The feeling after death is difficult to describe in words.

It feels like a feather, light and airy, but also like being in the deep sea, gradually sinking.

Cocolia slowly opened her eyes, and a scene she had only seen in records appeared before her eyes.

The boundless sea of ​​flowers stretched to the horizon, blending with the sky, and a new round of sunlight fell right on her face.

The gorgeous petals sparkle like a rainbow and emit an intoxicating fragrance that hits your nostrils.

Time seemed to have stood still in this sea of ​​flowers, which made her want to immerse herself in this sea of ​​flowers and enjoy a moment of tranquility.

The comfortable temperature made every cell in her body come alive.

"Is this the world after death? If possible, it would be great if there was such beautiful scenery in reality."

"No, no, no, I'm going to interrupt your soliloquy. This is the beauty of reality."

Interrupted by a familiar voice, Kokolia looked at the sky behind her in shock.

At this time, Lingkong changed into a set of gardener's clothes and was carefully observing the growth of the flowers.

Noticing Cocolia's gaze, Lingkong said.

"Don't look at me yet. Take a look first. How do these flowers look? Are they good-looking?"

Listening to Ling Kong's words, Cocolia focused on the flowers. She observed each flower carefully. Each petal had its own unique shape and color.

Such flowers actually produce a strange sense of beauty.

Cocolia was shocked by the vigorous vitality of the sea of ​​flowers. This was something that could not happen in Belloberg.

"Lord Ling, where is this place? I'm afraid it's not Yaliluo."

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about? This is Yaliluo."

After completing the inspection, Lingkong put his hands on his hips, the expression on his face showing embarrassment.

"This. This is Yaliluo?!"

Cocolia shouted in disbelief, how could this be Yaliluo?

Or are you saying that you have been in a coma for hundreds of years? ?

"Yes, this is Yaliluo. If you don't believe it, look in that direction. Don't you think the moon looks familiar? I just did some experiments on the continent on the other side of Belloberg. The results are as you can see. You will be unconscious for less than a day. If you go to Belloberg now, you might still be able to catch up with the succession ceremony."

After recovering from the shock, Cocolia looked around the sea of ​​flowers and felt the suitable temperature.

"Succession ceremony!? Female. Bronya. Is she okay now?"

"She, although she feels very uncomfortable, the situation is quite optimistic. Now the cold wave has stopped with the destruction of the star core. By the way, I crushed it for you. Bronya has also been transformed in this battle. , she now understands more clearly the responsibility of the Great Guardian, affirming your sacrifice."

"My. sacrifice?"

When hearing this, Cocolia was silent for a moment.

If it weren't for her, Beloberg would have lost many fewer iron guards. If she had resisted the temptation of the star core and chosen to study the star core, maybe these things wouldn't have happened, right?

"Don't underestimate yourself. If you don't believe it, just look. The new will still come tomorrow. You are crucial in this change. If it weren't for you, they wouldn't even be able to get on the deck of the mothership."

With a snap of her fingers, a screen appeared in front of Cocolia, and what was playing on it was Bronya who was preparing to face the crowd.

Being inexperienced, she showed a lot of nervousness, but Xi'er beside her shook her hand and her mood calmed down.

Seeing that her daughter had become the great guardian and had trustworthy confidants around her, Cocolia breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lingkong in confusion.

Why are you here? What is going on in the sea of ​​flowers here?

There were too many secrets about this man. Every aspect of him attracted her, but she still understood that they were not on the same level after all.

"Why.Am I here?"

"Why are you here? It's actually quite understandable. This is the price of power. I gave you the power to annihilate the mothership alone. In exchange, now your whole person, including your soul, is mine."

Lingkong raised his hand slightly, and the flowers on the ground automatically turned into the shape of a chair, and a chair was also generated for Cocolia.

Cocolia was slightly taken aback and quickly accepted the result.

She was able to explode such a powerful force at the cost of her own soul. In a sense, she really took advantage of it.

"But don't think too much about it. I'm not an evil lord or anything. I just think you're quite interesting. So I've made this exchange for you. I won't put any restrictions on you. Just do whatever you want. Well, as long as you don’t disobey me, you can pretend that nothing happened.”

After taking a look at Cocolia's figure, although it was not particularly impressive, she could still be considered a supermodel in her hometown. Unfortunately, Lingkong was not a thief.

"Is there anything I need to do? My lord."

Cocolia asked curiously as she quickly adapted to her role.

"It just so happens that you can gain such a powerful power. You must have figured out something. How does it feel to believe in the original sin? It's okay. You can speak freely with me without any negative consequences."

Looking at Cocolia quietly, Lingkong felt that he was doing the right thing by walking around.

A random feeling of refreshment, without restraint, all based on one's own mood. Isn't this better than some star god?

"I was confused about my beliefs at the last moment. I found out that what I believed in was preservation, but most people believed in Creeper. I seemed to be going the opposite way, but it was the person who saved me in the end. , it’s Custodian, not Cripper.”

"Yes, this is a good idea, so Original Sin came into being. The Star Gods are the most ruthless existences. They will only respond to believers who are useful to them. This is the rule of this world, but I am not a person who likes to stick to the rules. As a person, I prefer to break the rules.”

Crossing his legs, he turned his chair into a Taishi chair and sat on it, rocking back and forth.

"Although there are many people in Belloberg who believe in the Original Sin, especially because of the Anti-Material Legion incident just now, the number of believers has increased dramatically, but I feel that there are not many that can be used. So, Cocolia, I will give it to you An opportunity, do you want to try it?”

He stood up and flashed directly in front of Cocolia, his purple pupils staring at her closely.

"Become the first emissary under the seat of original sin and bring new opportunities to this world bound by rules. Are you willing?"

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