Genius club

Genius Club Chapter 14 Breaking the Game (please read it~) (1/2)

The dinner ended around 9 o'clock.

Lin Xian returned home, took off his suit, and finished washing.

He sat at the desk in his bedroom, silent...

What he saw and heard today really stimulated him a lot.

Obviously we all live in the same East China Sea and have the same land under our feet, but we live completely different lives.

They spend hundreds of millions, which is more casual than spending Happy Beans.

They live a fairy tale life, as if everyone is a prince and princess.

This is obviously the real world, but it is more of a dream than a dream.

Lin Xian suddenly realized...

In fact, it was not Professor Xu Yun who was incompatible with that golden palace, but him!

Professor Xu Yun’s talent and achievements deserve to be there.

And he...the only thing worthy of being there was that valuable suit.

It was Zhao Yingjun who bought it for me.

"I'm good at cooking..."

He recalled what Zhao Yingjun said:

"What man doesn't want to be Chu Shanhe?"


Which man doesn't want to be Chu Shanhe?

He spends money like water, but is respected by thousands of people.

He has great ambitions and his fame shocks the world.

Every man hopes that when he gets rich, he can do some great things for the country and the people, and be regarded as a hero like a savior.

But everyone failed in the first step.


Lin Xian held his forehead and glanced at the two white papers on the table.

That was what he wrote a few days ago when he was analyzing the big-faced cat and the incident in his dream.

One is [Story Flow], which describes the causes and consequences of the two people's grudges and resentments.

One page is "Unsolved Mysteries", which contains three doubts in Lin Xian's mind.

He picked up the piece of paper with [Unsolved Mysteries] written on it.

Looking at the question above:

1. What is hidden in the safe?

2. What is the password of the safe?

3. Why should you save yourself? Her attitude towards herself is also very subtle and strange.

first question.

no idea.

Even if this was Lin Xian's own dream, he didn't know that he had something that needed to be kept so secret and hidden in such a tight bank safe.

But it can be seen from her reaction that the things inside were very important to her, so she took such a big risk to rob the bank.

"what is it?"

Since it is my dream, then there must be things in the safe that I know well, right?

Lin Xian couldn't think of a reason.

second question.

Also clueless.

When it comes to passwords, right is right, wrong is wrong, there is no middle ground.

Lin Xian tried all the eight-digit passwords he could think of, but the password was still wrong.

This surprised him very much...

He is even more curious now, what is the password of this safe?

This is obviously my safe, but I can't open it. It's really weird.


in these three questions.

The third one was what Lin Xian cared about most.

He lowered his head and looked at the paper:

3. Why should you save yourself? Her attitude towards herself is also very subtle and strange.

This is the only question with clues and answers.

Because I must know it, but she doesn't want to tell herself.


Lin Xian felt a strong sense of resistance when he thought of the woman wearing the Ultraman mask.

In the previous dream, in order to crack the code, he told the most unspeakable thing in his life in front of his face... Just thinking about it made goosebumps all over his body, and he didn't even want to mention it.

In fact, now carefully recall what I said.

Lin Xian felt that her voice had an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

I should have heard it somewhere.

But I couldn't remember it.


"Actually, in reality, there are quite a few people with similar voices. There are many girls on Douyin whose voices are exactly the same as Lazy Yangyang..."

Lin Xian shook his head, not thinking about all this mess, and continued to think about the problem just now——

"So, why did you save me?"

Lin Xian held his forehead and couldn't understand.

Lin Xian picked up the red pen.

I circled the third question twice.

To know the answer...

You can only ask yourself.

"But now comes the problem."

Lin Xian frowned slightly.

I know the answer.

But she was unwilling to tell Lin Xian unless Lin Xian helped her open the safe.

But Lin Xian didn't know the password.

This is an endless cycle with no solution.




Lin Xian's eyes were firm.

He knew in his heart that he would definitely not be able to get the answer from there using normal means.

Then you can only use "abnormal means"!

At first glance, she looked like a very smart woman, but not as easy to deceive as a big-faced cat; and she was very skilled and had a gun, so Lin Xian probably wouldn't be able to subdue her in a head-on battle.

Close your eyes and think...


Soon, Lin Xian thought of a plan to break the situation.

This is what he planned in his mind:

1. After connecting with the big-faced cat, first gain his trust, and then tell him about being deceived.

2. Form an alliance with the big-faced cat and set up an ambush in the bank warehouse in advance.

3. Wait for it to appear, use tactics to subdue it, and ask for the answer!

"I definitely can't do it myself, but if I use the big-faced cat, there should be no problem with 2 on 1."

Lin Xian's fingertips turned the pen quickly.

There should be no problem with this game-breaking plan!

In fact, Lin Xian didn't want to do anything, he just wanted to know an answer. After getting the answer, nothing will be done to her, and everyone will go their separate ways.

Look at the clock beside the bed.


In the past, every time I met a big-faced cat, it was around ten o'clock. If I fell asleep faster, it wouldn't be too late!

Lin Xian quickly turned off the light and went to bed, closing his eyes.


The extremely familiar hot summer wind blew Lin Xian's face a little dry.

He opened his eyes and saw a scene he had seen thousands of times.

On the electronic notice board, the time showed 21:54.

"We have to get the Ultraman mask as soon as possible."

Looking to the right, there were still two little boys fighting, shouting Ultra kicks and Ultra elbow strikes.

These two children were actually Lin Xian's old friends. When Lin Xian was a child, he would often play with these two children in his dreams and engage in light duels.

At that time, Lin Xian was a head lower than these two children and was often bullied by them. In Lin Xian's eyes, the two of them were two invincible mountains of meat.

Later, Lin Xian gradually grew taller, and the two children still looked the same, so Lin Xian began to act as the eldest brother.

after that……

Lin Xian will no longer play childish games like Ultra Duel. Only these two children are left, working here day after day, tirelessly, for thousands of days and nights, and the great road has been wiped out.

Lin Xian has grown up, but they will never grow up, and time will always be fixed on this day.

"Ultra Flying Kick!" "Ultra Elbow!"

The two children dropped their masks and started fighting each other further and further away.

Lin Xian stepped forward and picked up the Ultraman mask on the ground.

"Key props, get~" 39288341.

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