and instantly turned into afterimages. He raised his eyes and looked at Vivian in front of him. She smiled, "Now, do you want to be honest and cuff yourself, or should I cuff your hands and feet?" interrupt?"

She asked with a smile while holding a pair of magic-forbidden handcuffs, and Irio looked at her with a smile, "Dear sister, you are right, power without skills is worthless, but, haven't I always been the best at it?" Is this it?”

Irio looked at the shadow swimming behind Vivian. The shadow turned behind her and turned towards the face with the clown mask. Two claws stretched out from behind her, hugging Vivian in the middle, sharply The claw slowly approached her slender neck.

But suddenly, a hand grabbed the claw, and Irio instantly felt as if he was also caught. He suddenly turned his head to look at Vito, who suddenly appeared behind Vivian. He emerged from the shadows. The figure came out from behind, as if it were the shadow of a shadow, and he grabbed the shadow's hand and looked at it jokingly.

"Can you see it?" "Hmm, why do you think I can't?" Vito smiled jokingly, with a hint of teasing. He grabbed the shadow's claw tightly, and then suddenly pinched it off, The clown's shadow screamed, and then stepped back when Vito reached out with his hand to grab the mask.

He suddenly pulled the mask off the shadow, during which all the connected shadows were broken. Vito unfolded the mask on his palm and looked at it jokingly, and the shadow behind him also disappeared with a scream.

"I knew I was right, dear Irio." Vito smiled and raised the mask, looking at the surprised Irio jokingly, "Come with me now, I ask you Eat, dear, can you help me?"

"Very happy." Vivian said and hit Irio on the side of the head with the butt of a gun. He suddenly fell to the ground and looked up at Vito standing in front of him. He threw up the clown mask with a smile. , "The tide is really turning, isn't it, now." He said and kicked Iriol in the face.

He fell down instantly. Vito looked at the clown mask, threw it up, grabbed it, and stuffed it into his coat. Then he bent down and grabbed Yi Rui and carried it on his shoulders. Behind him, the Skyhawk came from Whistling in from outside the runway, he turned the fuselage and aimed the open door here.

Vito jumped up with the people on his shoulders. He stood on the hatch and turned to look at Vivian on the runway. She was standing among the corpses with one hand on her hips. "Can you handle the rest of the matter yourself?" "Don't underestimate me, okay? I'm just a little poisonous snake." Vivian smiled and opened her mouth to show her teeth.

Vito laughed. He stood on the hatch and followed the Aquila as it rose up and drove away. "Then go and unify the pirates from all over the world. By the way, tell the other little viper that I will go to Ge Ge." Mo, tell her I have a plan."

"What kind of plan?" Vivian asked jokingly, akimbo, while Vito smiled, grabbed the armrest and flew up, "It won't be a surprise if you tell me."

After saying that, the Skyhawk ignited the engine and roared out of the runway hole. It rushed into the sky and flew towards the broken sky. Vivian walked to the hole, carrying the whip, looking at the departing spacecraft and shrugged with a smile. Shrugging, she turned and returned to her royal court.

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