Seeing the guy in front of him who was fending off zombies, Lan Wu felt an absurd feeling in his heart. This person is none other than the former nobleman of Lu Gaoyin, the fire mage Gross.

Gross is in very bad shape right now. The whole person looked as dirty as a homeless man. The skin exposed under the tattered and almost scrapped leather armor was pitch black. He didn't know whether he hadn't taken a shower for a long time or was exposed to the sun because he had been homeless for so long. Although his eyes were sharper than before, they could not hide his deep fatigue. It was obvious that he was about to run out of fuel.

Leaning against a large tree as thick as a person's arms, Gross still did not give up resistance. Walls of fire quickly built an insurmountable line of defense around him. Whenever zombies rush into the fire wall and just emerge, the high-damage fire wall has already consumed their lives in such a short period of time, and then they are burned into a pile of coke.

While he was seizing the time to catch his breath, he suddenly heard that unforgettable voice. He immediately became energetic and stood up straight with his tired legs. Ever since he realized that his thoughts were too paranoid, he had always followed Lan Wu as an example. Now that I have finally seen this benefactor again after all the hardships, I have to stand up straight and face him even if I use my last bit of strength. After all, he is still a Lugoin noble. The aristocratic pride and reserve that had been engraved in his bones did not allow him to show weakness in front of his role model.

"Gross!" Lan Wu shouted, holding the legendary sword tightly and rushed into the zombies.

This is a dense forest, making it difficult to activate the whirlwind to clear monsters. Lan Wu had no choice but to use normal attacks to kill these zombies. Fortunately, the legendary sword is an extended-level weapon, and its damage itself is quite good. When combined with the concentration skill, the damage is greatly increased. It is relatively easy to deal with these zombies that are not densely packed. Basically, three or four swords can kill one of them.

With the help of the cover of trees, Lan Wu approached the sea of ​​​​fire after killing more than a dozen zombies along the way. At this time, he split the zombie in front of him with a sword in half, then immediately put on the giant battle staff and teleported to Gross.

Seeing clearly that it was indeed Lan Wu at such a close distance made Gross very excited. I didn't want to, but I let out the breath that kept me from falling. His body swayed, and the scenery in front of him suddenly became blurry, and the light quickly became dim. At the last moment when his consciousness was swallowed by darkness, he smiled.

"My lord the benefactor, I did it."

The last thought flashed through his mind quietly, and Gross passed out completely. If he hadn't seen his chest rise and fall slightly, and there was still breath left, Lan Wu would have thought that he was so unlucky that he had just found a helper and died.

Confirming that Gross had just passed out, Lan Wu couldn't laugh or cry. I came here to find help. Fortunately, he couldn't find a helper, but he still had to take care of Gross. Seeing that the wall of fire could hold on for a while, he quickly took out the comprehensive vitality rejuvenation potion and drank it for Gross.

Gross's injuries healed and his breathing stabilized significantly, but he still didn't wake up. Lan Wu had nothing to do about it. This was obviously a coma caused by overexertion and serious injuries. The comprehensive rejuvenation potion can heal his body, but it cannot make up for the energy consumed.

"Trouble." Lan Wu smiled bitterly, immediately picked up Gross, and teleported away from here. The wall of fire was about to go out, and it would be difficult to leave if I didn't.

Transporting people with you is very expensive. Lan Wu teleported Gross to the depths of the woods, found a large tree as thick as two people's arms, and hid it among the dense branches and leaves. After placing Gross on a thick branch in the tree, he took out a bottle of comprehensive rejuvenation potion and a dozen bottles of healing potion and mana potion, and then stood up to leave.

Several hours have passed, and I don’t know if Claudia and the others are in a desperate situation. He was in no mood to wait for Gross to wake up. The most important thing is to find the person behind the scenes and kill him as soon as possible. But just as he stood up, Gross, who was still in a coma, suddenly raised his hand and grabbed him tightly.

"Are you awake?" Lan Wu was surprised and happy. Gross' awakening came at the right time. Although it can't provide much help yet, it is still a help.

" long have I been unconscious?" Gross opened his eyes suddenly and asked subconsciously.

"It's only a few minutes." Lan Wu smiled. Judging from Gross's angry voice, it was probably nothing serious. He immediately briefly talked about the danger encountered at the ruins of Rogge's camp, and finally looked at Gross seriously: "I need your help now. Can you still hold on?"

"Of course." Gross smiled reservedly and stood up with Lan Wu's hand. Although my feet were still a little unsteady, I stood firmly on the branches without falling off the tree.

"Thank you." Lan Wu raised his right hand. Gross smiled and also stretched out his right hand to hold him.

An initial consensus was reached, and the two immediately began to observe the surrounding situation. There are still a lot of zombies below, and they are moving slowly and unswervingly towards the ruins of Rogge's camp. After observing for a while, Lan Wu lowered his voice and said: "You should have discovered it. They have a common purpose. But undead creatures do not have their own thoughts, and they only gain the ability to move when they are eroded by the devil's breath. So there must be one or many people behind them. The controller behind the scenes. Without the control of the controller behind the scenes, these zombies will eventually disperse. Only then will there be a chance to clean them up."

"One more thing, where did these zombies come from?" Gross stared calmly at the zombies walking under the tree, raised his hand and pointed at them and continued: "There are not that many humans. Look at them, this is not what they just looked like. Zombies crawling out of the ground.”

Lan Wu was stunned for a moment and took a closer look. Sure enough, although the zombies below were rotten, there was not a trace of soil on their bodies. If you think about it more carefully, it is true that the invasion of demons has greatly compressed the human living environment. The total number of people in the five strongholds is estimated to be one million. Counting the fusion of the three worlds, the maximum number of human beings is four to five million. But the number of zombies he saw exceeded tens of millions, and they were densely packed like a carpet, covering a radius of at least a hundred kilometers.

After a while, Lan Wu raised his head in surprise and shouted in a low voice: "Is something summoning zombies?"

"That should be correct." After all, Gross was a tough man who wandered all the way from Kurast Seaport to the Blood Wasteland. He was not too surprised by this obvious answer.

"Let's go." Lan Wu calmed down after learning that these zombies were summoned. Now that you know this, it is much easier to find the person behind the scenes. If you follow the direction in which these zombies come, you will definitely be able to find the person behind the scenes.

Gross didn't object and silently stood up. The two of them ignored the zombies under the tree and teleported away from the big tree one after another.

Both of them are professionals who have learned teleportation. After no longer clearing zombies along the way, the forward speed becomes extremely fast. After almost ten hours of almost non-stop transmission, the two finally saw the real culprit behind the scenes.

"It's hard to handle." Lan Wu gasped, feeling his scalp numb.

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