Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 236 5.28 The Truth (2)

Seeing that all his companions had withdrawn from the camp, Loki pulled a chair and sat opposite the lizard man.

"Brother, what's your surname?"

"Humans are born from their mothers, and lizards are born from lizard mothers. Your brother should also have a name, right?" He pulled a piece of clothing over and wiped the blood on his arm. Loki sat there, feeling that everything was gone. In control.

"In my team, those who can speak are civilized people. As long as we are civilized people, the conflicts between us are internal conflicts among the people!"

Feeling that he seemed a little far away from the old lizard, Loki pulled off his chair and came to a distance of three meters. The distance is not too far or too close, just right for the two of them to talk.

“Let’s start with the simplest thing.

I raise a question. If you can answer, you can make a condition to me in turn. As soon as I can satisfy you need to answer me a question again. "

"Well, isn't it fair?"

"Oh, I also want to apologize here for my previous 'excessive actions'. If you were standing in my position and someone murdered your compatriots, they would pluck off the skin of their compatriots and mix them into your ranks.

No one would like this kind of thing, wouldn’t you say? "

Before time travel, Rocky's job was as a department manager in a listed company.

In the 21st century, anyone who can sit in the position of a manager must have excellent negotiation skills that have been poisoned by society.

Whether facing customers or subordinates, whether they are sleepy or drinking too much, a large number of negotiations are the main battlefield for department managers.

Therefore, when he and the lizard people formed a 1V1 confrontation, he felt even more relaxed, because this was exactly what he had to experience every day in his previous life.

The lizard man who had lost his human skin blinked his pale golden vertical pupils, and glanced at the golden potion in his hand uncontrollably. Loki captured his subtle movements keenly.

(This person gave up the opportunity to escape, just to get this mysterious golden potion. I originally thought this would be a mixture that could instantly enhance their combat ability.

But judging from his facial expression just now, he was both eager and afraid of this thing. And obviously, he is more afraid

This person is very similar to the terrorists who were armed with bombs in the previous life)

Observing carefully, Loki wanted to directly ask the question he wanted the answer to most: "What exactly is the golden potion?"

But everyone who is well versed in negotiation knows that doing so will only make the other party's heart instantly alert.

The reason why many modern people choose to discuss business over a wine table is to reduce the alertness of both parties under the influence of alcohol.

It's hard to get anything done if you're on guard.

So, his first question was: "What is your name and occupation."

"Answer me, I can agree to you a condition that is not greedy! I hope that both of us can be as honest as possible. After all, it is not impossible for us to cooperate!"

The lizard man who had tensed his muscles heard the word cooperation, and his two black vertical pupils vibrated momentarily. This subtle expression was captured by Loki again.

Lizardmen and Leviathan have evolved together on this planet for 200 million years. In terms of physical fitness, humans may not be able to match them, but in terms of business negotiation skills, Loki from the 21st century is enough to crush them.

An opponent who does not know how to hide micro-expressions will lose a lot of initiative at the negotiation table.

It was the vibrating micro-expression of his pupils that told him that deep down in his heart, this lizard man must be eager to "cooperate" with him.

In this way, he could tell two things.

1. This guy is not like the Vikings who regard life as nothing. On the contrary, it is precisely because of their long lifespan that they cherish their life even more!

2. At least from the perspective of this "God's Chosen One", there seems to be no serious difference between working with the O'Sullivan family and working with yourself.

Negotiation is not impossible!

In this way, Loki couldn't help but relax. He waved his hand again, asking the subordinates surrounding the camp to take a few steps back again, giving the old lizard more room to think.

After a brief hesitation, he said, "My name is Sullivan! I am the 'rift researcher' in the tribe."

"What is a crack researcher? Is it a space crack?"

The old lizard nodded.

This answer, combined with the "Storm Envoy" he saw in the Holy Mountain Cave, Loki can basically determine that among this ethnic group, the ones who can defend his big ax are the "bachelors" in the ethnic group.

The social status of these people in the lizard people group is much higher than that of the "lower-level groups" whose legs and feet were caught in bear traps and split into two pieces by their own axes.

Above the bachelors, there is another class called the ‘sect leader’.

Most likely, they are the 12 statues in the Obsidian Pyramid!

(This is a researcher.)

(He mentioned "space rifts" and said he was a "rift researcher")

(So, can it be explained?)

(This person entered Asgard and studied the cracks in space?)

(But why did he enter this ghost place to study the rift?)

(The "base camp" was also chosen in an uninhabited castle.)

Loki lowered his head gently, pretending to look at the twin suns that were sinking in the horizon, but in fact his brain was running rapidly.

empty castle

cold environment

The snow falling forever from the sky

And a castle that is almost like a model house without any trace of life.

He started brainstorming and made endless associations, all of which reminded him of the famous horror movie "Silent Hill" that he had watched in his previous life.

In Silent Hill, 2 worlds exist in two spaces. And these two spaces are connected through the space-time rift!

(The frost giants in Jotunheim were exiled here after being defeated by the Asirs. They were exiled)

Is it possible that this group of ancient gods mastered a more sophisticated "captivity method"? They don't simply keep these prisoners in cages like humans.

Instead, just like Silent Hill, a separate "space" was created to imprison them!

(Actually, if you think about it carefully, it seems that this is not difficult for these gods who master mysterious technology!)

(The blood mist illusion that I enter from time to time, the "sun illusion" that the mysterious female pharaoh can create, and even the "travel spell" that "Sun Sacrifice" Yom can cast at will.)

(All of this is related to "space"!)

All these evidences seem to indicate that the ancient gods had a very profound understanding of the word "time and space"!

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