Chapter 626 49

In the stable on the other side of the manor, Chenggretu was wielding a shovel in the middle of the stable, digging out the wet soil in the center of the stable with one shovel after another.

Beside him, the lizard man "Zordon Kull", who was tied up all over, was twisting his body desperately, trying to break free from the soft ropes that bound his body.

But he obviously underestimated this Turkic man's ability to bind people.

After the herdsmen who make a living on the grassland mount their horses, the lasso becomes their main "production tool."

Horses, cattle and sheep will be frightened and run away if they encounter the stings of gadflies and wasps.

In this case, the herdsmen need to chase on horseback, use a lasso to trap the frightened animal and then comfort it. A frightened animal can run at an alarming speed. If it cannot be controlled within 10 breaths, it may even cause the entire herd to flee together.

How to use a lasso is the first lesson that all Turks need to learn before riding a horse, let alone horse bandits who mainly focus on highway robbery.

Skilled horse bandits can even swing a lasso from 20 meters away and strip off the clothes of fleeing merchants. This technique, which seems like magic to outsiders, is just the most normal survival skill to them.

Therefore, it is completely impossible for the lizard man who is tied up by the rope to escape.

During the fight with Jotun Kul, Chenggretu cut at least more than a hundred knives with a broad-bladed saber weighing 20 kilograms. At the end of the chop, his arms were shaken by the lizard man's scales, causing them to tremble, and the saber made of fine steel even began to break down.

It was only then that the Turkic horse bandit realized that the man in front of him was actually a monster wearing human skin.

What's even more exaggerated is that his scales are extremely hard and cannot be cut through at all.

Fortunately, this man's own fighting ability is not very strong. After throwing down his saber and using close combat techniques to capture him, Chenggretu neatly tied up the old lizard with ropes.

After controlling him firmly, he took him to the stable and swung the iron bridge to dig out the wet soil.

During the whole process, he did not look at the struggling lizard man, but instead directed his gaze at Gulina on the other side of the pit.

Three human corpses were neatly placed at the feet of this unassuming Central Asian chef.

Those were "Crowfeather" Magda, "Drownman" Cold-Gil Bandar, and "Battle Angel" Donald Luma who had just died within the magic sealing circle.

The skin of Magda and Lengzhi was shriveled all over, apparently because the escaped necromancers had sucked all the spiritual energy out of their bodies.

As for "Battle Angel" Donald, his neck was broken by Gulina who suddenly appeared behind him, and then his head was neatly cut off with a kitchen knife.

Of course, that might not be a kitchen knife at all, but some kind of more powerful weapon.

While Chenggretu was digging the hole, Gulina was skillfully cutting up the three corpses with a chef's knife. Holding the handle of the knife in her hand, she cut the joints of the corpse smoothly, as skillfully as cutting pork ribs.

In less than a stick of incense, she had dismantled three complete human corpses into more than a dozen scattered parts.

"We live near Constantinople, so we must be careful of those white-clad magicians."

"You cannot put a complete corpse in a pit, otherwise it will be easily found by the group of prophets under the 'Faith Pathway'!

Their bodies must be broken into pieces and reassembled. "

"It is impossible for any soothsayer or prophet under any belief system to locate the body that was broken into pieces and then spliced ​​together."

After hearing these words, Chenggretu put down the shovel in his hand slightly. He raised his eyelids and looked at Gu Lina whose hands were covered in blood.

He thought his origins were mysterious enough, but it was clear that this plain-looking Sogdian chef was obviously a more dangerous person.

Enter the magic circle and kill the high-level Chosen Ones calmly.

He calmly cut off his head, and then cut up the body with a calm expression. All this bloody work is as common in her hands as eating and drinking.

Chenggretu didn't say much and just continued to do the work in his hands.

After burying the broken corpse, the last step is how to deal with the lizard man in his hand. Gu Lina used a pair of thick palms to touch the whole body of the lizard man, but she did not find any gaps in the scales.

Throughout the process, Jotunkul kept trying to communicate with the two, but a rag inserted into his mouth prevented him from making any sound.

After many attempts to no avail, Gulina carried the lizard man on her back and walked out of the manor in silence.

When she returned, it was already early the next morning.

Ge Lin and Mo Kui's work efficiency was very high. After just one day, there was no longer a battle that had occurred in the manor.

Chenggretu was feeding the horses in the stable. The soil that was excavated last night had long been backfilled and flattened. Now it was completely impossible to tell that there were two scattered corpses buried under the damp soil.

In the courtyard, Mo Kui and Ge Lin were mowing the overgrown courtyard.

The process of refining the Necromancer did not last long. When the karma fire in the copper furnace went out, Mo Kui got two red pills. When she got it into Ge Lin's hands, she swallowed it without thinking.

The alchemy method summarized by the Yin-Yang School of Medicine for hundreds of years is the essence of the wisdom of thousands of Yin-Yang teachers in the school. Even though it was just a potion made by a named disciple relying on the memory in his mind, it still successfully suppressed the withered blood in Ge Lin's body.

After just one night, her gray hair at the temples quickly returned to the golden color of the Vikings, while her slightly dull skin also regained some healthy luster.

Although she could not be said to have fully recovered, at least most of the lingering death energy had dissipated from her face.

A total of 4 undead rushed out of the secret door of the wine cellar, and only one was consumed in refining the elixir.

The remaining materials cannot be wasted.

Mo Kui continued to raise the alchemy furnace, smelted the remaining three evil spirits into shikigami, and sealed them into the talisman.

At the critical moment, attach the charm to the weapon and you will immediately get a powerful Horcrux.

These are ancient secret techniques that only Yin Yang masters can master.

When night fell again, except for Red, who was still asleep on the bed, the five servants in Nicholson Manor sat around the round table. Freshly baked bread and a salad of fresh vegetables and feta cheese were placed among the crowd.

But no one took the initiative to reach out for food.

After a long time, Gu Lina spoke first.

"That talking ghost is not something we mortals can kill."

"Yesterday, after I walked out of the manor, I rushed to the beach overnight, tied it up, threw it into an unmanned sailboat, and pushed it into the sea at low tide.

If this thing doesn't die, it will be very easy to expose our target. Only by using this method can we avoid the tracking of those fortune tellers!"

When everyone at the dining table heard these words, they all turned to look at this ordinary-looking servant girl from the Western Regions. No one expected that this seemingly low-key woman from the Western Region would be the most professional and experienced in killing among everyone present.

Whether it's appearing suddenly and breaking the neck of "Battle Angel" Donald Luma, or disposing of the body after the battle. Her professionalism left everyone present feeling unmatched.

It's not an exaggeration for a chef to say that she is a professional assassin raised by a certain king.

"This has happened, and we can no longer hide it from you." Mo Kui stood up and looked at the five pairs of eyes on the dining table, "Our family of three caused trouble in the Holy French Empire before we came to Constantinople. big trouble."

"Three years ago, my adopted son was young and ignorant, and killed the son of Oberlin I in a dispute. If nothing else happens, a few such powerful Chosen Ones would carry an ancient monster with them.

This must be the pursuer sent by Oberlin I of the Holy Principality of France! "

"Haha, I don't think so."

The second person to speak was Chenggretu.

"You only provoked a French bitch, but when I came to Constantinople, I provoked that Slavic lunatic that everyone knows!"

"I have a feeling they might be coming for me."

"They are Buchan Bush's men."

How can this be?

Alan interrupted Chenggretu's doubts.

"Who doesn't know a few legends about Bakan Bushi? If he was targeting you, how could he send these monsters and monsters?"

"The most likely thing that will happen is that he will personally commit suicide in front of you and engage in a one-on-one decisive battle with you."

"I feel like this group of people might be coming for me."

"Don't look at those holy bishops and monks who usually wear white robes and hold Bibles in their hands. They are all extremely holy. Behind the scenes, there is no difference between these guys and those blood-sucking businessmen."

"You can't imagine how far they can go to suppress the academy. Hiring murderers and even taming monsters would not be a burden to the cruel acolytes in the 'Inquisition'."

"The only one in this city who can use this kind of skill casually is the Holy Bishop's Church!"

Gu Lina did not answer when she heard this, she just shook her head slightly.

He is different from other friends who explain everything like they are pouring beans out of bamboo tubes. Even though things have developed to this point, Gu Lina still hasn't revealed anything about her own origins.

But it was obvious that this man was not their enemy.

When "Battle Angel" Donald Luma defeated Red and transformed into his strongest form, Gulina rushed out without warning and broke his neck with just one move.

Subsequently, the "professional level" she showed in burying the corpses and dealing with the unkillable lizard men far exceeded everyone present.

It can even be said that if it were not for the existence of Gulina, the few people who had just entered Nicholson Manor would have to immediately start thinking about how to hide among the crowds again, even if they successfully survived the chaos.

It is her existence that gives everyone the courage to continue living here.

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