"Get ready for battle!" Kuhn got the situation from the walkie-talkie: "An enemy convoy was spotted about ten miles ahead!"

Qin Chuan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. It should have been discovered by the German reconnaissance plane and reported to the ground troops. Germany has always done a good job in the coordination of various arms, which is also the basis of the "Blitzkrieg".

The reactions of the veterans were similar to Qin Chuan's. Only the recruits still couldn't figure out what was going on and were still nervously looking here and there.

Yacop felt that as the squad leader, he needed to let his subordinates understand what was happening, so he loaded the magazine for the MP40 and explained: "Discovering the enemy convoy means that the battle we are facing may not be too fierce, because That could be an enemy supply convoy, and we have an armored regiment that will blow them up easily! So, relax..."

"Understood, sir!" The recruits breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Qin Chuan felt something was wrong.

Team? How could the enemy's transport convoy drive to such a forward position? !

Qin Chuan took out a map from his pocket and made a rough calculation of the current position of the German army... As a soldier, especially a grassroots officer (in fact, in the German army, a squad leader is not even considered a senior official at all, and even Ordinary platoon leaders are not counted, only second lieutenant platoon leaders like Kuhn are barely counted). If you want to save your life, you must know your position, so that you can have a broad understanding of the entire battle in your head.

The German army has always attached great importance to the cultivation of this aspect, because they believe that high-quality officers will directly affect the combat effectiveness and adaptability of the army... For example, if an officer cannot even read a map or calculate distance, he will be defeated or Even if they are separated, they don’t know which direction to move closer to get reinforcements from friendly forces.

Qinchuan didn't need training at all in this aspect, and it was relatively easier to calculate the position in the desert because the troops almost walked in a straight line. As long as they estimated the time and speed, it was easy to get the accurate position.

"Is there any problem?" Kun asked when he saw Qin Chuan's expression was wrong.

"Second Lieutenant!" Qin Chuan pointed to the position on the map and replied: "We are probably at this position, six miles southwest of Capuzo Village, and the enemy convoy is ten miles in front of us... that is at this position!"

"Yeah!" Kuhn nodded in agreement, which was pretty much what Kuhn had calculated.

"In other words, the enemy drove a convoy to the front line?" Qin Chuan said: "You must know that it is not far from Capuzo Village. By doing this, aren't they driving up in their cars to die?"

"Perhaps they are infantry sent by the enemy to reinforce the village of Kapuzo!" said the baker, "or they are transporting ammunition and supplies to the village of Kapuzo. In short, this is a good opportunity for us, isn't it?"

"You're right!" Werner continued: "Tanks versus cars... this battle will definitely be easy and exciting!"

"But don't you think this is too easy?" Qin Chuan said: "A convoy is exposed in front of us, without tanks following us, and the British Air Force has even discovered us..."

When Qin Chuan said this, Kun and the soldiers felt a little strange.

"The British Air Force did spot us!" said the baker. "They even bombed us!"

"Yes!" Werner said: "That is to say, this is probably a trap for the British... I think Frick is right, we can't rush up like this!"

Kuhn hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, "I'll contact the captain right away and tell him what you think!"

With that said, Kuhn called the company headquarters and repeated Qin Chuan's thoughts, emphasizing: "Captain, this is Sergeant Frick's idea!"

"I understand!" replied Bazel.

Barzel may ignore other people's ideas, but he must pay attention to Sergeant Frick's ideas, because Colonel Sline specifically emphasized... Whenever Sergeant Frick has any suggestions, he must use all possible means Notify him as soon as possible.

In fact, this is only one of the reasons. The more important thing is: Bazel knows that this sergeant named Frick is not simple. In the last battle, it can be said that he won all the way according to his plan and finally succeeded in taking Tobruk.

Therefore, even without Colonel Slain's order, for the sake of the troops and his own life, he should report the situation to the regiment headquarters in time.

There was an echo two minutes later... Kuhn couldn't help but be startled when he picked up the phone. After saying "yes" a few times, he handed the phone to Qin Chuan and whispered: "It's the colonel, he wants to talk to you! "

The soldiers in the car couldn't help but stand in awe, and the recruits even opened their mouths for a long time and couldn't close them. Their eyes were full of shock and envy... They didn't understand how the colonel could shoot him personally just because of a sergeant's guess. Ask by phone.

"Colonel!" Qin Chuan answered the phone.

"Sergeant!" Colonel Slain said straight to the point on the phone: "You are right, we also have such suspicions, but we have repeatedly confirmed with the pilot that the other party is indeed a convoy, and there is no tank accompanying it. The surrounding terrain is also flat and no ambush has been found. We are also arguing about this matter, but many people think this is a mistake made by the British and we should seize this opportunity!”

Of course what Colonel Slane said makes sense. Although the British army has a large number of troops, its composition is very complex. For example, the British Armored Division is a purely British army, the British Indian Army is composed of British officers and Indian soldiers, and The South African Army and so on, these troops don't even understand the language, so it seems normal to make some mistakes.

"Colonel!" Qin Chuan replied: "It's actually very simple to judge whether this is a trap. We can change our direction and test their reaction!"

"That makes sense!" Colonel Slaine replied, "I'll contact you later!"

Colonel Slain couldn't wait to hang up the phone and got through to Colonel Olbridge... Colonel Olbridge was the commander of the 5th Armored Regiment and the front-line commander appointed by Lieutenant General Strike.

"Sir!" Colonel Slaine said, "I would like to make a suggestion. Why don't we change our direction and test the enemy? I mean, if it's not a trap or they don't know we exist, then they will remain Their direction, otherwise..."

"What kind of trap will there be, Colonel Slane?" Colonel Olbridge replied: "Our reconnaissance planes have confirmed it time and time again. And you know, our tanks are no faster than British cars. Doing so may cause us to lose this great opportunity!”

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