I founded Tantric Buddhism in London

Chapter 41 Broken Walking Corpse

At noon, at a small bay of a tributary of the Thames River.

There was a light wooden boat standing more than ten meters away from the shore. It was about three feet deep and thirty feet long. It looked like a speedboat used to smuggle goods. The top was originally covered with a thick canvas to keep out the rain. It had been burned to ashes, and the river wind blew up pieces of embers and fell into the black Thames River.

The main body of the ship had also been charred and exploded, and there was still a faint smell of burning low-quality gasoline on the wooden boards. The keel was broken from the middle, and the cracks were irregular and jagged, which seemed to be caused by an explosion.

Charlotte and Watson were standing next to the body of the ship. They walked back and forth and looked inside and outside the ship, trying to find any useful clues.

The flames can destroy boards and traces, but they cannot incinerate metal.

The female detective knelt down and groped around in the cabin. Her slender fingers brushed against the hull, which seemed to still have some residual warmth. She touched a hard object like a slender cylinder.

The surface of the object has been burned black, but when you hold it in your palm, you can still feel the unusual coldness inside, as if you are holding an ice edge in winter.

"Yes, this is the vehicle the Flash Blade Order took during their emergency evacuation."

Charlotte threw the object out.

Watson picked it up and looked at it carefully. It was actually a long, regular octagonal tube. He weighed the weight, and it looked like it was made of steel.

He looked inside the steel pipe in the midday light and could see spiral groove patterns carved on the inner wall of the steel pipe...it was rifling!

Watson said: "It seems that the Order of the Flashing Blade has established a miniature military factory on the ruins of Kate and Hero Co., Ltd."

Charlotte pondered, "Are they planning to sell weapons, or are they trying to start a riot..."

When Watson heard these words, he remembered the words of the Lightning Blade pawn - the blade is the principle of fighting and resistance.

He speculated that in addition to killing, practitioners of the secret scriptures of the blade may practice violence-related matters, so that they can unlock the secrets of the secret scriptures and obtain the power of the blade.

Watson said: "Both of these possibilities are very high. I wouldn't be surprised if these crazy esoteric cultists like the Flash Blade Cult are secretly planning to bomb Buckingham Palace."

Charlotte agreed: "You are right, nothing these secret cultists do will surprise anyone."

Watson glanced around, but as before, there were still no footprints or traces in the mud. It stands to reason that the other party was carrying a large amount of supplies and would definitely leave heavy traces.

The ability of the Shining Blade Order to clear traces is really outstanding, and even he, a battle-hardened veteran, sincerely admires it.

They searched up and down the river this morning, and finally found the burned-out boat in an uninhabited and deserted place more than ten miles away from the ruins of Kate and Hero Co., Ltd.

There are only sparse dry old trees for miles around, and there is no one living at all. Let alone witnesses, it is probably difficult to find even a witness bird.

Watson thought in his mind: "Although this place is very desolate and can effectively avoid being discovered, it is actually not a good place to escape in transit."

"If it were me who designed the emergency evacuation plan, I should go to a port full of fish and dragons to disembark, transport the supplies, and sell the boat directly to speculators at a low price."

"Then the troops were dispersed on the spot to avoid people's eyes and ears. They each took advantage of the cover of night to find a quiet place to stay and lurk. After the wind calmed down, they would then pass a secret order - such as a symbol/pattern in a hidden corner of a certain place to notify everyone to go there. Another densely populated transportation hub—perhaps a station or a port.”

"At this time, everyone will gather and head to the next hidden hiding place."

"And with William's wisdom, he must have chosen a backup secret headquarters address long ago, just to move to a new location as soon as it is exposed."

"We are now struggling to track down the escape traces of the Flash Blade Order. We might as well go back and follow William. Even if he is worried about the eyes of the Anti-Suppression Bureau, he will rest and recuperate in the next few days, but he must continue to carry out secret sect affairs in the future. If we hide in secret If you track down the Shining Blade Order's new headquarters, you can notify the Anti-Suppression Bureau to arrest him and get his personal ID!"

"However... with William's secret transmission ability, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to follow him silently. If he accidentally identifies him, he will get angry and take action directly. In my current state, I will definitely be unable to resist Stop his offensive."

"So now there is only one option left to track down the Order of the Flashing Blade - as long as we find their new secret headquarters, and then notify the Anti-Suppression Bureau to arrest the secret cult members, then even if William cannot be implicated, at least his foundation can be shaken. "

"But will these militant Blade Mysteries... really allow us to pursue them so recklessly?"

Watson put himself in his shoes and felt that if he had learned that a weak detective was trying to undermine his ideals and career... he would probably have taken action in advance to nip the threat in the bud!

He did not express this concern directly. As the daughter of a duke, Charlotte's Holmes Manor was as heavily guarded as a war fortress, and the few esoteric cultists with weak supernatural abilities could not pose a threat to it at all.

On the contrary, living alone seems to be the best goal!



At night, London was still covered with dark clouds.

Baker Street fell into the tranquility of sleep. Due to a strange series of car accidents during the day, some of the streetlights were damaged and did not emit light. The Sherlock Holmes Detective Agency was in a blind spot that the remaining streetlights could not shine. It was so dark that it seemed as if it had been swallowed by a beast of the night. middle.

It was in this darkness as rich as ink that a silent figure quietly stood on the roof without knowing when.

If the residents opposite the detective office look towards the opposite side at this moment, they can see that the silhouette of the figure is extremely thin, like a bamboo pole wearing clothes. But tonight the wind is noisy like a thunderstorm, but the corners of the figure's clothes are moving silently in the wind. .

The figure came to the eaves, seemed to lower his head and looked down, then stepped forward and let gravity pull him down.

As soon as the figure suddenly fell, it stretched out its dry arms like branches and reached towards the wall. Its palms were like some kind of sharp claws, drawing five deep marks on the wall, but it was still strangely silent. It seemed like it was just a shadow projected from a distance.

The figure was leaning against the wall on its hands and knees, like a lizard or spider, slowly approaching the second-floor window.

The figure gradually approached, and a thin layer of frost formed on the corner of the window glass, spreading as the figure moved.

If the residents in the house wake up at this moment, they will see a terrifying and skinny face appear outside the window!

Its skin is as dark as frozen soil, its eyes are sunken dark holes, and there are lightning-shaped cracks expanding around the eye sockets. The moist water vapor comes into contact with its cold body surface, and wisps of condensed white mist rise up.

It obviously didn't have eyes, but it shook its head as if peering into the house.

It seems that it can really see the slightly raised quilt on the bed in the house. It seems that the sleeper is also vaguely feeling the sudden drop in temperature due to its arrival, and wraps the quilt tightly to resist the cold.

It grinned, causing the tear on the lip to expand even more, but no blood could be seen flowing out.

It violently smashed through the window, and before the broken glass fell to the ground, it pounced on the detective assistant who was still sleeping soundly, and its sharp bone claws, which were sharper than the blade of a knife, cut through the cotton.


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