Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 360 7.14 Hungry Ghost Chakra Protector

Since the birth of life, the human world has never been a place for peaceful reproduction.

The death of any god and the elimination of belief have its deep-rooted reasons.

Most of them are due to weakness.


Two thousand years ago, the countries in the barbaric Eastern Continent also relied on the power granted by the gods.

The descendants of the Three-Legged Golden Crow, Chi You, Zhu Rong, and Gonggong are countless foreign gods who have descended on this continent, spreading their beliefs and driving mortals to build temples for them.

Although in the end Nuwa and the Fuxi clan eliminated the foreign gods and completed their monopoly. But Nuwa Temple and Fuxi Temple are also gods born out of mortals.

The Eastern Continent is still under the bewitchment of the gods.

Until a thousand years ago, during the Warring States Period.

Hundreds of pre-Qin schools of thought such as Laozi, Zhuangzi, and Mozi appeared and derived the Taoist method of body refining.

Strengthening oneself and introducing Qi into the body began to become popular in the Eastern Continent, and quickly replaced the belief in foreign gods.

There is only one fundamental reason - the Qi Refiners are much stronger than the Chosen Ones in terms of power.

In just a few hundred years, all the ancient temples in the Eastern Continent were either demolished or abandoned.

Everyone is trying to build the foundation and refine the body.

Belief in gods was instantly destroyed.


The same is true for the "Vedo Religion" founded by "Prajna Prajapati" Kashyapa.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation may seem like gods and evil spirits, but after all, they were born in a completely enclosed land backed by mountains and surrounded by the sea.

Bullying the few mortals in a closed continent without being able to engage in a real war with other alien gods on the continent. No matter how strong this path of faith is, it cannot be any stronger.

When the "Aryans" led the Brahmin followers to land, they were immediately brutally eliminated.

And look at the world

The "Vajra Warrior Monk" and "Flying Dancer" under the "Brahmin Sect" are not powerful at all in front of other divine chosen ones.

Andre Jiawen hired these six bodyguards, 90% of the reason was because he wanted to hang them behind him as "exhibits" to show off to outsiders.

In the 10 years following Andre, the "Six Paths of Reincarnation" were like 6 models, far more than 6 warriors.

Even though it was his first time to draw a sword to fight, Alfred killed the "Tiandao Samsara" with just two moves. The exciting battle completely inspired the bloody spirit from the bottom of his heart.

Pulling out the flaming broadsword, his next target was the stupid-looking fat giant beside him.

This is the "hungry ghost reincarnation person"!


Among the 6 people, only the "Hungry Ghost Realm Reincarnation One" seems to be stronger.

Because when the battle just started, he grabbed a running towards Faith Sea Claw, and then opened his bloody mouth and swallowed him in one gulp!

Alfred could hear him struggling desperately in the giant's belly. Therefore, after executing the Tiandao Reincarnation with two swords, he stabbed the giant's soft belly deeply with his backhand sword, and then dragged it hard!

The flame was immediately extinguished when it touched the thick plasma.

"Soul Breaker" is not an indestructible weapon like the blood axe. Only when the broadsword touches the beating heart can it absorb spiritual energy from it.

Although the flame was extinguished, the sharpness of the silver sword remained unchanged. A smooth wound was cut into the soft belly. A large amount of intestinal organs mixed with blood flowed out of it, and even the peristaltic stomach bag could be seen.

Faith Seaclaw, who had been swallowed by him, was struggling desperately inside.

However, after being disemboweled, the seemingly stupid giant seemed completely unaware of pain.

He stretched out his two big hands and hurriedly stuffed the intestines back into his stomach. He gently rubbed the cut wound in his stomach, and it seemed as if it was stuck with glue. It was intact in an instant!

“So that’s how it is”

The strange enemy did not strike any fear into Alfred's heart. Skillfully dancing the broadsword into a sword flower, he inserted it into the chest of a gryphon behind him that was trying to attack. After cutting the heart, the "Soul Breaker" burned with pale flames again. Alfred took out the hook lock. With a strong throw, the hook locked the giant's neck.

Pulling hard on the rope in his hand, he crawled along the giant's back, and instantly stood on top of his head as if there was wind blowing from his back.

This is the power of "Hurricane Berserker" Sequence 7, "Storm Walker".

Two big hands waved, Alfred jumped up nimbly, and the strong wind lifted his body, making him stay in the air for an unusually long time. After dodging this attack, he grasped the broad sword with both hands and leaped forward!

The strong wind mixed with the fire caused him to form a vertical fire storm in mid-air! This sword cut through the forehead, cut the bridge of the nose, and even split the two halves of the giant's lips vertically!

The peeling skin reveals the muscles of the cheeks and the teeth hidden behind the lips.

But the brutal attack was not over yet.

The divine power belonging to "Storm Walker" was activated again, and a steady stream of strong wind lifted his back. Alfred once again threw out the hook lock and launched a bottom-up attack!

The broad sword burning with pale flames slashed at the giant's teeth, smashing both rows of his teeth into pieces! He stepped on the bridge of his nose and jumped onto the giant's head. When the strong wind dissipated, Alfred roared and stabbed the "Soul Breaker" into the giant's head!

The 4-foot silver sword pierced his brain with precision. Under the burning flames, the giant let out a dull roar. He fell to the ground and vomited wildly. Broken organs, blood, and food were vomited out together with the Faith Sea Claw that had been swallowed in his belly.

As his soft brain gradually solidified and gelatinized.

The hungry ghosts who reincarnated also died under his sword.

On the other side of the battlefield, "Wolf Eyes" Sicord is still fighting with the reincarnation of the Asura Path. Mr. Clint is also wielding a flaming axe, and is about to turn the "Beast Path Reincarnation" into a dark werewolf. "Zhe" fell down with the axe.

The English thugs and reserve knight officers held crossbows to narrow the range of the griffins and Pegasus.

The French guards guarding the pass of Baiyun Valley lasted less than 10 minutes and were about to collapse!

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