Rome Must Fall

Chapter 196 What happened to the Knicks tribe (2) Building a wooden bridge

Chapter 196 What the Nix Tribe Saw (II) - Building a Wooden Bridge

Rogimonius walked to a wooden board as tall as a person. The board was engraved with words, but he could not read a single word. So he asked curiously, "What is this?"

"It is engraved with the laws and regulations of our tribe, so that the tribesmen can understand and remember them at any time, so as not to be punished for breaking the law."

"What if some people can't read?"

"In the future, there will be someone here to explain to the tribesmen who are interested."

"Oh." Rogimonius reached out to touch the words on the board, and his desire to learn to read became stronger.

The two walked towards the east gate of the village one after the other.

After just a few steps, Rogimonius stopped and pointed to the north and asked, "What are they doing?"

It's no wonder that Rogimonius was curious, because he had been here before and knew that it was the Kupa River, and now there were the most people gathered there.

"They are building a bridge."

Rogimicius' eyes lit up: "Is it the kind of bridge that connects the two sides of the river by connecting wooden boats together and laying wooden boards on them?"

"No, what we build is not a simple floating bridge, but a real wooden bridge!" Akgo said proudly.

"A real wooden bridge..."Rogimicius remembered some stories about Rome that his mother told him when he was a child, and immediately shouted excitedly: "I'll go and see!" As he said that, he ran over there.

The people on the riverside stared at the river with concentration, allowing the boy to squeeze in front.

There were two rows of wooden pillars erected on the river surface that was more than 70 meters long, extending from this side of the river to the other side. These wooden pillars are made of two equal-length woods placed side by side, with multiple short wooden boards staggered and nailed in the middle. They are tilted inward at a certain angle and pierced into the riverbed, about four or five meters away from the wooden pillars at the same position, forming an eight-shaped shape...

A large raft is anchored in the middle of the river. On the raft, there is a wooden spire as high as six or seven meters. A pulley is hung on the spire. A cylindrical iron block is hung on one end of the pulley, and the other end is pulled by several strong men. The iron block is close to the edge of the spire with a certain tilt angle, constantly hitting the wooden pillar below, and the wooden pillar is smashed into the riverbed bit by bit at this tilt angle...

"It's still a little high, a few more hits... Stop! One more hit..." Everyone on the river bank held their breath, and only a middle-aged man shouted loudly.

In front of him stood a wooden frame more than half a person's height, on which hung some strange objects. He bent down from time to time to gaze at the river through the wooden frame, then shouted twice, and finally he shouted loudly: "Stop! Stop! It's OK! Check carefully whether the wooden piles are firmly erected!" After a while, the people in the middle of the river made a positive gesture. The middle-aged man turned around and faced the others gathered around him, and said in an excited tone: "I declare that the bridge piles have all been driven. Next, we can embed the crossbeams between each pair of bridge piles, and then nail the bridge board... I estimate that it will only take two days! In the next two days, we can complete the basic framework of the bridge! I hope that everyone will work hard in these two days and do everything they should do. Then I will go to the leader to ask for credit for you!" Everyone cheered. Amid the cheers, Akgo dragged Rogimicius out and said, "We have to hurry, or we'll get to Westney too late and we won't have lunch."

Rogimicius' mind was filled with the huge rafts on the river and the wooden pillars standing proudly in the river. He was even more shocked by the man's last words. He asked in a trance, "That man... that man said he could build a big wooden bridge connecting the two sides of the Kupa River in two days... Is that true?"

"Of course it's true! The most difficult part of building a bridge is to drive the bridge piles into the riverbed several meters deep. You just saw that the bridge piles have all been driven. The next step is to It's the same as 'the roof beams have been set up, so building a house becomes simple'."

Akeguo, who is the same age, did not regard this as a miracle, because he knew the principle of bridge construction in advance, so his expression was quite calm: "Don't call him 'that person, that person' casually. He is Spukara, the most powerful engineer in our tribe, and is respected by our leaders and tribesmen!"


"It means that he has mastered a lot of knowledge and can use this knowledge to guide everyone to make things such as bridges, large siege machinery, hydraulic forging hammers... and other things that you think are miracles." Akeguo explained with a little pride.

Although Rogiemisius did not understand some of the terms the other party said, his eyes became hot: "Engineer... so powerful! I want to be one too!"

Akeguo was stunned for a moment and reminded: "Didn't you hear clearly just now? I said that to become an engineer, you must first learn a lot of knowledge-"

"I can learn! I will study very hard!" Rogiemisius said very seriously.

Akeguo looked at him. Although he was not optimistic, he did not want to ruin the sudden interest of his new friend in person, so he said, "If you want to be an engineer, you must first learn to read and do arithmetic. We have to go to school now-"

"I know, let's walk faster!" Rogimicius said anxiously, quickening his pace and walking in front of Akeguo.

"This guy is really impetuous." Akeguo muttered and followed him.

After leaving the gate of the village, Rodimnisius stopped again, looked south and asked, "What are they doing?"

"Cut down trees."

“Why are there such long lines to cut down trees?”

No wonder Logimnisius was confused. Not far away from him, the tribesmen of the Nyx tribe formed a long single file, stretching from the entrance of Snodia Village, through the dirt road between farmland, and all the way to the south. In the mountains, it is three or four miles away... This is completely beyond the concept of felling trees and logging that Loginnisius understood.

Akguo explained: "To build our own tribe now, we need a lot of wood. If we send many people up the mountain to cut down trees like in the past, and then carry the cut trees back to the village, this will consume physical strength and It’s time-consuming and you can’t cut down many trees in one day.

The leader of my family came up with a way to let the tribesmen who are strong and good at cutting trees go to the mountains to be responsible for cutting down trees. At the same time, some carpenters are also sent to the mountains to saw the cut trees into lumber nearby for easy transportation. Then other ethnic groups lined up in a long line down from the mountain, hand-in-hand to deliver the wood to the village. This saves effort and time, and even old and women can participate...

Have you seen the few hills next to them that look a little bare? Originally, it was densely covered with trees. In the past few days, all the big trees on the mountain have been cut down. Otherwise, Spukala engineers dared to announce that the wooden bridge could be roughly built within a few days, because the bridge needed to be built. We have already prepared so much wood. "

"Well, this is a good idea. Your leader is so powerful!" Loginnisius thought for a while and praised him sincerely.

"Of course the leader is awesome. He even told Spukala some of the ideas for building a wooden bridge!"


"Of course, I can't lie to you. Spukala often goes to the main house to discuss issues with the leader. We follow the leader, but we understand him very clearly."

"I'm so envious that you can study with Chief Maximus."

"Since you have joined the secretarial department, you will definitely have opportunities in the future."

The two were walking and chatting, and the sound of "ta, da" hooves came from behind, and then a voice sounded: "Little Akago, where are you going?"

Rodimnisius turned around and saw a two-donkey cart coming from behind. An old man was sitting on the cart, looking at them with a smile.

"Uncle Xibalita, let's go to Westney School." Akago answered while looking at the things on the cart: "Are you going to deliver wood to Westney?"

"Yes, we will send him two more times today, so there is no need to send him again for the time being." Xibarita said, looking at Rodimnisius: "Who is this little guy? Why haven't I seen him before?"

"His name is Logimnisius, the son of the leader of Kalsi Pampas. He has just arrived in our tribe and has been assigned to the secretarial department to work for our leader." Akago introduced.

Rodimnisius also shouted obediently: "Hello, Uncle Xibarita!"

"He is a polite little guy who can actually speak Latin! Your father is the benefactor of our Nix tribe. Without his help, we would not be able to settle here... You are very welcome to our tribe!"

His sincere words made Loginius proud of his father.

Xibarita continued: "Anyway, we are going to Westney. We are on the way. You two sit down and I will give you a ride."

"Thank you for your kindness, uncle! We don't want to sit down. Westney is not far away. We can just walk there, but don't tire your donkey."

Xibarita's eyes widened and he said: "You guys are so polite, why don't you come up quickly! With your body, my donkeys are not tired, they are very strong!" He said and patted the donkey's butt, and the donkey immediately let out a cry. The cry of "grey" seemed to be in response.

Akguo no longer refused, climbed into the cart with Rodimnisius and sat on the timber.

Xibarita patted the donkey's butt again and said, "Don't be lazy. There are children coming to ride in the car. You two have to run, otherwise you will be laughed at because you can't walk faster than others."

The two donkeys seemed to understand and started to jog.

The pack car began to bump obviously, but Rodimnisius did not feel uncomfortable. Instead, he found it interesting to follow the ups and downs of the car.

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