Don’t Think That Tomboys Are Easy To Deal With

Vol 2 Chapter 2: ,solicit opinions

I blushed at what Su Li said, but she continued to scold me and said: "I'm afraid there is little hope that you will really like a man and start dating. I don't know what your parents think. But you still have to trust me with this matter." This is inhumane. Most of the men I know have been rejected by me. Do you expect them to listen to me and do this for you? "

 “Then forget it.”

I stuck out my tongue and quickly canceled the previous commission.

Although this is a critical moment, I still retain a bit of mental mysophobia. Although those boys only confessed to Chen Li, and although I just want to find a temporary boyfriend as a shield, I just don’t want to be with a man who has admired other women. Intercourse.

"How long has this been? You are still thinking about being picky. Now is not the time for you to be mentally hysterical." Chen Li said as if she could tell what I was thinking, "Which man at our age doesn't admire me?" He has passed two or three women, maybe seventeen or eight years old. Unless he was just born from his mother's womb, you don't even think about how old you are. I know no man in the world who has ever loved a woman, except for homosexuals. Just that one..."

  When saying this, Chen Li suddenly stopped and looked at each other at the same time. Then the two of us shouted in unison: ""It's him!" ""

I completely guessed who Chen Li was talking about, so I immediately made a call.

The man was in a private internship room at this time. The equipment and environment of this university are relatively high-end. For example, the dormitory only has two people per room, and the study room also provides a dedicated study room for some top students. The sound insulation effect inside makes no sound even if there is a fight outside.

 I always wonder whether this level is necessary...

The other party promised to meet with me and listen to my problem in person. When I arrived at the study room building, I called him again. Soon, a handsome guy who looked like he had stepped off the stage of a concert came out. Welcomed us in.

The person who studies here is called Hua Zhe. He is my childhood sweetheart and is in the same department as me. He is a famous handsome guy in the department and even the whole school. He has a face that is more sinful than that of idols. However, because he was raped by a girl since he was a child I'm tired of being entangled, so Hua Zhe has never found a girlfriend, and generally has never liked anyone else.

Every time Chen Li saw Hua Zhe, she would glance at me meaningfully, which made me feel a little scared sometimes and I didn't know what she was thinking.

 It is precisely because I have never shown the kind of feelings between men and women to Hua Zhe that Hua Zhe can maintain such a long-term friendship with me.

Even Chen Li wasn't really sure how long she could hold on to confessing to a handsome guy of Hua Zhe's level. She got to know Hua Zhe through me in college, and she once admitted to me that she was attracted by Hua Zhe at first sight. When she came to Hua Zhe, she secretly swallowed her saliva, but Hua Zhe was so handsome, but he was still a poor boy. Chen Li insisted on her original intention and did not have any thoughts about Hua Zhe. Later, Hua Zhe only regarded her as a friend, and the two did not want to This is why people who fall in love with me can still be innocent after knowing each other for so long.

It was only when I arrived at Hua Zhe's study room that I told him the three problems that my family had posed for me. I also told Hua Zhe my intention, saying that I hoped Hua Zhe would help disguise myself as my boyfriend and help me get through this first one. Difficulties.

Hua Zhe has taken good care of me since I was a child. I thought it would be easy for Hua Zhe to agree to this proposal, but he scratched his head and said troubledly: "I'm sorry, I am more conservative about emotional matters. If I want to date you, If so, I can only have a real relationship with you, but I can’t fake it.”

 “Oh, there’s nothing we can do about it. I’m really sorry for causing you trouble.”

Hua Zhe shook his head and said it was okay.

At this time, Chen Li asked Hua Zhe half-jokingly: "Listen to what you mean, if Hao Siyu now asks you to start a real relationship with her, would you agree?"


Hua Zhe nodded and said.

Originally, Chen Li planned to tease him after he refused, but she didn't expect Hua Zhe to agree and was stunned on the spot.

Not to mention Chen Li, even I was stunned, but I am self-aware and know that with my own charm, it is impossible to win over a handsome guy of Hua Zhe's level. Hua Zhe would echo Chen Li's words just out of good intentions. It hurts my self-esteem, but it won’t necessarily happen if I really confess.

 What's more, I don't have the intention, there is no need to get involved in such a troublesome matter.

In order to avoid the embarrassing situation, I quickly stopped: "Chen Li, please stop causing trouble to Hua Zhe. Why would he like me? You should think of other ideas. Otherwise, I will find a way to get through the other two levels first." Let’s talk later.”

 Chen Li did not continue to delve into the matter, but her face seemed to become a little heavier, and she looked uncomfortable as if she wanted to escape from here at any time.

Hua Zhe looked at me with some worried eyes, which made me feel that he seemed to empathize with my difficulties, and then I heard him ask: "But it will take more than one or two months to complete the other two difficulties. How can you deposit money?" There are many?"

  I told them my two-digit savings, and both of them immediately sighed.

 “How about I give you some? Let you get through this difficulty first.”

Chen Li was suddenly startled at the side, and then asked Hua Zhe for confirmation: "What you said was not borrowing, but giving?"

What a fuss. With my relationship with Hua Zhe, how could he care about giving me money? But if I really take his money, there is no way I won’t pay it back. How could Chen Li, who has never been a childhood sweetheart, understand the close friendship between us.

But I still shook my head and said: "Thank you for your kindness, but this is not a long-term solution. If you can't pass those two levels, I can't let you keep it."

“It’s okay, I can support you for the rest of your life.”

 Hua Zhe’s understatement was so destructive that even my childhood sweetheart almost fell into the trap this time. It was as if I was electrocuted and my heart was numb for a long time.

Had I not known that Hua Zhe is such a good old man and that what he said definitely meant nothing, I would have thought that he wanted to confess to me now, or even propose.

But just because I know Hua Zhe, and have known him for such a long time, I am somewhat resistant to his natural and warm manly speech that is full of lethality, so I took a good look at this problem in my heart and answered him: "Thank you again for your kindness. , let’s put aside the joke, can we think of some practical solution?”

"What's the point," Chen Li glanced at me with disdain and complained, "You also have one head, two hands and two feet, and you won't starve to death by working outside. It's enough for you to survive the next two levels. ”

 Hua Zhe shook his head. He had a different point of view from Chen Li.

"Why do you go to work when you have nothing to do? I can support you."

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