This lich needs more money

Chapter 4 It’s those high elves again

Amberxiu concentrated on assembling his new skeleton. The fleeing man who was watching this scene saw with his own eyes that human bones were assembled by the lich into a weird and hair-raising shape. He was dizzy, sick, and wanted to vomit, but he I can only endure it with all my strength, for fear that I will become material in Amber Xiu's hands.

Ambrose's hands steadily pieced together each bone, and he did not forget to introduce it in a calm and determined tone.

"The power core and control core of the skeleton are both souls. More than two hundred bones and hundreds of joints are a huge burden on the soul core. But we are all accustomed to it, and no necromancer has even tested the strength of the soul. Precise measurement, only vague distinction between low-level, intermediate and high-level souls.

"In alchemy, the proportion of potions is already accurate to the milligram, but our undead magic does not even accurately measure the most important soul strength. I think this is an unacceptable inertia.

"It is true that because the strength of the soul fluctuates, it is difficult to measure, but this is not a reason for us to give up measurement. And I happen to have mastered the technology of artificial soul, which can create a blank soul without any remaining emotions, so after a period of After the experiment, I created a set of standards myself, naming the unit of soul strength as 'po'. I will describe the specific measurement method in detail in the paper.

"If the editor-in-chief of "Legend of Curse" no longer rejects my submission.

"Back to the topic, our experiment today only uses the primary soul, so I use the primary soul as an example. The primary soul that can support a complete skeleton has a strength that is generally in the range of 80 to 130 souls. The highest peak is less than It will exceed one hundred and fifty souls. This energy is dispersed into two hundred and six bones, and what we will get is a garbage undead creature that is clumsy in movement, slow in reaction, and broken at the touch of a touch.

"Just as intelligent creatures invented tools such as pliers and differential gears, structural optimization can greatly enhance strength or speed.

"If we reduce the number of bones to twenty, we will get an alien skeleton that is reduced in size but greatly enhanced in strength, agility and solidity. According to my calculations, the intensity will be at least five times greater."

As Amber Xiu mounted the final skull, a strange-looking skeleton appeared on the experimental table.

The base of the skull is composed of three insect-like legs, and the body is only one-third of the spine, which is covered with a skull with the lower jaw removed, and finally two thick thigh bones are attached as arms.

Immediately afterwards, Amber Xiu embedded two sharp blades made of metal on the arms of the alien skeleton.

A small skeleton that looks like a mantis is assembled.

Amberxiu placed the alien skeleton on the ground, and the little guy started moving at an extremely fast speed, even faster than a cat.

"I named the skeleton in this form Kazik Type 1. Next, there will be actual combat exercises."

Amberxiu waved to the pale man with trembling legs and said, "What's your name?"

The frightened man replied tremblingly: "Lao... Raoul."

"Okay, Raul. You take the Kazik Type 1 and bring back those escaped free people to me. As long as you can bring back ten refugees, I can let my sister survive."


Raul didn't expect that Brother Amber would give him this task.

What does this lich want with refugees?

The answer to this question, Raul already knew the answer in his mind as he looked at the bones scattered throughout the laboratory.

"I...I will fulfill your orders, Lord Lich."

Amberxiu nodded with satisfaction and handed a gem-encrusted bone to Raul's hand: "Just direct voice control. The function of Khazik Type 1 is very simple. Red is to attack, green is to follow, and black is to stop. , you have to figure out the rest by yourself.”

Looking at the three gems inlaid on the bones, Raul suddenly had an impulse. If he pressed the attack command on the gems towards the lich, would it be...

This thought swirled in Raul's mind and quickly dissipated. This lich was not a fool, so how could he put a weapon that could kill him into his hands.

Although Raul couldn't understand most of what the lich was talking about just now, he could still hear the lich's relaxed tone. The alien skeleton in front of him might be just a toy to him.

Looking at his unconscious sister, Raul gritted his teeth and pressed the green gem. The alien skeleton that was crawling around immediately followed Raul's footsteps obediently.

As soon as Raul left the castle, the girl who had just fallen asleep opened her eyes.

When I saw Amber Xiu's forest-white skull face, I couldn't help but want to scream, but as soon as I made a little sound, I covered my mouth with my hand.

Amberxiu glanced at her and said casually: "Your brother Raul helped me do something. I asked him to find ten people for me and let you go. By the way, since you are free people, what are your occupations? "

Freedmen are generally people who have mastered a certain skill, because most of the farmland in the territory belongs to the lord. Only slaves or tenant farmers can cultivate the lord's fields. Most other freedmen need to engage in other occupations to support themselves.

It took the girl a long time to calm down. She didn't believe that her brother would help a lich. The undead monster must have used some means to force him. She even suspected that her brother had been killed by the lich. , became one of the materials in this laboratory.

But there was no possibility of resistance at the moment. She could only try not to anger the other party and see if she could find a chance to escape.

The girl answered cautiously: "I am an alchemy apprentice."

"Alchemy apprentice?" Amber Xiu was a little surprised. This profession is not common.

Even though this castle is within the scope of the City of Alchemy, an alchemist is a very rare profession that requires not only spellcasting talent, but also a smart brain that can remember and understand complex potion recipes.

Different materials contain different magic elements. Even the same type of materials will contain different magic elements due to different growth conditions of the raw materials. If you want to become an alchemist, you must learn how to distinguish these.

Amber Xiu is not a professional alchemist. Many higher-level magic potions can only be purchased. He cannot make them himself. Even if he knows the formula, the yield of the finished product is often very low, resulting in a lot of waste.

Unexpectedly, this girl turned out to be an alchemy apprentice, which was considered a treasure.

"No, you are an alchemy apprentice. How could you be sold as a slave by the lord? Who is your teacher?" Amber Xiu asked again.

In the Alchemy City, alchemists naturally have a noble status. Even if they are apprentices, as long as they ask the teacher to come forward, it is no problem to settle such trivial matters as the lord's tax increase.

The girl was silent for a moment, and then said: "My teacher, she went to Silvermoon Highgarden two months ago to purchase potion materials, but she never heard from her again. People who came back from Silverymoon Highgarden said she might have encountered an accident. .”

Without the protection of the teacher, a mere alchemy apprentice really has no way to fight against the lord. Maybe the lord has already set his sights on this girl and wants to take her as his own. A slave with alchemy talent is extremely valuable.

After hearing this, An Boxiu couldn't help but cursed: "It's those bean sprouts again, why are they everywhere?"

He was becoming increasingly unhappy with this group of high elves.

Looking at the nervous girl, Amber Xiu said, "Can you make tranquilizing potion?"

The tranquility potion is a low-level magic potion that can be taken orally or sprayed as perfume. The effect is also very simple. It makes people feel calm and neutralizes the effects of rage. Many jobs require emotional stability, so tranquility potions are in considerable daily demand.

The girl didn't understand why Amberxiu suddenly asked this, but she nodded and said, "I have learned it."

Amber Xiu pointed to the cabinet on the right wall and said to the girl: "Then let's prepare it. The ingredients are all in there. At least twelve bottles are needed."

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