Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 31 Hunter Knight Sword

But it was obviously not the time to worry about this now. Maki Shuo stared closely at Bogaru, who gave a cold and inhuman smile.

"A blue tribe with no fighting ability, a fledgling boy, and a mutilated old guy."

Bogaru did not finish what he said, but the meaning was obvious. Just a few of them want to kill Bogaru?

Maki Shuo frowned. The blue family was obviously Hikari, the fledgling probably meant Mebius, and the incomplete one...

Although he was confused, he did not refute. It was the most stupid behavior to argue with the other party. Bogaru will not give up on the earth. There is no point in claiming victory, but losing will be embarrassing.

Behind him, Membius stood up on the ground, still paying careful attention to his surroundings, but what he was waiting for was giant pincers attacking from three directions at the same time.

Even if he put his arms together in front of him to block the giant pincers coming from the front, the attacks from the left and right sides still hit him accurately.

The giant pincers collided with his body surface. For a moment, Membius felt severe pain on both sides of his shoulders, and his hands seemed to be less flexible.

Trying to regain his strength, Membius quietly retreated and tried to find a mountain to cover the gap in his back.

Bogaru suddenly stretched out his hands at the same time and shot a dark red energy bomb at Maki Shuo and Hikari. The two rolled left and right at the same time to avoid the attack.

When he raised his head, Bogaru had already appeared in the battlefield in a huge form, and hit Mumbius hard, knocking him away dozens of meters and hitting a mountain wall. Countless loose rocks fell from the top of the mountain. It rolled down and hit Mebius who fell to the ground.

Maki Shuo glanced at Hikari aside, no, it should be called the Hunter Knight Sword now.

Seeing that he had no intention of transforming, he raised his right hand, and the surge of thought power stimulated the light particles in his body. Pure white light appeared on the battlefield, turning into a giant whose appearance was unclear due to the light, blocking Mebius and Between Bhogaru.

Membius took the opportunity to get up and stand back to back with Maki Shuo, always alert to attacks from any direction, and said somewhat eagerly.


Maki Shuo shook his head slightly. He knew what Membius meant, but at present, he couldn't explain why he knew the existence of the sword when he couldn't reveal that he knew the plot in advance.

"Leave Bogaru and one Sadra to me, and leave the other two to you."

Membius nodded heavily. Having personally experienced Bogaru's attack, he knew how powerful the opponent was, but facing the two Sadras was beyond his ability. Even if he was worried in his heart, he could only choose to trust his comrades fighting side by side. .

Ikaruga Sadaharu clenched the operating lever unwillingly and asked for water in the temporary tent.

"Captain, can meteor mode be used again?"

Before Qishui could say anything, Assistant Toriyama scolded him angrily.

"Do you know how serious the damage the meteor mode causes to the body? If it is used twice in a short period of time, it may not be able to survive at all. Who will bear the responsibility then?"

Captain Shimizu gently patted Assistant Toriyama's shoulder and asked in a deep voice.

"Sadaharu, Mariina, have you thought about it? If the fighter plane cannot withstand this level of load, it is likely to self-destruct in mid-air. In that case, your chance of survival is almost zero."

Sadaharu looked back at Mariina, and suddenly hesitated. If it were him, he might choose to confirm without hesitation, but the teammates behind him prevented him from making this determination.

Mariina suddenly laughed and said teasingly to Sadaharu.

"Hey, has our individual hero finally learned to care about his teammates' opinions?"

Sadaharu just kept a straight face and said nothing, pretending not to hear. Instead, Mariina calmed down and answered to Gakami.

"I have thought about it. I have been saved by Ultraman many times. This time Ultraman is in a tough battle. How can I stand by and watch. Ikaruga, you think so too, right?"

Sadaharu nodded, then realized something and retorted.

"Don't call me that!"

Qishui quietly clenched his fists, his palms hurting from the nails, but he still tried to remain calm.

"I am responsible for approving the use of meteor technology. The only mission requirement is to come back alive."

Sadaharu turned around and looked at Mariina, and answered in unison.


The authorized liaison lifted the ban on using the Meteor technology again. As the loader trembled slightly, the familiar golden energy spread across the fuselage again, and Sadaharu almost roared.


"Bullinger fan, start!"

The strong tornado caused by the violently trembling Loader completely tore the fog apart again, and Sadra, hidden in the fog, once again appeared.

"Ultra Warrior, now!"

Sadaharu roared uncharacteristically, Mebius and Maki Shui nodded at the same time, and four light blades flew out at the same time, smashing the horns on both sides of the heads of the two Sadras who were still a little confused.

Maki Shuo fired two light arrows from his palms again, completely destroying the horns of the last Sadra. The loader was shaking more and more violently, and Sadaharu hurriedly released the meteor mode that had already teetered on the edge of destruction.

The Loader didn't seem willing to watch Ultraman fall into a hard battle, and finally managed to hold on to the second activation of Meteor Mode.

Maki Shuo stared closely at Sadra who was the first to extend his arm. His body instinctively raised his hand to hold it. An irresistible force passed along Sadra's elongated arm and threw him over his shoulder towards Boga. Ru smashed it away. ..

Bogaru subconsciously opened the sides of his flytrap-like body to swallow it, but how could Maki Shuo, who was following behind, let it get what he wanted?

Zhenmu Shuo clenched the arm in his hand and pulled it back, and Bogaru's large, wing-like mouths on both sides of the closed mouth bit the air.

When Maki Shuo took the initiative to drag a Sadra and Bogaru into the battle, Membius also faced the other two Sadra.

Seemingly realizing that he was being tricked, Bogaru roared and released his huge mind power again to try to control Zhen Mu Shuo's actions.

Zhen Mu Shuo's ultra-psychic power also surged out all over the body again to offset Bogaru's control.

But Sadra's arm he was holding also let go at the same time. Sadra, who was already being thrown around and was dizzy, suddenly fell to the ground and fell to pieces. She staggered several times and could not stand up. Get up.

Maki Shuo can still barely hold on, but Mebius is already in danger when facing the two Sadras, and the loader that exits the meteor mode is difficult to cause effective damage.

Maki Shuo always focused part of his attention on the other side of the battlefield, seeing that the situation was not good. Just when Maki Shuo was about to grit his teeth and pull another one, these black lights with a blue middle bloomed in the battlefield.

A giant in armor descended from the sky, appeared on the battlefield, and rushed towards Bogaru without hesitation.

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