Chapter 637 60

The next morning, when the sunlight poured onto Gulaur's forehead, he felt that all the experiences he had experienced in the bathing palace yesterday evening were like a profound dream.

He put his hand on his forehead and forced himself to sit up from the bed. He pushed the soft and white woman's thighs away from his chest. He couldn't remember when he left the bathing palace or how he came to this mansion.

What is certain now is that after leaving the Bath Palace, Phoenix must have led them to drink a lot of strong alcohol, so that his brain is still in a state of confusion.

Gulaoer patted his head hard. Under extreme fatigue, he was not even sure whether he had seen the mysterious woman in the bathing palace.

He couldn't quite remember what kind of clothes she wore, what kind of face she had, and what kind of words she said.

Or is this all a half-awake dream?

The morning sun shines on my body, making me feel warm and comfortable indescribably. This is an experience that is completely unavailable in the cold underworld.

This is the warmth that belongs only to the human world.

Of course there are gentle women around me.

Phoenix is ​​firmly among the wealthy in this city. The women he found were all top socialites in Constantinople.

The rough palms stroked the warm skin, bringing a warm and soft touch.

And all the undead in the underworld are cold people who breathe psionic energy.

It is only in these moments that one can appreciate the joy of being resurrected from the dead.

Just as he picked up the clothes and put them on, there was a burst of noise outside the window. After reaching out to open the window sash, Gulaul saw a variegated torrent of living people appearing at his feet.

Today is the first day of the birthday of Byzantine King Michael III. The spacious streets of Constantinople are crowded with traders and entertainers from all over the world.

All citizens, dressed in colorful party costumes, take to the streets to enjoy this event that only happens once a year.

Several parade floats pulled by elephants, also wearing colorful clothes, passed through the street below. The clothes were painted with a huge logo of the Arab Chamber of Commerce. Several clerks with quick hands and feet stood on the backs of elephants and kept throwing fruits and bread to the surrounding onlookers. The scene was very lively.

"Hey, my Uncle Gulaur, did you sleep well last night?"

"Does a girl from Nanyang have completely different enjoyment than a girl from Western China?"

Graal turned around and saw Prince Phoenix again. Compared with yesterday's casual attire, his attire today also became quite formal. He put on the plain white linen robe commonly worn by Roman citizens, and embellished it with a gold brooch on his chest, which was luxurious but not too kitsch.

He casually took out a few gorse leaves from his arms and threw them to the woman on the bed. Phoenix called the butler standing behind him and gave Gulaur some bitter tea to rinse his mouth with in the morning.


"Sir, Master Sartre is practicing his sword in the middle of the courtyard."

Gulaur shook his head speechlessly.

Sartre had high demands on himself.

As early as Hanshui Village, he was the security captain. Following Loki all the way to attack the city, he was always at the forefront. Even in the underworld, he, Alfred, and Jerome were the backbone of everyone.

This is because he never relaxes his demands on himself.

"There's no rush in terms of time. After we finish breakfast together, we'll go participate in an event that you are more interested in today!"

The program Phoenix is ​​talking about is the "Colosseum Duel Competition" that attracts much attention on the King's birthday.


In all countries and all ethnic groups in the world, "watching others take up arms and fight to the death" is a repertoire that has been engraved in the genes of human beings since the time of the ancestors.

No matter when and where someone gets into a fight, no matter the reason or the result, it will inevitably attract a large number of people to watch.

The Tang people were like this, and the Vikings were like this.

So did the Romans.

The "Great Colosseum", which stands tall in the center of Constantinople, is only open twice a year, during the Vulcan Festival in spring and the King's Birthday in autumn.

Every opening will cause crowds to empty out.

The dueling warriors in the gladiatorial arena would become word-of-mouth heroes among Roman citizens and the talk of everyone for the next six months.

For a samurai, this is much easier than fighting as a soldier.

Tens of thousands of soldiers have gone to the battlefield, and no one knows how many will come back when the war is over. Several of these survivors were able to be remembered by the lords and nobles, and were successfully promoted to nobility.

On the other side, if you walk into the arena. Whether you survive or not, your destiny is at least in your own hands.

If they can successfully survive the rounds of bloody battles, they will quickly gain fame and fortune, and may even achieve a status that surpasses that of noble lords in just 10 days.

This is the charm of gladiatorial combat.

Thousands of years ago, during the Roman Republic, when slavery had not yet been abolished, those who ended up fighting were gladiators specially trained by the gladiator lords for various activities.

However, thousands of years later, the nobles discovered that they did not need to force this group of desperadoes to enter the arena and work for them.

With the expansion of the kingdom and the increasing extent of civilization, more and more people are pursuing fame and fortune.

Not only free Roman citizens, nobles, lords, and even royal family members tried to enter the arena, enjoying the cheers of tens of thousands of spectators after the sword pierced the opponent's body.

The most famous one is the Roman emperor "Caligula" who died in the duel.

In this land covered by yellow sand, citizens can slaughter nobles at will, and even a slave may kill the royal family with a knife.

Whether it is the audience, the nobles, or the gladiators fighting in the field, everyone can get what they want in this event.

Even if every round of gladiatorial activities will result in rivers of bloodshed, there will still be people flocking to it.

Compared to boring noble banquets, watching gladiatorial shows is definitely more in line with the tastes of Gulaur and Sartre. After getting dressed and enjoying a hearty breakfast, my chaotic brain has calmed down from the chaotic state of the early morning.

Once again, they got on the carriage and rushed into the crowded streets of the city. Amidst the pushing and celebrating of Roman citizens, several distinguished guests from the Skylark Chamber of Commerce finally arrived at the Colosseum, the civilized world.

In AD395, East and West Rome separated. After the Eastern Roman Empire established its capital in Constantinople, the founding emperor Isaac I built an identical building with the same proportions in the center of the city, imitating the Colosseum in ancient Rome.

For example, a few hundred meters away from the city center, the outline of the Colosseum has appeared in everyone's sight. This is a circular venue with a height of nearly 7 floors and can accommodate 12,000 people at the same time.

The outer walls of the Colosseum are carved with marble statues of previous champions. There are stone tablets at the feet of the statues. The stone tablets record the achievements of each statue in this arena, how many enemies they killed and how rich they were. rewards, etc.

On the first day of the King's birthday celebrations, hundreds of tourists flocked to Constantinople. Of course, the Colosseum cannot accommodate all citizens, so a considerable number of citizens who have not obtained tickets can only gather outside the venue.

They also have their own way of entertainment.

The casino owner has already obtained all the duels that will take place in the duel arena today before the celebration begins. Outside the Colosseum, there were at least seven or eight temporary high platforms. Casino bosses wearing all kinds of colorful costumes stood on the high platforms and kept waving the colorful tickets in their hands.


"Yes, dear friends, you read that right!"

"Today will be the craziest win-loss ratio in the past ten years. If you miss today, it may not happen in which year if you meet again! You only need to pay 1 silver dinar coin. If the opening is upset, you will get A total of 262 pieces!”

“If you put down 10 coins, haha, in just one hour, you can buy a house on Honeysuckle Street!

From then on, he became a rent-collecting nobleman, and no longer had to work hard on a boat to go to sea or work in the fields. "

"If we put down 100 silver coins, tsk tsk, there will be a new rich man in our city. From now on, when we see him, we all need to bow our heads and call him master!"

"Think about it, think about the glory."

The casino owner opened his arms to the rising sun, but his words did not make the Roman citizens under the platform take out their money bags.

Quite a few of them have been waiting outside the Colosseum before the sun rises. What they are looking forward to is to double the silver coins in their pockets through these 10 days of competition.

1:262, this is indeed a very attractive odds, but what is certain is that the casino owner is not a fool. There is no reason for them to give away money to gamblers for free.

The gamblers who can gather here during this time are all experienced gamblers. They know that exaggerated odds must mean an extremely disparate balance of power.

If you win, the chicken and the dog will ascend to heaven.

But what if it’s cooked?

Every copper is earned by the hard work of the lower-level workers. A smart gambler will never exchange his hard-earned money for a useless gambling ticket and step on it in just an hour.

Seeing a circle of silent onlookers, the casino owner decided to add fuel to the fire.

"Okay, okay, I know what you are all thinking."

"The person who warms up the king is the retainer of Senator Máxima. We all can see the strength of this champion."

"But I can tell you a little tidbit. The other side is not without a chance of winning!"

"Just last night, a powerful Varyag warrior joined the first leg of the Colosseum as a free man.

He is the last remaining member of his tribe!

His name is Red Blood Dove!

When Sartre and Gulaul heard this familiar name, they turned around at the same time.

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