Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 356 7.10 The Sudden War

Twelve years ago, because they "wanted to maintain face", the Plantagenet family did not need to send troops or start a war. Simply relying on "blocking the ports" could destroy all seven countries in England.

And now, 20 French soldiers died in front of their farm.

It is true that they are chasing the lord's adopted daughter. But this is just a claimed civilian girl. She comes from a humble background and is an unknown person in the kingdom.

The Kingdom of Mercia, which had just ended a war, was most in need of orphans. If he wanted to adopt them, with the wealth of this Viking master, he could find countless flower girls to take into his house.

English, French, Visigoths, Slavs were at his disposal.

There are too many girls who want to jump over the dragon's gate and transform from farm workers to nobles!

As long as they have money to spend, it doesn't matter who becomes their father.

When the land and property were allocated, Wenzov knew that Mr. Clint had a wild personality, so he assigned him a dedicated butler. Seeing a group of people stepping on the snow and heading straight to "Yun Province", the old housekeeper suddenly felt a strong dizziness.

Is it possible that they really want to kill Mr. "Andre Jiawen" from Yun Province?

Andre Jarvan is completely different from the down-and-out French nobleman 12 years ago. Andre is not only a successful businessman, but his relationship with the "Plantagenet Family" is also quite close.

He is the exclusive supplier of flowers to the "Grand Palais" in Paris. Our ancestors have specialized in flower delivery, cutting and hybridization for 7 generations. In terms of familiarity with flowers, no one in the Western Continent can compete with the "Jiawen Family".

All the daily flowers in the Grand Palace in Paris depend on him. Andre is also the only businessman among low-level nobles such as the "Baron" who can enter the palace every year to spend Christmas with the "Plantagenet Family".

He and the French royal family seemed to be monarchs and ministers, but in fact they were quite close friends.

It is precisely because of this relationship that when Andre discovered the "White Cloud Night" blooming in the Baiyun Valley, he finally saw the perfect green leaves in his heart.

He offered money to rent the entire "Cloud Province", and Ulysses Elam agreed without hesitation after a brief consideration.

If you get closer to him, if you really fall out with Wessex in the future, Andre can at least help Mercia to deal with it for the sake of "Yun Province".

Such a distinguished guest who was treated like a god by everyone in the kingdom, just because he "injured" an extremely ordinary civilian girl, these rough Vikings organized an army with a wave of their hands.

What's even more frightening is that Master Fuyuki is not the only madman among the Vikings.

All the helpers he found

No one objected!

No one raised any objection!

No one even asked how many their enemies were, what their equipment was, and what country they were from.

Everyone is just like going out to pick two cabbages, and they start a battle that is likely to cause a huge disaster!

In just 10 minutes, this thousand-man army had disappeared into the mountains on the horizon.

The old butler walked down from the watchtower at the farm gate. He pinched his eyebrows and wrote a secret letter sent to "Wanghai Fortress".

A group of illiterate people, plus a 15-year-old child, did not understand the seriousness of the matter.

But the Duke "Phoenix Cold Stone" who lives in Wanghai Fortress grew up in Constantinople.

This adult should understand the power of this.

I hope that Baron "Andre Jarvan" is still alive when the carrier pigeon arrives!


"Sir Blood Father, did you drink the sugar cane wine I sent you during the Christmas holidays?"

As the horse galloped, Wan Shark followed Clint all the time, just like he followed the old man when he went out to sea to plunder.

“Hehe Christmas”

"Duke Loki looks up to these priests like the Holy Bishop, but that doesn't mean I need to support these nerds in mourning clothes! I have no interest in participating in the Christmas they celebrate."

"I only recognize one festival, and that is the Midsummer Festival given to us by 'God King Odin'!"

"But then again, the sugar cane wine you sent tastes pretty good!"

In terms of civilization, Scandinavia is much inferior to England. The Vikings had only one festival throughout the year (due to their poverty, they could only afford one festival), which was the "Midsummer Festival" in early June.

On this day, Scandinavia will have its brightest night. Rumor has it that the gods in the Hall of Valor lit the braziers and started brewing wine.

The arrival of the "white night" means that the long winter is finally gone. The snow has completely melted, and farmers can finally dig through the cold and hard frozen soil and sow wheat and corn seeds.

However, in the prosperous and civilized England, strong national power and fertile land can support residents to enjoy more gatherings.

Christmas, Advent, Easter, Lent, Carnival

There will be a gathering organized by the church every month of the year to bring residents together to spread the glory of the Lord.

It is a common feature of human beings to love excitement and delicious food. Unlike old people like Clint, who find it difficult to change their living habits, the younger Wansha, Faith, and Sanji have begun to support a new life in the new territory.

Their integration with the English people is much better than that of the cold-tempered old Clint.

"Duke Loki is really the reincarnation of a god! He really did what he once said and brought us into a new paradise!"

"Everything about this place is good, except that no one is killing people, so it doesn't feel very comfortable!" Sangji, the carpenter, added.


The old carpenter feels like his hands are itchy after not killing people for half a year, right? Haha! Not to mention our group of brothers who have just gained strength!

Last summer, the massacre of those Cyclops in Stonehelm Fortress was one of the hunting feasts that could only be seen in a century!

I bet Odin is watching us from the sky! "

Wan Shark slapped his chest and laughed wildly.

"Hey, by the way, how do we kill the real owner after we catch him?"

"I heard he's a French baron?"

"How to kill? Needless to say! If you dare to attack our master Clint's adopted daughter, of course you will turn this thing into a 'blood eagle' and hang it up!"

"Blood Eagle?"

"That's a craft! Can you do it?"

“I’ve never eaten pork and never seen a pig run away, so I’d like to practice my skills with this old thing today!”

In a team of a thousand people, more than a hundred Vikings ran at the front of the team.

Behind them were more than 800 servants, thugs and border guards composed of Englishmen.

The English were far less wild than the Vikings. They refuse in their hearts to launch a war for no reason.

However, if we can kill the French

They didn't mind.

French merchants have been bullying others in the English Islands for more than a day or two. Now this group of evil people finally invited more ferocious demons to torture them! The English soldiers were gearing up for a good show.

At the end of the team were 70 reserve cavalry captains led by Alfred.

The Vikings chatted at the front of the team, just like a quiet night chat by the fire before falling asleep.

Their relaxation greatly relieved the nervousness of this group of half-year-old children.

But war is war after all.

When the Baiyun Valley appeared in front, the gate of the valley was closed tightly, and a low horn was blown at the same time.

"Wolf Eyes" Sicord, who was at the front of the team, jumped off his horse and roared into a giant!

He casually uprooted a thick tree next to him and threw it towards the carved steel gate!

The cast iron door, which was less than 1 centimeter thick, was immediately smashed.

A thousand cavalrymen marched straight in and rushed into the Baiyun Valley!

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