Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 354 7.8 Past Events in England

Born into hardship, the Vikings' ability to mobilize among themselves was unparalleled.

In just two hours since Clint issued the "bloody warrant", nearly a thousand troops had gathered at Clint's farm.

Among them, there were 50 domestic slaves led by "Wolf Eyes" Sicord and 500 "Norman Border Guards".

70 reserve cavalry sergeants led by Alfred,

20 apprentices and 80 salt farmers brought by Sanji Marashi,

The sea fisherman "Faith Sea Claw" and his 70 ship slaves,

200 thugs brought by Wansha Ivanovich and his brothers.

According to the ancient Viking training, no bloody fights can occur within the village. Therefore, conflicts between villagers can be left to the lord to decide what is right and wrong.

But if the villagers were beaten by outsiders, they did not need the lord's consent and could kill the outsiders at will.

In the eyes of the Viking lord, everyone is an outsider.

Clint Fuyuki is a veteran warrior with high-spirited fighting spirit burning in his blood. After discovering that his daughter had been injured, he never thought of relying on the lord to solve his troubles.

This is coward behavior.

Can move, but can't speak.

The lord will never trouble the lord if he can solve the problem himself.

All the reinforcements arrived, and Clint said nothing more. Everyone present has grown up under his watch, so he doesn't need to say anything to express his gratitude.

The soldiers walked into the manor neatly, and everyone received two days of dry food from the kitchen. Then they silently mounted their horses and rushed out of the farm gate.


When have English farmers, who have been law-abiding all their lives, ever seen such a battle?

Just because his daughter was injured (not even killed), the lord personally killed 20 pursuers with a big ax, and then summoned an army instantly.

What's even more exaggerated is that this army summoned at random looks even larger than the invasion of the "Blood Pigeon Clan" that happened 2 years ago!

Is it possible that they really dare to go to Yun Province to launch a massacre?

What's the point of offending those condescending French people?

The old housekeeper watched these murderous warriors walk out of the door with anxiety. At certain moments, he wanted to stop the old man with white hair and beard and tell him how powerful the French were in this land.

However, he highly doubted that this old soldier, who could not read a lot of Chinese characters, could understand a few words.


In the vast grasslands of the northern continent, jackals and vultures do not need to hunt.

They only need to follow the strong lions and pick up some leftovers from the lions to thrive. It is precisely because of this strange dependence. Over the millennia, the jackals' teeth and claws became shorter and shorter, and at the same time, they evolved a tan pattern.

In this way, they can better hide themselves in the yellow grasslands of the northern continent.

"Darwin's law" dictates that they do not need to evolve any predatory abilities.

Learn to keep a low profile and hide yourself in front of the lions, enough to survive.

Taking the initiative will make you more likely to lose your life.

The same is true for every small country that depends on a big country for survival.

In terms of pure area, the "Principality of France" is twice as large as the seven countries of the English Islands combined.

As for the population, it is more than 10 times the combined population of the seven countries.

Regardless of population, army, or national strength, the wealth of the French Principality is enough to crush England.

This is still the case when 7 countries are tied together.

In terms of geographical location, the Principality of France also has very obvious geographical advantages.

All the goods of the English Isles were to be sold to the civilized world, and France was a behemoth that could not be circumvented. It is like a giant palm blocking England's road to the Mediterranean.

If England and France were at odds, the English Channel would be paralyzed, regardless of the disaster caused by war.

In terms of simply importing and exporting goods on the island, English merchants had to sail around the entire Visigothic Free City-State and enter the Mediterranean from the remote Strait of Gibraltar.

This round trip will take nearly a month more sailing time on the sea.

Ships in the Middle Ages are not synonymous with "safety and reliability". There are too many accidents that can happen on the sea. If you are not careful, the ship will sink to the bottom of the sea, and all the people and cargo will be buried in the belly of the fish.

Not to mention the numerous pirates in bulk near the Free City of Visigoth.

Even if they were as powerful as merchants from the Tang Dynasty, they knew that it was no longer safe to cross the East-West Continental Bridge after the Anshi Rebellion, but there were still 10 times more merchants coming from the land than from the sea.

What they want is safety.

The French are not to be messed with.

Regarding this "iron law", all the seven kings of England are well aware of it.

It was thus that the French were accustomed to indulge themselves in the English Isles.

They are able to walk here with their nostrils in the air, all because of that tiny friction 12 years ago.


Twelve years ago, when a down-and-out French nobleman visited Canterbury Cathedral in the Kingdom of Kent, he looked at the golden apples enshrined to the saints in the church, and secretly took out a carefully crafted apple when no one was watching. Watch.

The apple is only the size of a palm, but it is not a hollow gold shell, but a heavy solid gold ball! A seemingly small apple turns out to be like a heavy lead ball when held in the palm of the hand.

The down-and-out noble originally just wanted to take it and play with it. When he found out that the weight of this thing was probably ten taels, he was obsessed with money and stuffed the golden apple into his arms.

This is sheer stupidity.

Canterbury is the religious core of England, and the Holy Crusaders have been stationed here for a long time. The holy objects enshrined to the saints in the church are all ancient cultural relics inherited from the ancient Greek period and have extremely high artistic value.

After discovering that the tribute was missing, the Crusaders immediately sealed the church and locked everyone inside.

The next day, it was discovered that the French nobles were thieves of sacred objects.

Those who steal tribute from the gods in a church will have only one fate, and that is to be burned on the stake.

The thief confessed his crime in front of the bishop.

Just as the Crusaders were setting up the cross and preparing for execution, the French minister's servants arrived in time.

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