The Rise of the Third Reich

Chapter 66 No more Russia

It seems that Hersman was misled by later history textbooks, or by the Chinese people's understanding of the Russian Revolution. In fact, Britain, France, the United States and other countries do not support the restoration of the Romanov dynasty in Russia - although the Tsar's family was executed by the Bolsheviks in history, some members of the Romanov family still escaped, and there was no way to find someone to be the new Tsar. What a difficulty. The White Guards at that time were based on royalists, and a czar was exactly what they needed.

However, Britain, France and the United States have never considered finding a grand duke from the Romanov family to be the Russian Tsar. Perhaps in their eyes, there is no essential difference between Tsarist Russia, Soviet Russia and the German Empire, and they are all objects that need to be wary of and contained.

This is probably the main reason why the Allied Powers ultimately failed in their intervention in the Russian Revolution!

"Edward, Stephen, hello."

At No. 10 Downing Street, in the office of the British Prime Minister, important guests were visiting. One of the two visiting guests was the special envoy of the U.S. President, Colonel Edward Mandal House—a young man in his sixties, somewhat skinny, bald, and with a mustache. Although he has the rank of colonel, he has not actually served in the military. This is an "honorary rank." He is a big figure in the circle of British and American bankers. His father, Thomas Howson, was the agent of the Rothschild family during the American Civil War.

Another visitor was the French Minister of Foreign Affairs Stephen Bihun - this was a fat man. When the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China, he was the French minister to China. He worked hard to expand the interests of the French Empire throughout his life. He was the "Tiger" Clemenceau. best partner.

"Have you all read Lieutenant Colonel Alexander's report?" British Prime Minister Lloyd George said straight to the point, "The Grand Duchess is obviously not a good partner to work with."

Duke Lvov and Kerensky, who were good collaborators, were both in Paris. Olga ignored them, and the White Guard generals also ignored their existence.

"The main force supporting her is the Germans!" said the French Foreign Minister. "In the Baltic, she has 150,000 to 200,000 troops, 100,000 of which are composed of Germans... This violates the Compiègne Forest Agreement. and the Fourteen Points of Peace.”

Lloyd George nodded and frowned: "There are almost the same number of White Guards supporting her in the Don River and the North Caucasus. Most of them are Cossacks, so of course they support the Tsar! There are also people supporting her in Siberia, including Gal who just launched a coup. General Chak has clearly stated his support for Olga. Semyonov in the Far East also holds the same view... Now it seems that only the North Russian Provisional Government in Murmansk has not expressed allegiance to her. So, what should we do now? ?”

The White Army generals in the provisional government of North Russia actually supported Olga, but they did not dare to express their stance due to pressure from the British, American and French coalition forces.

"She cannot be recognized at the moment, that's for sure!" said the French Foreign Minister, "and we should continue to put pressure on her to force her to expel the German troops in the Baltic!"

It is obvious that Hersman's grasp of France's diplomatic line has greatly deviated - the Franco-Russian alliance is not the first choice of the French authorities at this time. Because in the French's wishful thinking, Germany should be weakened or even dismembered to the maximum extent after the war, and it would no longer be a threat to France.

Moreover, the French do not intend to analyze the hegemony of the European continent with Russia. In Eastern Europe, they have a more ideal partner-Poland! It would be more reassuring to support the Poles to "pacify independence and suppress exposure" than to maintain a scary Great Russian Empire to deter Germany, which is about to be crippled.

As for the British attitude towards Russia, it is similar to the French. Regarding the European continent, the British attitude is very clear, that is, there cannot be a hegemon. The countries that have the potential to become the hegemon of the European continent have been France, Germany (including HRE), and Russia for hundreds of years. If these three countries were to be ranked according to threat level, before the world war, Germany should be first, Russia second, and France third—because France has the smallest population, land area, and resources among the three countries.

After Germany's defeat, the Russian Empire may become the number one in Europe! Therefore, the current situation of civil war in Russia is actually in the interests of the British Empire.

"Mr. Minister," the American Colonel House asked, as if he did not understand the calculations of Britain and France, "are we going to send troops to the Baltics?"

"No, you can't do this." Lloyd George waved his hand quickly, "Doing this is tantamount to supporting the Bolsheviks, which is not acceptable!"

The French Foreign Minister also explained: "We just don't admit it... we just don't admit it."

Olga is the legitimate Empress of Russia after all! Merely not recognizing it is tantamount to helping the Russian Bolsheviks. If we send troops to deal with her, why don't the capitalists and aristocrats in Britain and France who fear the Bolsheviks jump up?

Besides, if the White Guards supporting Olga collapse, Russia will be unified by the Bolsheviks. A unified Russia, after all, a Russia that is not divided is reassuring.

"Then we want to recognize Soviet Russia?" A somewhat confused American colonel asked again at this time.

"Don't admit it either!" Lloyd George and Bi Xun said in unison.

"Let the Provisional Government of North Russia represent Russia?" the colonel asked again.

"No, neither can they," said the British Prime Minister.

"Are we going to set up a government in exile in Paris?" Colonel House actually meant who represented Russia at the peace conference.

The Russians have fought so hard for so many years that they have beaten themselves to pieces. It's not easy to win now, you should be a little bit dirty, right? This way it will be easier to talk when the Russians need help in the future.

"No, it's not." Foreign Minister Bi Xun and Lloyd George exchanged glances. The British Prime Minister said: "In fact, there will be no government representing Russia at the moment... At least no one can represent Russia at the moment."

"No one can represent Russia?" Colonel House was stunned. This matter was also beyond his expectation. "Then what will happen to the Peace Conference?"

“There will be no Russian representatives,” the British Prime Minister said. “Britain, the United States, and France rule the world together!”

"They don't recognize me, they don't recognize the Russian Empire... It's so sad."

The pale winter sun shines on the city walls of Tombia. Although it cannot melt the snow there, it still brings a little warmth. Hessmann was walking through the snow with a devastated future queen.

"My Majesty, they will support you in the end." Hersman's voice was soft but very firm. "When the peace conference is over and they have finished carving up the world, they will think of Russia."

"After carving up the world, are you going to carve up Russia again?" The words of the Grand Duchess were full of ridicule.

Maybe! Hersman thought to himself: Wouldn’t the independence of the three Baltic countries, Finland and Russian Poland weaken Russia? Historically, the Allied Powers also targeted Ukraine, but they were unsuccessful. If the Poles or Petliura had succeeded, I am afraid there would be no Red Empire so powerful that it made the entire Western world tremble.

"How long will the peace conference last?" the Grand Duchess asked again at this time.

"The plan is to start on January 18th. How many months will it take to finish?" Hessman said. "Representatives from all over the world will go to Paris, and it will take a lot of time on the way."

"Representatives from all over the world?" the Grand Duchess snorted coldly, "Except for Russian representatives! They can hold meetings for several months, but I can't wait that long. The White Guards need a czar, and I can take on the role. This It is my responsibility, and it is also what my father, mother, brothers and sisters are looking forward to in heaven. I will take on this responsibility for them and lead Russia to revival!”


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