Rome Must Fall

Chapter 114 The Roman Army’s Raid

"What you said makes sense, but if that's the case, it would be terrible! We have been chased by the Roman army. If there are Roman troops blocking us now, we will... we will be surrounded!"

"Now we are being chased like dogs by the Roman army every day. We are almost exhausted from walking non-stop. It would be great if it were like what you said. We can fight the Romans openly. I have to do my best. Cut off the heads of a few Romans so that my previous training was not in vain."

"You just have a tough mouth, and you are always scolded by the captain for your poor performance during combat training. Roman legionnaires are not easy to mess with. If you really fight with them, you may not be able to defend yourself even if you hold a shield. Their sword thrusts."

"He joined the team late and hasn't been on the battlefield yet. Let alone fighting the Romans, it will be good if he can stand on the battlefield and not be scared to death."

"You...don't look down on people..."


Casaridoa pricked up his ears and listened to the soldiers teasing each other. At the same time, his hands kept waving the small iron hoe to shovel away the growing wheat seedlings around him. Both sides of the Vomanus River are covered with wheat fields. The first task of the soldiers is to clear an open space. Since the march, Casaridoa has destroyed countless wheat fields and no longer feels guilty.

Staggs watched the soldiers chatting and joking casually from the sidelines. As long as it did not affect their work progress, he would not step forward to stop them. On the contrary, he felt that joking among the soldiers would help them relieve fatigue and relax their mood.

Most of his attention was focused on Casalidoa. Coming from Asia Minor and a slave, he was very disgusted with Casalidoa who had blackmailed slaves. But Captain Bubius ignored his objections and forcibly Assigning this boy to his centurion team, he could only hope that this boy would make a big mistake and be expelled from the team. Since entering the army, this boy has not only abided by military discipline, but also worked very hard, which was really beyond his expectation. Unexpected.

After observing for a while, Staggs walked over, kicked Casalidoa with his foot, and said: "Well, using an iron hoe to hoe weeds is too slow, and it can easily damage the flatness of the ground. Use this one." ." As he spoke, he took out the dagger hanging from his waist and threw it to Casalidoa.

Casaridoa was still in a daze after catching the dagger. He looked arrogant, but he was actually very smart. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to have been living in the city of Sarapia for many years without being killed by the masters of the slaves.

After he joined the rebel army, he was given luggage and some personal items, but no weapons and equipment. Although the entire rebel army still lacked weapons and equipment, even wooden weapons were not prepared for him. He somewhat understood that the team officers were His opinion is that he is always keeping it to himself and trying hard to show off.

"After cutting the wheat straw, sharpen the dagger well before returning it to me." Staggs reminded.

"Yes, Captain!" Casaridoa said excitedly.

More than 16,000 soldiers took turns to work, and finally dug trenches and built earthen forts.

The soldiers collapsed on the ground from exhaustion, and most of the conversations were about things like "The supply camp has enough time to prepare food today, what delicious food will be available...".

Staggs came over and said: "I have good news for you. The leader allows each team to take turns bathing in the river -"

"Okay!" the soldiers cheered.

"In addition, the baggage camp has made a request, hoping that brothers with good water skills will come to the river to catch some fish. They will make fish soup, fry fish, and add some delicious food to everyone."

"Of course it's no problem!" Many of the team members were sailors, and they were even more energetic now.

The slowly flowing Waumanus River was rippled by the sea breeze, and the heavy wheat ears on both sides set off green waves. Groups of herons were foraging on the river beach, but they were suddenly rushed by soldiers. They were so frightened that they fled in all directions.

The soldiers quickly took off their clothes and jumped into the river. Soon there was a lot of frolicking on the river...

Seeing this scene, Maximus also had the urge to play in the water, but he immediately put an end to this idea. As the leader of the team, he not only had to maintain his dignity, but also had to remain vigilant at all times in order to Able to issue orders quickly, especially in such a severe situation.

"You guys should go take a bath too." Maximus said to his attendants.

With his approval, Akago led some teenagers and rushed to the river with joy, but Cassius, Valles and other teenagers stayed behind.

"We can't all leave. What if you, the leader, want me to do something and I can't find anyone to do it? So we want to wait until Akago and the others come back before going."

Cassius's answer made Maximus nod secretly, but he said nothing on the surface. He just asked Cassius to send someone to the river to get some water so that he could wash his face and wipe his body.

At this time, Aconis and Karina walked over side by side: "Chief, our female camp also wants to take a bath in the river. After walking for so many days, everyone is very dirty, especially those who have been here for months. Yes……"

This time the female battalion performed quite well during the march and did not hold back the team. Maximus was certainly not prepared to reject their request. He thought for a while and said: "Of course there is no problem in bathing, but this section of the river is Already occupied by men.”

"Let's wash upstream, where there are fewer people." Karina had already thought about it.

"How to ensure safety?"

"We have a female escort."

"There are too many people in your female camp, and it's difficult for the escort team to take care of them all."

"Then call a few centurions to ensure our safety on the shore." Akonis interjected.

Maximus suddenly opened his mouth, wanting to express his objection.

Akonis then said: "We are all slave girls, and we are not afraid of being looked at. Besides, we are all brothers and sisters. I believe that the soldiers guarding us will not act recklessly."

"...Okay, I agree." Maximus had no choice but to agree.

When Maximus's order was given to the team in the camp, the soldiers howled with excitement, vying for the right to escort the female camp.


Early in the morning of the second day, Maximus was awakened by Akago: "Chief, Hagux needs to see you in an emergency!"

Maximus was agitated, turned over and sat up: "Let him in quickly."

Hagues walked into the military tent quickly, looking anxious: "Chief, my men just reported that a large number of Roman soldiers suddenly appeared near the city of Castrum!"

Maximus was so frightened that he lost all sleep.

Although he had never been to Picenum before, he had memorized the map here. He clearly remembered that Castrum was a seaside town, right between Ascoli Port and Ateninum. The distance to Artenum is even closer.

"Didn't you report yesterday that the front has been quiet and there is no enemy situation! Why did a Roman army suddenly appear now?!" Maximus subconsciously asked, and because of his anxiety, he spoke a little rudely.

"Chief, my men were really not lazy yesterday. They kept insisting on exploring the towns along the way. The farthest observation post was placed in the port of Ascoli, which is seventy or eighty miles away (because of the convenience of the seaside road) And the non-resistance of the residents along the way made Maximus dare to send the reconnaissance cavalry so far). We really didn't find anything unusual! If they hadn't strictly carried out their tasks, they wouldn't have gone out to conduct reconnaissance so early this morning. The enemy situation has been discovered!" Hagux shouted.

Maximus calmed down a little and his tone softened: "How many enemies are there?"

"My men came back as soon as they discovered the enemy's situation and reported it. I didn't have time to make a slow judgment there. However, there are still men who stayed there to observe. I believe there will be a more detailed report soon."

"Akeguo, immediately notify the bugler to blow the brass horn!"

" guys rush to tell the three legion commanders immediately that there is enemy situation! Tell them to assemble the team quickly!"



"Also, call Quintus and Frontinus here immediately!"

"Woo! Woo! Woo!..." The high-pitched and rapid sound of the brass horn sounded, and the quiet camp soon became lively.

Quintus and Frontinus, who rushed to the military tent after hearing the news, felt the urgency of the matter after listening to the military situation introduced by Maximus. They leaned over and looked at the map.

Frontinus reminded with a serious look: "Castelum is only more than 20 miles away from us. According to the normal marching speed of the Roman army, it will take at least half a day to arrive, but the Roman army suddenly appeared there, obviously. Coming for us.

Since they have been prepared, if they abandon their baggage and move forward lightly, traveling along the seaside road, their speed will be greatly accelerated, and they can get here in about three...four hours.

Chief, we only have two choices now. Or, retreat immediately and move closer to Spartacus's army... But it takes our soldiers a lot of time just from getting up to setting off, and the huge baggage train will slow down our marching speed. Once we are marching If you are chased by enemies while in this state, you will be in big trouble! Either-"

He said with emphasis: "Gather all our soldiers to line up along the river to defend against the Roman army's attack. At the same time, we immediately notified Artemus and Spartacus so that they could quickly lead their troops to help.

Artemus' army is not far away from us. They should be able to arrive before the Roman army arrives. Our two teams combined have nearly 40,000 soldiers. In addition, there is a river as a barrier. The Roman army fights!

Although Spartacus's army is far away from us, he will definitely lead his team to rush here. By the time he arrives, the Roman army will probably be very tired. By then he will attack from the flank and we will have a big victory! "

At the end of the sentence, Frontinus seemed very excited, but Maximus was not affected by it and looked at the staff officer calmly: "Quintus, what do you think?"

Quintus, who was staring at the map and lost in thought, was called back to his thoughts by Maximus. He was quiet for a moment before he said: "Why did the Roman army suddenly appear near Castrum? I think the most likely reason is ...The Roman army stationed at the Ascoli military camp entered the Port of Castrum by boat through the Port of Ascoli in the dark night. As far as the sea route is concerned, the distance between the two cities is very close, and there is a lighthouse to guide them, which is better than the land route. More secure and convenient...

But in any case, to transport a large number of soldiers, there must be enough ships. I suspect that the consul may have mobilized the warships at the Brindisi military port. He spent so much energy arranging such an action, I'm afraid he has already made up his mind to defeat us! "

Quintus looked at Maximus and said extremely seriously: "Chief, Frontinus' proposal just now has been made very clear, but I also want to emphasize that the morale of the soldiers was not very high. If we choose to retreat, the soldiers will probably have no intention of fighting, and the consul will definitely lead his army to catch up, which will cause a huge rout! "

Maximus put his hand on his chin, lowered his head, and looked thoughtful to hide a trace of dissatisfaction rising in his heart: Although the two Roman veterans usually did not deal with each other, when the enemy was facing the enemy, they unanimously emphasized - do not fall behind. Withdraw, we must fight! And his first reaction when he learned that the Roman army was attacking was to retreat quickly. Spartacus's rebel army would eventually win, but that should not be based on the heavy price paid by his own team. ...However, retreating at this time does carry a lot of risks. In the event of a major rout, a year's hard work may be ruined...

Under the piercing gazes of Quintus and Frontinus, Maximus thought again and again, his hands behind his back were clenched with sweat. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said: "What you said... is very good." The reason is that the Roman army is deliberately trying to eliminate us. I...I will let them know that my team is not a sheep that can be bullied, but an indestructible rock! In this battle, we will fight them!"

Maximus spoke emphatically, and Frontinus responded even more generously: "The leader is right, this Roman army underestimated us. Not only did they toil all night, but they also had to march twenty miles quickly to get here. They won’t have enough strength to fight with us, and our soldiers have undergone long-term training and need a battle to prove themselves. They will make the enemy taste powerful!”

Envoy Quintu said: "Before the arrival of the Roman army, we need to arrange a defensive formation. To do this, we need to understand the situation of the Vomanus River in detail, where the water is deep and where it is shallow, where it can be easily forded, and where It's not easy to cross... I think the Marsi man who came to seek refuge with us yesterday should be familiar with the terrain here, so why not call him here and ask him carefully. "

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