Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 275 6.23 Fire Sacrifice

Father Francis, like all children growing up in the English Isles, received knowledge from church schools from an early age.

After children reach the age of 7, during their first semester of school, teachers will instill in them a deep-rooted idea: Christ, the Lord, is the only true God on this road.

The greatest enemy of Holy Lord Christ is the god "King Salon" who originated from the Arab Empire.

Most 7-year-old children do not have the ability to think independently. Most of them will only passively receive the knowledge imparted by the teacher and write down the correct answers that can only be scored if they are answered correctly during these exams.

But to a rare wise man among children, these two sentences were contradictory to Francis from his first lesson in parochial school.

If Christ, the Lord, is the only true God, where can He have enemies?

If his enemy is a mortal, then is this "the only true god" too weak? ?

Once the roots of doubt are planted, they will only grow unchecked. Although the wise old priest used his excellent emotional intelligence and high level of speech to become popular among the Holy Bishops, deep down in his heart he had never regarded the Holy Lord Christ as his own faith.

This is just a job that allows him to earn a living.

It's all just a business.

Therefore, when he accidentally discovered the "Two Rivers City" Fire Spreading Sacrificial Site not far from Lindisfa Monastery, instead of reporting it to the Crusaders, he began to use his position to frequently communicate with "Fire Spreading Sacrifice". Sacrifice” contact.

Among all the information sold by the Fire Gang, the price of information about the Holy Bishop has always been very good.

Father Francis took the seat of the Patriarch, the supreme preacher of the faith in "Chessey." He is a flexible man, has many high-ranking officials and aristocratic friends.

During countless tea parties, polo events and weekend services, he could easily master a large amount of information just by talking.

Not to mention that his church has the only confessional in Chessey!

Lords, wealthy businessmen, and young masters and ladies from noble families would choose to go to the confessional to confess if anything embarrassing happened that was against the teachings of the Holy Lord. The seemingly loyal Patriarch Francis sat on the other side of the confessional 90% of the time!

He will carefully distinguish the voices of all of them, and select the valuable information and sell them to the fire-passing priests in the "Fire-passing Sacrifice" in Shuanghe City.

It was by using this method that the old patriarch accumulated a huge wealth of thousands of silver coins in just a few years. The Fire Priest of Shuanghe City even named him a guest of honor. Many construction projects in Lindisfar Monastery (such as the secret passage to transport stumbled women into the church) were built by him for the old patriarch by sending members of the Fire Spreading Gang.

The two get along like real brothers, with no "ideological" conflict at all.

"Hey, my dear Brother Francis. Throughout the winter, Chessie County has been advertising that you have died after going out with the army. I didn't expect that you would magically return near the beginning of spring."

"You don't know how much I miss you, bro!"

The fire priest in Shuanghe City is named "Abi Jean", an aborigine from the Black Desert in the "Northern Continent".

His whole body was as dark and shiny as a newly unearthed obsidian. This was too obvious a characteristic of a Northern Continent resident and he couldn't hide it, so he admitted it honestly.

But his other identities are all unknown.

Legend has it that he was once hired by a French noble to lead a camel caravan into the Black Desert to trade diamonds, gems and rare wild animals with the aborigines of the Northern Continent.

His surname "Jean" was given by the French nobleman who had been employed for a long time.

Of course, there are other theories.

For example, he is just a simple fisherman who occasionally guides the English fleet, but he is dragged back to the English Islands by some strange combination of circumstances, etc.

Almost every time he got drunk, a new story would pop out of Abi Jean's thick lips. As time passed, the residents of Shuanghe City felt that this was just a poor man with a lot of illusions in his mind.

To say the least, a guy like him who is in his thirties, has no wife and no children, and guards the warehouse for merchants in the city is not worth anyone's time to carefully study his origins.

However, Father Francis had great trust in this old friend. After the two had been together for many years, he knew that this black brother was full of doubts.

But there is one thing he sees very clearly——

——This black brother is the most professional businessman he has ever seen!

Therefore, it is safest to leave this action related to Loki's fate to him.

"Brother Abi, time is running out this time. I don't have extra time to catch up with you."

"I'm not here to sell information to you. I'm here to pay for a service."

Abi Jean stared at the old imam's wet hair and flushed cheeks. He could tell that this man must have been running all night to find him. There are actually many "Fire Sacrifice Sites" hidden within the borders of Northumbria, but this old friend would rather travel all night to choose himself.

This is a sign of extreme loyalty!

He patted Francis hard on the shoulder, then grinned. He kindly took the old dean to the empty warehouse, pulled out a chair for him to sit on, and then brought out a plate of food and placed it between the two of them.

No one would turn down silver coins.

In previous years, the Shuanghe City Fire Sacrifice had only expenses but no income from its business dealings with Reverend Francis. Although he can sell the information provided by the old dean at a higher price, as the "Archbishop of Susa" wisely said: "What we need to cultivate are loyal customers who are deeply dependent on my 'Volcan Cult'."

"Buying and selling are both actions of spreading fire. This is equally important for our 'fire ritual'."

Abi Jean's eyes were filled with excitement. The fact that Patriarch Francis needs to purchase services shows that he is no longer the docile sheep of “Holy Lord Christ”.

This person already possesses preliminary fire-passing attributes.

"Hey, my dear friend, is there anything I can do to help you?"

After swallowing two mouthfuls of food, Reverend Francis picked up the ale and took two deep gulps.

"Two things!"

"1. This is an intelligence transmission mission. I need you to find a 'painter' for me immediately. Time is running out, I want it now!"

"I can pay you triple the commission!"

"2. After painting the picture, I need to use the Vulcan Cult's intelligence network to send a secret letter to the "Conqueror's Fortress"."

After speaking, the old patriarch took out a palm-sized copper seal from his arms and placed it respectfully in front of Abidjan.

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