The Rise of the Third Reich

Chapter 70 Guerrilla Expert

"Without food, the situation will continue to be turbulent. The rations are getting less and less day by day, and the things on the black market are so expensive. It seems expensive to me. How can ordinary workers afford it? This is the source of the Bolsheviks' power... Let me tell you , Lenin’s best friend was US President Woodrow Wilson!”

After hearing what Hessmann said, Marshal Hindenburg frowned and said, "Ludwig, do you think this Woodrow Wilson is really a Bolshevik? There are people from them in the United States, right?"

"Yes, a German immigrant named Friedrich Sorge. He was a student and comrade-in-arms of Marx and Engels. He was also a German social democrat. He founded the American Socialist Labor Party in the last century and also organized Trade unions that adopted a Marxist line did not gain much support.”

"Woodrow Wilson might be Sorge's disciple!" Hindenburg stroked his beard, "Then our support of the Hungarian Bolsheviks won't play into his hands, right?"

"He was actually supporting the Hungarian Bolsheviks as well."

"By what means?"

"As far as I know, it's blockades, deceptions and threats," Hersman said. "The blockade was first used to starve Hungarians in order to expand the mass base of the Bolshevik Party. According to a report from the intelligence station in Budapest, the influence of the Bolshevik Party in Hungary It is expanding rapidly. Not only workers support them, but there are also many supporters in the army.

Then Coolidge, the head of the U.S. government's special delegation, used aid as bait to intensify the conflict between the Hungarian government and the Bolshevik Party, driving the Bolsheviks out of the coalition government and turning them into a suppressed opposition faction. In late January, armed clashes between government forces and Bolshevik loyalists occurred in Budapest and elsewhere. "

"Who has the upper hand now?"

"On the surface, the coalition government has the upper hand, but the Bolshevik Party's mass base continues to expand. And they also have a great advantage - they are in opposition!"

Hindenburg, who would later become president of the Weimar Republic, was certainly a wily politician, nodding. After listening to Hersman's report, he knew that the Hungarian Bolsheviks would soon come to power.

"Now it depends on when the Allies will issue an ultimatum to the Hungarian government, an ultimatum that the Hungarian government cannot bear." Hindenburg said, "Karolli (President of the Republic of Hungary) will either step down or be overthrown."

"Yes, Marshal, he has no other way out."

"But things won't be easy for the Bolsheviks in Hungary after they come to power, right?"

"It's up to us!" Hersman said. "Weapons and ammunition have been shipped to Budapest a few months ago... They also have a lot of weapons themselves, and now they only need officers."

You cannot win a battle with weapons alone. You must have well-trained soldiers and officers who can command correctly. Austria-Hungary also fought a world war for several years. There are more than 3.5 million people in Hungary joining the army, so there are plenty of well-trained soldiers. There are certainly enough officers, but it's hard to say whether they can command them correctly.

In Hersman's view, it was obvious which Hungary was stronger and weaker in the face of the Entente. You will probably not be able to win just by fighting hard, so there must be a way to defeat the strong with the weak. People's War is just a concept, and Hessman himself doesn't know how to carry it out. But in the German army in 1919, there were already such talents.

"Our hero Major General Vorbeck and his warriors will return to Berlin soon." Hindenburg said, "I will go with you to see him then. I believe he will be willing to continue fighting for the German motherland. But... Lieutenant Colonel Hessman, you must ensure his safety!"

"Yes, Marshal." Hersman said, "Major General Vorbeck does not have to lead the troops in person, he only needs to serve as a military advisor. And we can also open a special operations school in Budapest to train special operations talents, Major General Can serve as the principal of this military academy."

Hessmann now has a 300-man Miuta special forces unit in his hands, but this unit is just called "special forces" and does not really fight like the special forces of later generations. Because Hersman himself and his officers were fighting traditional wars and did not know how to operate special operations.

In addition, the "special operations" in Hersman's mind are not limited to elite units composed of elite soldiers and officers that can perform various special tasks. Guerrilla warfare (including counter-guerrilla warfare) is also an important category of special operations - and in the view of Hersman, who has a professional background and truly understands military affairs, guerrilla warfare does not require very high demands on soldiers, but it requires launching, organizing and suppressing Guerrilla warfare is a university subject!

"That's right!" Marshal Hindenburg frowned and sighed, "We need to open such a school... Not only does Hungary need officers who can fight like Major General Vorbeck, but we in Germany seem to need it too. Such talent.”

The matter is not as serious as Hindenburg thought, and Germany does not yet need to use guerrilla warfare to defend it. But there are still many countries in the world, especially colonial and semi-colonial countries, that need some unconventional combat methods. Therefore, this military school named "Special Technical School" will become famous in the future!

On February 21, 1919, the Hungarian government finally could not withstand the temptation of a blank check from Coolidge, the head of the US special mission, and sent troops to suppress the unemployed workers who supported the Bolshevik Party, and also arrested the leader of the Hungarian Bolshevik Party, Kun Bella.

But this was not a victory for the Hungarian government, because the influence of the Hungarian Bolshevik Party in the army far exceeded that of the German Bolshevik Party—there was no strong Junker officer corps in Hungary that could cooperate with the reactionary government. Therefore, the Hungarian government did not dare to kill the Bolshevik leader, but merely imprisoned him. Moreover, the activities of the Hungarian Bolshevik Party, instead of shrinking, intensified and became more active.

Moreover, the Hungarian government also faces powerful nationalist forces. Unless they could get a more respectable peace from the Allies, Hungarian nationalism would merge with Bolshevism. But a more decent peace cannot be obtained by the Hungarians from the "bouncing king" Woodrow Wilson...

While Kun Bella was imprisoned, the conflict in Hungary (between the Bolshevik Party and the legitimate government) intensified. However, Berlin seemed to be celebrating a festival for several days in a row - a large number of troops were making a "triumph" from the front line! They lined up in huge ranks, with clear flags and intact weapons. They appeared on the streets of major cities in Germany with seemingly high morale. As if they were the victors of the war, not the losers!

I don’t know if I am really confused or if I am just trying to cheat. Since February, the Abbott government has begun to conceal the fact that Germany has "unconditionally surrendered"!

The government held one welcome ceremony after another for officers and soldiers returning from the front line. At all ceremonies, officials representing the German government declared that "the war was not defeated" and that "the soldiers were not losers, but voluntarily gave up the struggle for the sake of the country and a decent peace" - from about this time onwards "the war was not defeated" The concept of "no defeat" became deeply rooted in the German people.

In addition, the Abbott government's understanding of the Paris Peace Conference seemed to be wrong. They naively or pretended to be naive believed that the peace conference would be based on the Fourteen Points of Peace. The price Germany will have to pay is Alsace and Lorraine...


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