Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 217 5.9 Fire Rally (2)

By unscrewing the stone slab covering the secret door just now, Nefertiti was very sure that no one had entered this room for hundreds of years.

But why are there burning torches in the passage behind the secret door? !

Jump gently from the keyhole to the ground. Nefertiti twitched her nose, and the power given to her by the "Sun Sacrifice" allowed her to clearly detect the breath of a living person.

Then the question comes

Where did these living people come from? !

Apart from the main castle, is there any place in Storm's End that can be connected to this hidden basement?

"Little sister, from now on, you and I can't make a sound, do you understand?"

"Hehe, it seems that there are more secrets hidden in this city than we imagined!"

Pressing her body tightly against the wall on one side, Nefertiti tried her best to hide herself in the shadow of the torch. She moves very nimbly, only briefly exposing herself to the firelight when she jumps quickly.

During her reign, as the female pharaoh in charge of the country's internal affairs, she had considerable experience in eradicating cults and secret societies.

Skillfully using her ability to control light, she quickly passed through this passage silently. Finally, we arrived at the outskirts of a secret hall.

Here, there is a huge towering dragon skeleton. In the small surrounding hall behind the keel, human voices could be heard clearly.

"Shh, don't talk yet!"

"I suspect that someone has already been one step ahead of us and discovered this secret place where the dragon bones are hidden. After all, I am definitely not the only one who knows about the existence of giants in this world."

"Let's be careful for now and see who is gathering here late at night."

Wearing the Mask of Horus, Nefertiti was able to regain 30% of her original power. With her fingers deftly stretched out, she manipulated the light from the torch, hiding almost her entire body in shadow.

Like a nimble cat, she nimbly flew to the huge dragon bone, lying on the top of the skull, hiding behind the dragon's horns.


"Lord Fireheralder, today is the third gathering we have held since the change of ownership of Storm's End Castle. Upon hearing of your arrival, all the Fireherders in Storm's End have gathered here."

The speaker wore a rather delicate silver mask. He spoke Viking with a slight Slavic accent, and his body profile was not much different from that of ordinary Vikings in the city. He stood next to a burning brazier, and the blazing fire burned half of his body, but the man seemed not to feel any heat.

Nefertiti turned her gaze and discovered that this was a circular hall with seven or eight huge dragon bones. The burning brazier in the middle of the hall was the only source of light. The dark firelight illuminated the faces of everyone present, and their faces flickered. Almost everyone had masks on their faces, and a few even deliberately leaned close to the corner, hiding almost their whole bodies in the darkness. middle.

The most high-profile person in the field was the "Herald of Flame". He wore a set of exquisite silk and a gold mask on his face. The center of the mask was engraved with a precious peony pattern, and the aura of luxury came to his face.

"Haha, to be honest, you really don't look like a Viking with only muscles in mind! The idea of ​​opening the 'Fire Sacrifice' underground at Storm's End is not something that ordinary people can think of! "

"Sir, the name of the leader of the Fire Sacrifice is called 'Fish in the Abyss'. I have been familiar with the history books of the Eastern Continent since I was a child, and I still know the allusion of 'darkness under the lamp'!"

"Ever since I was promoted to the Fire Priest of Storm's End, the identities of the gang members under my command have never been discovered. In 5 years, we have grown from 2 people to now, with a total of 28 fire bearers. Help everyone.”

"Well, not bad, not bad!" The flame herald nodded slightly, seeming to be quite satisfied with the site built in a "backcountry", "Haha, not bad, not bad! Promote my worship of the God of Fire among Odin's people. The teaching has developed to such a scale, which I never thought of!”

"Lord King Xin is indeed far-sighted. Today, it's really time to put you to use!"

After speaking, the Flame Herald waved, and the servant behind him handed over a scroll. When they saw the scroll, all the Fire Herald members present immediately fell to their knees.

Even the fire-passing sacrifice named "Fish in the Abyss".

Nefertiti narrowed her eyes. During the era when she was the female pharaoh, the "Vulcan Cult" had not yet appeared.

But whether it was this extremely secretive gathering or everyone wearing masks and calling themselves by code names, his intuition told him that this religion must be inextricably linked to the "Illuminati"!

Because their acting styles are so similar!

And sure enough, the instructions spoken by the Flame Herald perfectly confirmed her guess.

"Spread fire to help the public, enforce orders and prohibitions:

The "Archbishop of Susa" issued the first task: to use all means to search for a square seal in the hands of Loki Starrag, the new Duke of "Valley".

The square seal is made of jade, 10 cm long and 10 cm wide. It was last seen in the "Izumo Trading Company" in the Conqueror's Fortress.

The Archbishop of Susa suspected that this object was extremely valuable to the Eastern Tang Dynasty. Don't try to steal it yourself, just find out where the jade seal is. The next task will be solved by the Chosen One who has studied the ‘Firefly Path’.

Those who can provide key clues will have their divine power sequence levels advanced by two spaces.

At the same time, all members of the Fire Passing Gang at the Fire Passing Sacrifice can receive gold coin rewards from the "Herald"!

After the mission was completed, the members of the Fire Herald murmured for a while. Finally, an old Slavic woman who almost hid her entire body under the dragon bone coughed twice and walked up to the Flame Herald.

"My lord, I am the washerwoman who starches the sheets at Storm's End. It is only fitting that this task be entrusted to me!"

"Last winter, my son died in the battle against Hanshui Village, and my poor grandson, who was only 6 years old, unfortunately contracted the cold. It was Lord Xin Wang who rekindled the fire of his soul and saved him from the gate of hell. Saved."

"The old woman is old and frail. Perhaps she can only ask for information for the Lord Herald in exchange for peace of mind."

As soon as the old woman spoke, Nefertiti immediately recognized who she was. After Loki occupied the city, there were not many servants left inside the castle. There were no more than 15 servants in total washing the linen.

But she really didn't expect that even a person of this status could join the Vulcan Cult!

Narrowing her eyes, she immediately realized how powerful this church was.

The purpose of the "Herald of Fire" is very simple. He must have prepared a flawless fake. In this way, even if Loki later discovered that the jade seal in his hand had been swapped and a "damaged item" had been replaced by a piece of suet-fat jade worth thousands of gold, the generally ignorant Viking lords would not mind such a blessing from heaven at all.

This method is indeed much more clever than the sword cultivator of the Tang Dynasty coming to grab it head-on.

"Very good. Since Aunt Lampshade is willing to accept this mission, let's start releasing the next mission."

"This mission is much more important than the last one!"

"I need you to hide someone for me!"

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