The Rise of the Third Reich

Chapter 35 Someone needs to bring hatred

At this time, a girl named Natalie had already walked up to Chloe with a few people who were suspected of being Hungarian revolutionaries.

"Chloe, who is this? Can you introduce it to me?" Natalie looked at Hersman with playful and curious eyes.

"Ludwig Hirschmann, my fiancé." Chloe did not say the "Von" that symbolized noble status. In Soviet Russia, nobles were not very popular.

"Ludwig, she is Natalie Lesinskaya, my friend." Chloe said, "She works in the Bolshevik Foreign Central League."

"Hello, Comrade Leshinskaya." Hersman smiled and stretched out his right hand to shake Natalie's hand.

Natalie showed a charming smile: "Welcome to Russia. Are you also here to attend the founding meeting of the Third International?"

The Third International was soon to be established, in March 1919. It is now September 1918, and many foreign revolutionaries are arriving one after another.

"No, it's not." Hersman smiled and pointed at Chloe, "We are not Bolsheviks, nor are we members of the Socialist Party or the Workers' Party. We are just friends of the Russian Bolsheviks. I heard that Comrade Lenin was assassinated, so I came here overnight from Riga ”

"Oh, so you and Chloe are changing trains in Pskov?"

There was no longer a direct train from Riga to Moscow, but a transfer at Pskov. This was to facilitate the Bolsheviks' control of access into and out of Russia. Although the road to escape from Soviet Russia has not yet been blocked, it is becoming increasingly difficult to do so.

"Yes," Hersman replied, "I hope to be able to get on the train to Moscow immediately."

"What a coincidence, there happens to be a special train bound for Moscow right now, chartered by our Bolshevik Central League." Natalie Lesinskaya said, "This train is great, and there are quite a few vacancies on it. The box. I can ask Comrade Bella to take you two with me."

"That's great, Natalie, thank you so much." Chloe looked very happy. She turned to Hessman and said, "Everything in the Central Alliance is the best in Russia. Now we can relax Arriving in Moscow comfortably. ”

Nowadays, all kinds of supplies in the areas under Soviet Russia are very tight. Even the rations in Moscow and Petrograd are so small that it is difficult to fill their stomachs. Moreover, the Bolsheviks in this era did not have privileges and bureaucracy. They basically shared the joys and sorrows with the people.

The Central League of Bolsheviks was the only department with special supplies, as they were responsible for entertaining foreign revolutionaries. The Russian Bolsheviks treated them very favorably and took good care of them. Many foreign revolutionaries in Moscow were even given carriages.

The conversation suddenly stopped when someone called Natalie Lesinskaya's name. Leshinskaya asked Hersman and Chloe to wait at the exit of the "special passage". Then he took a few Hungarians and walked to an office with the "Foreign Central Alliance Reception" hanging on it.

"Is Natalie from the Cheka?" After completing the customs clearance procedures, Hersman asked Chloe next to him in a low voice.

"I don't know, but there is actually no difference between the Cheka, the Foreign Central League of Bolsheviks, the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs or the Military Revolutionary Committee in Russia. They are all organs of the Bolshevik Party, and their staff are all members of the Bolshevik Party warrior."

The Russian Bolsheviks in 1918 were so powerful! Although there are only hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of party members, almost everyone is a soldier of the party. In this regard, the Russian White Guards cannot compare at all! They do not have a core leadership at all, and the so-called "White Guards" are just a general term. There was no unified White Army, no leader who could command them all. Therefore, the conflicts within the White Guards were no smaller than their conflicts with the Bolsheviks.

"Oh, you're right." Hessman nodded, and then he and Chloe found two secluded chairs at the exit of the "Special Passage" and sat down, waiting for Natalie to get it for them. The box in Moscow - this must be the arrangement of the foreign central alliance. Chloe notified the Kremlin of Hessman's coming to Moscow in advance, and then had a chance encounter with Natalie. I just don’t know what else is going on next?

"Ludwig, this is Lieutenant Stockhausen's report." Chloe took out a notebook from her handbag and handed it to Hersman.

Stockhausen is now working as a military adviser to Trotsky in the name of "German military expert". He will write a war situation report to the headquarters of the Russian-German company every month, and at the same time suggest what the Russian-German company should provide weapons to the Red Army.

Hessmann took the notebook and looked through it. There were many things written densely on it. The first was to report a battle going on near Ufa, against the cabinet executive government.

The current White Russian army is roughly divided into three parts, the army controlled by the cabinet executive government (provisional government) in Ufa; the South Russian armed forces led by Denikin and Kornilov. The main force of the former was the Czech Legion, which received a large amount of assistance from the Allied Powers and numbered around hundreds of thousands. The main force of the latter was the Don Cossacks, who were loyal to the Tsar and supported by the Central Rada of Ukraine - which may have wanted to use them to weaken the Bolsheviks. The White Guards in the Far East controlled by Semyonov, who were supported by Japan and the United States.

In addition, many Tsarist Russian nobles and officers who opposed the Bolsheviks were now gathered in the Estonian Autonomous State and Finland, which belonged to the United Baltic Principality. They were led by Yudenich, the former commander-in-chief of the Russian Caucasus Front, and they also supported the Tsar and opposed the Bolsheviks. Moreover, these people also have the support of General Goltz and Finland! However, they have not yet organized anti-Bolshevik armed forces.

And these White Guards, including Yudenich's men who had not yet been truly armed, totaled hundreds of thousands of people, much less than the Red Army. Except for Semyonov, the other two routes have no reliable sources of weapons and equipment. Although they occupy most of Russia's territory, they are sparsely populated places, and the White Guards have not established reliable local governments - those places Most of the regimes were controlled by the Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, and they had a cooperative relationship with the White Guards.

It was impossible for them to defeat the Bolsheviks.

What really worries the Bolsheviks are the two foreign intervention forces! The British, French and American coalition forces entrenched in Murmansk and Arkhangelsk, as well as the Allied intervention force with the Japanese army as the main force, landed in Vladivostok in August.

Now Lenin and other Bolshevik leaders are very worried that the intervention forces currently entering Russian territory are just the vanguard! With the Allies defeated, the Allies would definitely consider intervening in the Russian Civil War as their top priority after the war. The only countermeasure the Bolsheviks could take was to use the theory of world revolution to support the socialist left parties in Eastern and Central Europe to launch revolutions.

At the end of the report, Stockhausen believed that the Russian Bolsheviks were currently sparing no financial resources to support revolutionaries in various countries and were still preparing for the founding conference of the Third International. The purpose was to create trouble for the Allied Powers, divert their energy, and avoid the expansion of interference.

In other words, the Bolsheviks need a leader who can attract the attention of the Allies by spreading hatred!

Hessmann closed his notebook and was thinking that the United Baltic Principality should not be the first person under any circumstances. Natalie had already walked over from the other end of the special passage with a middle-aged man in his early forties, with a thick mustache and a round, doughy face.

Chloe recognized the middle-aged man, and she whispered to Hessman: "It's Kun Bella!"

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