Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1889 Xie Wanzhi (please subscribe)

After all, when the martial arts world in Liangzhou fell into unprecedented chaos and turmoil, the Xie family strongman, as a Leizhou native, stepped forward and would naturally be sought after by the locals.

In addition, it was the martial arts cultivation of this strong man from the Xie family that brought a greater shock and gave people a strong sense of security.

You see, the barbarian from the polar ice is showing off his force unscrupulously in our land of Liangzhou, isn't it just because his martial arts is strong enough that no one can defeat him?

Although in fact, Tong Lie has been suppressing his realm and fighting with his opponents at the same realm, the martial arts cultivation of his grand master cannot be changed. Under such a high position, even those of the same realm can perform far. Far beyond the strength of a warrior of the same realm.

There are even some more extreme people who will spread the news and say that Tong Lie has actually been using his indestructible body to crush his opponents. He is a shameless villain who does one thing to his face but another behind his back.

Anyway, he has a clear attitude and clear intention, that is, Tong Lie can win and dominate Liangzhou only because of his great master martial arts.

Now, they, the Chinese people, also have their own martial arts master. If you dare to be arrogant, they will teach you how to behave.

It has to be said that this shot of strength was pretty good, and some warriors had already begun to celebrate in advance that Tong Lie would roll back to the polar ice sheet in despair.

Of course, some people still remain rational, calm, and take a wait-and-see attitude, and do not think that the strong Xie family will definitely be able to defeat Tong Lie.

The reason is also very simple. Tong Lie is in his prime when the sun rises in the east. He has practiced magical skills and is indestructible, so he is not so easy to deal with.

In contrast, although the Grand Master of the Xie family is at the same level, he is not a young man after all, and he still has the shadow of a tragic defeat at the hands of Huikong. He may not have the invincible momentum and courage of Tong Lie.

There are even some people who have a negative attitude, and I don’t know if there is something wrong with their brains. They vigorously advocate that Tong Lie is the most powerful grandmaster, and that the old helper of the Xie family is no match at all.

The human race is far less powerful than the barbarians, so it is better to wash their necks quickly and wait for the barbarians to come and conquer them with a coalition of hundreds of tribes.

This kind of sound is the smallest and most disgusting, yet it exists and many people cannot understand it.

Even Tong Lie seemed a little surprised after hearing such arguments, unable to understand the specific thoughts of such people.

Don’t you even have the most basic sense of right and wrong, and the sense of race?

The human race is so powerful and prosperous, why do such scum appear?

Anyway, Tong Lie was happy, but also confused.

Fatty Xia was also a little speechless, secretly hating that these bullies were not living up to expectations and insisted on going against the mainstream forces.

Anyway, no matter what, the Liangzhou Jianghu mainly holds a positive attitude towards the decisive battle between the Grand Master of the Xie family and Tong Lie, and the secondary attitude is a wait-and-see attitude. Thirdly, it is also the least group of people who are the type of people with a wrong mentality.

To be honest, Fatty Xia did not expect that the Liangzhou Wulin would respond so quickly and find a strong master who could reach the same level as Tong Lie in such a short period of time.

He thought that he would have to wait a few months for Tong Lie to carry out a dimension-reducing blow to the entire Liangzhou Wulin, and the rebellion within the Liangzhou Wulin reached an unstoppable level before such a strong person could appear. .

Fatty Xia doesn't care about Tong Lie's victory or defeat, but he cares about whether the task assigned by the Lord of the Demon Palace this time will be impossible to complete?

Therefore, he secretly contacted some acquaintances, obtained some information about the Grand Master of the Xie family, and gave it to Tong Lie so that he could get to know him well, know himself and the enemy, and be victorious in every battle.

Tong Lie didn't know the human language, so he let Fatty Xia dictate it, and he listened with great interest.

The experience of this great master of the Xie family is also quite legendary. He was born as a younger brother of the Xie family, named Xie Wanzhi.

He lost his mother at the age of three and his father at the age of six, and was raised by his uncle. From a very young age, he showed extraordinary talent in martial arts. He could master any martial arts as soon as he learned it, and he became proficient in it in just a few seconds. As a result, he was favored by the main lineage of the Xie family. attention, cultivation and promotion.

At the age of eighteen, Xie Wanzhi began to travel around the world and became famous for his star-catching skills. Many warriors in the world were inexplicably defeated by him because they did not even know how to fail. He appeared to be miraculous and was called the God of Gods. One hand.

After that, the fierce monk Huikong appeared and wiped out the world with blood. Xie Wanzhi, as the most famous young prodigy in the martial arts world at that time, became a pillar figure in the righteous martial arts world, running back and forth to discuss plans to eliminate evil spirits.

Until a holy monk from Landuo Temple came out and used his peerless magical power to fight against monk Huikong. Among them, Xie Wanzhi also suffered heavy injuries because of this battle. His meridians were broken and there was almost no possibility of recovery.

And the direction of things began to become mysterious.

First came the Xie family, who did not take any outrageous measures to suppress Xie Wanzhi. After all, regardless of whether Xie Wanzhi had any past martial arts skills, his contribution to the martial arts world was obvious to all, and the Xie family would never dare to risk the disapproval of the world. Be harsh and thank you for your support.

This is honor, and the honor belongs to Xie Wanzhi and the Xie family, so he will naturally not do anything unwise.

However, Xie Wanzhi gave up on himself and seemed unable to accept the reality that he could no longer practice martial arts. He left a letter asking for a way to cure himself and ran away from home.

After that, there was an extremely long period of time. Xie Wanzhi had completely disappeared from the land of China. Only a few warriors were favored and cultivated by him and knew of his existence.

This is also the main reason why Liangzhou Jianghu was able to contact him this time.

This is the information. In fact, there is no big secret. Especially how Xie Wanzhi healed his injuries and why he stayed in Liangzhou to settle down is an unknown mystery.

In addition to the Wuji Book of Stars, has he practiced any other magical skills?


Does he still have powerful magic weapons or treasures in his hand that can pose a threat to the Grand Master or even stronger ones?


The only thing I know is that he is proficient in boxing and kicking, especially the God's Hand. Although it is only a means when his realm is low, I think the higher the realm, the more complete the development of his talent in this area, and even becomes Stronger.

After hearing this, Tong Lie was not too concerned about the lack of news about Xie Wanzhi, but instead became more expectant.

Is he afraid of Gu Wanzhi?

No, and never.

He is a true brave and strong man who has always longed for a good opponent.

To him, a mysterious, unknown opponent is far more rare and precious than an opponent who knows all the information and whose victory or defeat is already determined.

This Xie Wanzhi should be the strongest opponent he has encountered since coming to Liangzhou.

He was once a genius, experienced the clouds, fell to the valley, and tasted the ups and downs of the world.

Such a person deserves all his efforts.

He took this fight. (End of chapter)

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