Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 80 Dagu’s first battle

The arranged artillery fire was fired together after the order was given, exploding large sparks on Gakuma's body, but the actual damage caused was minimal. Seemingly irritated by these noisy "firecrackers", the double-horned Kakuma stood in front of the single-horned Kakuma, opened his huge mouth, and shot out a beam of light.

The fleeting light immediately shone on the fixed fort and the combatants who had no time to escape. In an instant, the sophisticated fort and the people who had just turned turned into cold stone statues at the same time.

Zongfang frowned, looked at the two huge monsters from a distance, and said to himself with a somewhat ugly expression.

"Is this the ability to petrify?"

This was the first time he came into contact with this completely unscientific ability. The light of Golzan and Melba might have been able to explain it before, but this ability to transform life into dead things was beyond his understanding.

Although it was difficult to deal with it, Munakata never thought about retreating. Neither duty nor reality allowed him to retreat. The Victory Team can be said to have gathered the most advanced weapons and equipment on the planet. Once they cannot stop the monsters, the TPC will be useless. What's more serious is that there is almost no armed force in the entire world that can stop the monsters' actions.

This is not a question of whether it can be blocked, this is a question of whether it must be blocked.

Tiga, who was waiting tall, immediately noticed the action of Double-Horned Gakuma, placed Xincheng in a safe place, and then made fists with both hands and raised them upwards. Tiga, who was originally more than one meter, suddenly began to enlarge rapidly until he turned into a giant of more than fifty meters.

Zongfang immediately caught Diga's figure and breathed a sigh of relief. At least for now, Tiga is on the side of humanity. The moment he became huge, Tiga immediately jumped up and landed in an open space in the distance, and two angry Gakumas also chased after him.

Although he knew that Maki Shuo was Ultraman Geying, Dagu, who controlled Tiga, knew that the current Maki Shuo did not have the ability to transform. Then the vibrations and falls caused during the battle are likely to be fatal threats to Maki Shuo.

As the monster and Tiga moved away, the vibrations in the mine gradually subsided. Zhen Mu Shuo covered her mouth and nose and waited for the dust to clear before walking towards the strange ruins.

The super-ancient ruins in his impression were all extremely large in scale, and the worst ones were similar in size to the pyramids in the land of Tiga. But the ruins that appeared this time were only the size of a small house, like a section that had been cut off by someone.

Looking at the shapes around the ruins, Maki Shuo could roughly imagine the scene where it was torn apart from its original parts by two giant hands and moved here, which made him wary.

The real super-ancient giants he knows so far are all dark giants who may be able to do this, so this seems more like a trap. But why does the other party think that he will definitely go in? If this is a trap, where is the bait?

Maki Shuo, who had originally entered the cave at the risk of collapse, suddenly stopped and looked at the ordinary-looking ruins from a distance. With his eyes closed tightly, his mind power instantly extended towards the building.

Somewhat to his surprise, the power of thought entered it without any hindrance, and the internal structure clearly appeared in his perception. That made him suddenly open his eyes and blurt out.

"How can it be!"

Diga stared at the two Kakumas warily. Although his hands were in a fighting stance, he did not rush forward. He is not yet proficient in Tiga's fighting skills, so he is inevitably a little uneasy when facing the two roaring monsters.

The two Kakumas on the opposite side were very confused. Tiga's aura was much stronger than his. After fighting for a while, the original anger had calmed down a lot. Facing the extremely powerful Tiga, it naturally rose. Intention of retreat.

But such a powerful enemy didn't even make a probing attack, but just stared at them warily. As if he sensed that the opponent was just strong on the outside but weak on the inside, the double-horned Gakuma took the lead and rushed forward.

A pair of sharp claws suddenly extended several meters and struck hard at Diga. The vigilant Diga immediately sensed the opponent's intention and without any hesitation, he somersaulted backwards to avoid the claw, but he ignored that he was facing two enemies.

The single-horned Gakuma opened his mouth and spat out a beam of petrified light without hesitation. Tiga, who was in mid-air and had difficulty dodging flexibly, was easily hit. The moment the huge red-purple body landed on the ground, it began to slowly become petrified from the point where it was hit on the back.

Jakuma's petrification is not omnipotent. The more energetic a life or object is, the harder it is to be petrified. Diga, who had been transformed by Dagu, only felt a stiff and cold energy spreading, and couldn't help but feel a little at a loss.

Just when he wanted to try to deal with the one-horned Gakuma that emitted light, and wanted to see if he could use this to lift the petrification, Maki Shuo's urgent voice sounded in his mind.

"Powerful form!"

Da Gu was stunned and subconsciously chose to believe it. Cross your arms over the crystal on your forehead and swing them to both sides. A large area of ​​red replaced the original red and purple parts, and Diga's movements became much slower.

The light particles in the body seemed to be filled with heat, and the cold and stiff energy behind him was instantly expelled, returning to normal again. Diga no longer hesitated, turned over and kicked down using the gravity brought by his huge body.

The feet with vague red energy directly kicked off the horn of the single-horned Gakuma. The flying horn continued to rotate in the air, and then sank deeply into the mine under the influence of gravity.

The broken horn did not cause too much pain, but it made the two Gakumas even more frantic. Four sharp claws came towards Tiga Claw one after another, forcing him to retreat continuously.

Horii, who saw this scene through his PDA, was extremely anxious. He pressed his hands on the shoulders of the researcher next to him and said with rare strength, "There is no time. Victory Feiyan 2 must be started immediately."

The researcher next to him took another look at the two Kakumas on the screen, which was forcing Diga to have almost no power to fight back, and gritted his teeth.

"Okay, but you must be careful."

Horii was so happy that he immediately boarded the Shengli Feiyan No. 2 with Lina without caring about any more greetings.

Zongfang, who knew nothing about it, looked at the battlefield anxiously. Victory Feiyan No. 1 had already taken off under the control of Xincheng. The green light was tilting its firepower towards Gakuma crazily, but it still couldn't even penetrate the opponent's skin.

A hand suddenly put on his shoulder, Zongfang subconsciously turned his head to look, a little surprised and confused, but he still said respectfully.

"Director Sawai, why are you here in person?"

Sawai still had a calm smile on his face. He looked at the Shengli Feiyan No. 1 hovering in the sky, then looked at Tiga who was fighting, and said softly.

"I trust my guys, just like you should trust your teammates."

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