Chapter 620 43

Chenggretu was awakened from his sleep by a clear and distant song.

Indeed, as Mo Kui expected, all the stowaways trafficked by the 'native dog' Ma Feng were not so clean.

The story Chenggretu told others was that he was a shepherd in the Avar Khanate. Because the grassland in his hometown suffered a rare snow disaster in ten years, the grassland was swallowed up by the snow, and he had no choice but to go out to find new ones. Way to survive.

This rhetoric may sound harmless at first, but anyone who has actually been to the grasslands knows as clearly as a mirror that this group of Turkic herders has spent their entire lives on horseback.

When the pasture is gone, just dismantle the tent and the whole family get on horseback and look for new pasture. Every year they drive their livestock hundreds of kilometers.

These areas are all deserted upland grassland.

How could he be far away from his homeland just because of an avalanche?

The human traffickers in Constantinople have never cared too much about the origins of their "people's votes". As long as they have one or two skills that are enough to be used, no matter they are murderers and arsonists or they are in huge debts. Gamblers and human traffickers never reject anyone who comes.

The thin singing voice in the night woke him up from his sleep. This stemmed from his experience growing up among horse bandits.

Chenggretu was not a shepherd.

He was a horse bandit.

Because of this, he has an amazing affinity for horses. Because for the prairie horse bandits who make a living by robbing, horses are even more important to them than their own lives.

Being able to make a living as a horse bandit on the grassland is absolutely impossible without horses.

The Avar Khanate was located at the end of the Silk Road. In this country, the vast majority of horse bandits are engaged in the details of the Tang Dynasty and the Arabian caravan business.

But the group of horse bandits where Chenggretu was located was different.

They specifically selected lone Slavic caravans to attack.

In recent years, as the Viking princess "Mehlantin O'Sullivan" became popular in the Byzantine Parliament, new trade routes were also opened up.

The horse bandit leader "Fire" Golhuoer who Chenggretu served sensed new business opportunities, and they began to walk specifically on the border between Avarkhan and Slavic caravans, looking for trouble for Slavic caravans.

Caught off guard, the Slavs did suffer several hidden losses.

However, after all, Golhuoer overestimated the tolerance of the Slavic King "Bakanbusi" to the horse bandits.

I have to admit that the horse bandits under Golhuo'er were completely unable to understand Bakan Bush's logic. This man didn't care at all how much profit those dozen caravans could bring him.

In bitterly cold Murmansk, gold and silver had little use other than to mold in cellars.

The fundamental reason why Buchan Bush won the battle to open the trade channel was that the president of the Skylark Chamber of Commerce, "Mehlantine O'Sullivan", was the wife of his brother Loki.

This woman came over to discuss the trade route like an annoying fly. The Slavic King could neither hide nor attack him. In order to make this woman disappear from his face, he could only agree to all her requests as quickly as possible.

Because of this, there was a new trade route from Murmansk to Constantinople.

Now I heard that my people were bullied by "Reek" Avar Khan on this road. This is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world. You must know that their king named "Great Khan" still pays him tribute of cattle, sheep, gold and silver every year.

The territory of the Slavs was a forbidden area that the Avarkhan cavalry did not even want to approach.

The regular army doesn't dare to attack my people, but there are still horse bandits who dare to cause trouble for me? !

Is there such a good thing in the world?

Doesn't this mean I can beat up these reeks again? !

After spending more than ten years wandering around Asgard all day long, Bakan Bush had not experienced the feeling of beating up a living person for a long time. Now that a killing opportunity fell from the sky and hit his face, his mood could only be described as "extremely cherished".

In a certain huge caravan, Bakanbusi unloaded all the goods and stuffed himself and his elite Wolf Fang Guards into it. He walked slowly on the road and waited quietly for "Fire" Guo Lehuo'er to take the bait.

As expected, the upright Avar Khan horse bandit led his team to charge. The Slavic merchants abandoned their goods and fled. Bakan Bush and seven wolf-toothed guards hid in the bearskin keels and were brought back to the gathering place by the horse bandits.

One can imagine what a miserable situation they will be greeted with.

That night, when the roast lamb and fine wine had just been moved to the dining table, Guole Huoer suddenly discovered that there was a pale-skinned strong man with his back to him, crazily stuffing his mouth with all kinds of food.

Hearing the sound of the knife being drawn, he turned back and spat out the bones in his mouth and touched the grease on his cheeks.

"Kids, it's time to work!"

Six simple words marked the beginning of a massacre. The first person to die was Gol Huoer who drew his saber and faced Bakan Bushi. The horse bandit who was still famous on the icy tundra had just raised his machete when a purple thunderstorm fell from the sky and turned him into charcoal.

Bakanbusi roared loudly, and thick pale bristles sprouted from his body. The power of the Sequence 0 "Bear Lord" under the "Violent Bear Path" was activated. He smashed the building in front of him and appeared in front of all the horses. In front of the bandit.

In that bloody night, the horse bandits under the command of "Fire" Guo Lehuoer ushered in the inevitable end. Bakanbusi only brought four guards.

But these five people slaughtered hundreds of horse bandits as easily as cleaning their own backyard.

Among all the horse bandits, only Chenggretu fought his way through that bloody night.

After wielding a broad-bladed saber and cutting down a fang guard in a duel, he bolted onto his horse to rescue his leader. After running two steps, he saw "Fire" Golhuo'er being punched in the chest by Bukan Bushi. The huge bear's paw was like smashing a juicy fruit, turning his half-legged body into a mist of blood.

At that moment, Chenggretu truly felt the breath of death.

Without saying a word, he threw down the saber in his hand, then turned his horse's head and ran away. Thunder struck down behind him one after another. He skillfully controlled the horse and ran wildly. With a lot of luck, he finally escaped from the violent thunder.

"Haha, it's more interesting to kill those Vikings! At least they will come to die and pick up a big ax to resist!"

"It's nothing like these reeks. They all know how to run away on horseback."

It's a pity, we are allies now

If I hadn’t needed to enter Asgard now, haha

The last words Chenggretu heard before leaving turned out to be the Slav King's complaints about life.

When he returned to camp the next morning, the battle was long over.

One after another, mutilated corpses were randomly discarded in the camp. The scavenging eagles hovering at the top of the sky kept falling, eating the flesh and blood of the dead.

He is the only survivor among all the men of "Fire" Golhuo'er.

Chenggretu is not surprised by this ending.

There has never been a rule in this world that says, "I am only allowed to bully others, but I am not allowed to suffer retribution." From the first day they picked up their sabers and mounted their horses, they might have anticipated today's outcome.

Prairie people do not pay attention to burial. Instead, they believe that people should be eaten by goshawks after death. In the ancient beliefs of the Turks, the goshawk is the servant of "Mengke". After death, he must feed his body to the eagle before he can be sent to heaven and fall into the arms of Meng Ge and Lake Girl.

Chenggretu found a flat open space and placed all the brothers and sisters side by side on a high platform, letting the scorching sun shine on them. As more and more birds fell, he mounted the last batch of horses and left his hometown without looking back.

As a grassland horse bandit, he has no family, no tribe, and no tribe.

After all the brothers in the gang died, the only "friend" he knew was the Roman merchant who helped the horse bandits sell their stolen goods. And this well-dressed Roman is obviously not a good guy.

Out of fear of the Slavic King "Bakanbusi", he only thought for three seconds before deciding to sell Chenggretu to human traffickers.

So after going round and round, the former prairie horse bandit appeared in the Nicholson mansion as a stable master.

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