All-Professional Master of Darkness

Chapter 167 Lan Wu is destined to be busy

Lan Wu walked into Barbara's room, only to see Flora and Irene already there.

The two little girls were guarding the bedside, one on the left and the other on the right. Barbara was lying on the bed still unconscious, with no blood on her beautiful cheeks. Apparently this poisoning was quite serious and had endangered her life.

"She's going to die." Flora turned around and saw Lan Wu coming in, and tears immediately overflowed from her eyes. She had learned about Barbara's condition from Kasha. The poison has seriously eroded Barbara's body, and even full-rejuvenation potions are difficult to cure.

"That guy Ende doesn't have an antidote either?" Lan Wu frowned. It was only then that he realized that he had vastly underestimated this ancient poison. I thought I would only lose Barbara's maximum life limit. Although the comprehensive vitality rejuvenation potion cannot make up for the loss of the maximum life limit, it is the best potion after all. I can hold on until I can get the antidote from Ende. Unexpectedly, even Ende didn't have such a poisonous antidote.

Big trouble.

Lan Wu frowned and tried to stay calm. Common toxins can be detoxified with detoxification potions. After a professional is poisoned, he can rely on his own poison resistance to reduce the effect of the poison. It stands to reason that no matter how powerful the poison is, it is impossible to have an antidote. What's more, Barbara is already a strong person in her sixties, so her toxin resistance cannot be too low. But even this could not relieve the poison... He really couldn't think of a way.

Do we just have to watch Barbara die?

A gloomy thought flashed through Lan Wu's mind. He quickly shook his head and threw this idea out of his mind. I still don’t know if I have a chance to return to Earth. But we can't just watch Flora lose her only relative. This is related to his own woman's business, and the other party is also his mother-in-law.

At this moment Akara hurried into the room. She wanted to tell Lan Wu exactly what happened just now. Unexpectedly, Lan Wu turned around and left after just one sentence. She had no choice but to come right behind Lan Wu.

"She was too stimulated." Akara calmed down and shook her head regretfully: "She heard that her daughter might still be in the training camp and accidentally stimulated the toxins in her body. Before she lost consciousness, she insisted I sent her back to Rogge Camp. She said that even if she wanted to die, she would die at home, and she didn't want to die in a place that would make her sad. I had to send her back. It happened so suddenly that I didn’t have time to inform you.”

Flora's tears became heavier when she heard Akara recounting Barbara's last message before she fell into coma. She held Barbara's hand tightly. This hand has lost its former luster and takes on the color of death.

Lan Wu was silent and lowered his head.

Professionals are always surrounded by death. Everyone is mentally prepared. Even if he died outside, no one would feel sorry. This is the fate of professionals. But if they can choose, everyone would like to go back to the place that is most profound in their memory. Barbara clearly remembers Camp Rogue most vividly.

Come to think of it, Camp Roger was where she grew up. It is also the place where her first love happened. Here she met her first love and gave birth to her daughter Flora. Compared to the Dark Crow, this was obviously the place where she most wanted to leave her last memories. The only regret is that Flora's father, the man she truly loved, is not here. But she should have no regrets, because she still has her daughter here.

"Alas." Lan Wu sighed secretly, not knowing how to comfort Flora.

"She won't die."

Just as the room was immersed in sadness, Kasha's voice suddenly sounded from the door. Lan Wu looked back and saw Kasha striding into the room, followed by Olvera who seemed to have lost his soul.

"She won't die." Kasha emphasized the pronunciation and said every word.

"What can you do, save her quickly. I swear I will never make you angry again." Flora immediately jumped up and rushed to Kasha's side, holding her hand tightly.

Feeling the pain in her hand, a flash of heartache flashed in Kasha's eyes. Is this still the rebellious little girl who behaves wantonly and completely regardless of the consequences? She patted Flora's little hand lovingly and turned to Lan Wu: "There is a famous pharmacist in Kurast Seaport."

"Wait." Akara suddenly interrupted Kasha.

Lan Wu originally heard Kasha saying that Barbara could still be saved, and was listening carefully. But he didn't expect that Kasha's words would trigger such a fierce reaction from Akara.

"This is the only way to save her." Kasha spat out every word without giving in.

"But...but..." Akara showed a look of embarrassment and hesitation on his face.

Eh... Lan Wu opened his eyes wide. Judging from Kasha's tone, the pharmacist at Kurast Seaport should be able to cure the ancient poison in Barbara. But who could it be?

Omas? Eco?

In his impression, these two were the only ones involved in potions. But he really had no idea which one was the pharmacist that Kasha was talking about. But fortunately, there is a way. Whether it's Omas or Eco, just go there.

Kasha took a deep breath and turned his attention to Lan Wu again: "She has received the inheritance of ancient medicines. She is one of the top pharmacists among humans. Although there are very few pharmacists who know about ancient poisons now. , but I believe she must know what kind of poison Barbara was."

"Let me tell you." Akara sighed softly and turned to Lan Wu: "Her name is Eco. This name is a great name. Back then, the Demon God Diablo was trying to save another Demon God Morpheus. Tor came to the port of Kurast. At that time, Mephisto's magic eroded the council, and only a few people were saved. They joined forces with the Horadric clan to hunt down Diavolo. A great pharmacist. She is proficient in potion preparation. The potions she prepares have extremely magical effects. However, Diavolo was greatly weakened by the influence of the World Stone, and faced the pursuit of the Horadrim. Among them, Andariel's poison had a serious impact on the Horadrim clan, but the antidote prepared by Eco made Andariel's poison useless at that time. Not destroyed."

Lan Wu listened quietly. He was too familiar with this history. I should have guessed it a long time ago. Apart from Eco, who will extract a potion from the golden bird after the first mission is completed, who can add twenty to the maximum life limit, who else fits Kasha's description.

"I'll go to Kurast Harbor to find her right away." Lan Wu immediately turned around and left. Saving lives is like putting out fires, so there is no time to waste here.

"Wait." Akara stopped him again: "You can't find her even if you go to Kurast Seaport."

"Huh?" Lan Wu was dumbfounded. It's easy to find in the game, the map is only a little big, and it's a mission NPC. Even if the Kurast Seaport here is astonishingly large, how could no one know about such a famous heir to a title.

"The former Eco was a gentle and amiable pharmacist. But now the Eco who has inherited this title is a pharmacist with an eccentric personality." Akara sighed and shook his head, very unbearable: "I have to admit that she is a very charming person. The talented pharmacist has completely inherited the pharmacy skills passed down by Eco, but she has a strange habit. Unless she comes to you in person, even the current president of the Kurast Seaport Council cannot see you. To her. That’s why I said you can’t find her even if you go to Kurast Seaport.”

"Is it that exaggerated?" Lan Wu was secretly shocked. According to Akara, finding Eco is actually harder than climbing to the sky. He is obviously the heir to the title and enjoys great power. But they just disdained these powers and became hermits. It's better to find a pharmacist who rarely appears in public than to find a needle in a haystack.

"There is no other way to find her. Can I just wait for her to come to me?" Lan Wu refused to give up. After all, it was a matter of life and death for his mother-in-law, and he couldn't tolerate it.

"Sorry, no one has been able to find her until now. She took the initiative to come to the door." Akara bowed apologetically, turned and left the room. She has done everything she can do.

When Flora saw Akara speaking firmly, she was so anxious that her tears seemed to have fallen off the thread. Unfortunately, she was just a child and there was nothing she could do. She could only look at Lan Wu longingly, her eyes full of pleading.

Seeing the begging in Flora's eyes, Lan Wu suddenly relaxed. I originally planned to go to Kurast Harbor sometime, collect some base materials, and continue to build my own equipment. Now it's just right, we can do both things at the same time. I don’t believe that Eco is so mysterious. At worst, he will cause a few more big riots. I don’t believe Eco couldn’t hear his name.

What a blessed person.

If you listen too much, you can only live by yourself. As the heir to the title, would he know the origin of the Divine Benefactor?

"No matter how mysterious she is, I will go to Kurast Harbor to look for her first." Lan Wu smiled faintly: "I am a divine benefactor, a person favored by the gods. I believe my luck will not be bad. Maybe just now Find her at Kurast Harbor."

Flora was amused by Lan Wu's frivolous tone. These words gave her great motivation. Yeah, he never disappoints. This time will definitely be no exception.

"You two stay here to take care of her." Lan Wu glanced at Barbara, who was still in a coma, and did not want to take Flora and Irene to Kurast Harbor. At this time, it is more appropriate to carry it alone.

"Wait." Kasha suddenly stopped him, grabbed Olvera, who seemed to have lost his soul, and pushed him in front of Lan Wu: "Take this trash with you. He stays here. I'm afraid I can't bear it. Zhuhui will kill him with his own hands."

Lan Wu laughed and did not refuse. Kasha gritted his teeth as he spoke, probably actually worried that his brother would continue to be so decadent. Let Olvera go with him, just to let this infatuated man strive for his share of happiness.

Before leaving, Lanwu synthesized fifty bottles of comprehensive rejuvenation potion on the spot, and then dragged Olvera, who was slightly more awake, to Kurast Seaport.

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