Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 282 6.30 Chasing the Tiger and Devouring the Wolf

The big fish in Loki's mouth is not "Prince Lancelot", nor is it "Ecbert", King of Wessex.

But the Viking King "Ivar O'Sullivan"!

Ever since he captured the Holy Mountain and obtained the Asgard portal last fall, he knew that there would be a battle between him and Ivar.

Because there is only one portal in Asgard.

And this thing is the Vikings' most important strategic resource.

none of them!

How to get rid of Ivar was a question Loki thought about for a long time. In the end, the conclusion he reached still relied on the hands of the British.

Because nothing in the world is more comfortable than "driving one enemy to attack another of your enemies"!

When he took the king and the prince as hostages and took them back to Wanghai Fortress, he knew that the initiative in this war had returned to his hands again.

During this 14-day long wait, he did not start negotiations or take any action. No one among the nobles of the seven kingdoms of England knew what he was going to do.

Only he knows.

He is waiting for Ivar to take the lead in attacking!

With a large number of hostages in Wanghai Fortress, the coalition forces did not dare to take destructive actions such as polluting water sources or forcibly attacking the city. Loki could survive for a long time on the food stored in the city.

The English coalition forces outside the city can also rely on the strong trading capabilities of the seven countries to continue to purchase military rations from the French Principality across the English Channel and continue to provide supplies to the army.

However, the supplies carried by the saber-tooth mercenaries who were hiding in the bay in the longship were quite limited.

And transporting grain by sea is simply unrealistic.

O'Sullivan has been waiting for an opportunity where "the mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole stalks behind". He wanted to wait until Loki went to war with the English, and then rush into the battlefield as a reinforcement to harvest.

It was a good idea, but Loki had completely seen through his plan at this time.

He and the English allied forces stared at each other inside and outside Wanghai Fortress, entering a long period of consumption.

Now, there are two options for Ivar on the Coast:

1. After eating the food, turn around immediately and return to the Conqueror's Fortress.

Based on Loki's understanding of Ivar, there is a high probability that he will not make this decision.

Let’s not consider whether the North Sea is safe at this time. If he returns, no matter who wins this battle, Loki or the English coalition, he will say goodbye to the Asgard portal forever.

The portal key was something he couldn't afford to lose.

2. Attack.

If he wants to attack. Then his speed must be fast.

The thin, lightweight Viking longships were designed like a canoe. This kind of ship does not have a wide enough rush space. When all the people are on board, the space left for food is extremely limited.

In this case, what the Vikings were good at was plundering on the spot to solve the food problem.

But it was early spring in the English Isles at this time.

After a long winter, every family has no food left. A small amount of grain was collected into Wanghai Fortress to prepare for attacking the Viking navy on the sea, and the rest was sown in the fields.

Even if they looted on the spot, their gains would be quite limited.

If Ivar's troops want to survive, he must attack the city and open the lord's granary.

What Loki was waiting for was the opportunity for Ivar to attack first.

Just as he predicted the situation before the war started: in a three-party melee, the party that joins the battlefield last will be the most advantageous.

At this time, he stood firm in Wanghai Fortress, holding a group of English kings and nobles as hostages. As long as he wants to waste it, he can waste it with the English coalition until the end of time.

But not Ivar.

He had no food and was unable to launch large-scale raids.

He simply couldn't afford it.

As long as Ivar takes the lead in attacking the English Allied Forces, and the English Allied Forces and Ivar take the lead in fighting, Loki will become the oriole behind.

The initiative in this war will be greatly tilted into his hands.

"Old man, I told you"

"I am the aggressor, but I am not your enemy!"

"Since we will be neighbors in the future, I must eliminate all potential threats, and now I have created a rare opportunity for our two powerful enemies to consume each other first."

"Chasing the tiger and devouring the wolf——"

"——This is how smart people win a war!"

Ulysses looked at him with bright eyes.


"People often say that people who come from the turbulence of time and space will have some ideas in their minds that are insoluble in this era.

Each one of them wanted to be like the fireworks exploding in the night sky, bringing only a moment of prosperity to their tribe, and then immediately being lost in the long river of time.

But you actually make me feel a little scared! "

Ulysses Elam lived for more than 70 years, and most of the political games in the world were very clear to him. A person who can be called "tight-tight" like Loki.

This was the first time in his life that he saw it.

This man invaded this continent as an invader, but what he did was to bow to him, the master of the country.

However, he took out enough chips to make him look at him.

Whether it is combat ability or political ability, he is hundreds of times stronger than his younger brother "Prince Lancelot".

This kind of generals who can fight tough battles is indeed what the Kingdom of Mercia urgently needs.

However, no matter how the word "war" is beautified, it is always the people at the bottom who suffer difficulties.

For the common people, this Viking warlord also had an explanation.

After occupying Wanghai Fortress, he opened the door and released all the residents in the city.

The choice then fell into the hands of the people.

If the people choose to continue to obey Prince Lancelot's conquests and turn against this "benevolent Viking lord"

They couldn't blame themselves for having to sacrifice their lives on this land.

With this reason, Loki led another hidden danger, "Sabertooth" O'Sullivan to this continent, if he could get rid of the Viking King.

To the lords at the top and to the people at the bottom, the invader had reservations and explanations.

It's like killing three birds with one stone.

(How could there be such a terrifying person in the world)

(Could he really be the god in the Hall of Valor?)

Ellan touched his beard and glanced at his daughter with pity. Finally he said slowly

"The wheel of fate has begun to spin. No one can guess the final outcome of this war. If the war inevitably develops into collapse, I only hope that you can give my daughter a chance to live."

Loki looked at the girl in white.

Since entering the castle, Elizabeth has been treating illnesses and saving people every day, showing a calmness far beyond her age.

This worried Loki.

You know, this girl is only 17 years old.

She travels among the ferocious Viking pirates all day long, not caring about these vicious guys killing her people.

Where did she get to be so calm?

People are always afraid of things they cannot understand. The answer to this question is unknown to Loki.

We can only take one step at a time.

The three of them clasped their hands together, and after some pre-meal prayers of the Holy Bishop, Elan broke open the baguette.

Just put the bread into Loki's plate.

Suddenly there was a heavy muffled thunder from the horizon.

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