This lich needs more money

Chapter 58 A sense of ritual

Outside the castle shrouded in darkness, two agile figures were grabbing ropes and climbing up the wall.

Although the brothers Dahei and Erha like to deceive people, they are really good at it. They easily chose this path with the fewest magic traps. Not only did they successfully break through the outer layer of warnings, they also climbed over the wall and sent the hook to the enemy. Reached the top of the tower.

Simply climb up this wall to gain access to the castle tower, and explore the castle from top to bottom.

The two brothers just wanted to take a quick walk around the castle, draw a random picture, and then run away.

They didn't want to explore in the first place, but the paladins escorted the two of them directly to Amberxiu's territory, raised their bows and arrows, and forced them forward.

Not only that, these holy warriors also tampered with the two of them. If they tried to escape, they would probably catch up to them soon. There were also many light spells with tracking effects.

Therefore, there is no way to fool around with infiltration. We can only think of ways to shorten the adventure time.

Although they are very confident in their own skills, Dahei and Erha both have lingering fears about the name Ultraman Tiga. He is a legendary level lich, and he also tricked the two brothers to death. They leave a deep shadow.

If I had known that the target was this person, the price would have been ten times higher. Now I am losing blood and my life is in danger.

The two of them could only pray that the lich was hiding in the vault counting gold coins and never discovered their infiltration. The two brothers swore to every god that they would never take away even a stone, leaving only a few lines of footprints. will leave.

Unfortunately, the gods did not favor them.

"Yeah yeah yeah!"

Erha's raven suddenly screamed, startling the two brothers who were climbing the wall.

Erha knew that his beast companion would not bark randomly. He must have discovered some danger, so he looked at his bird, and then saw his bird hanging in a strange trajectory.

"Down there? What's down there?"

Erha understood the raven's warning and lowered his head to look down.

After just one glance, Erha felt that his hands and feet were weak.

"What's wrong?" Dahei muttered and looked down. His hands shook in fright and he almost let go of the rope.

It was a terrifying behemoth.

A giant several meters tall, wearing heavy black armor, his head was empty except for a dark purple light that was constantly changing.

"This is...the Headless Horseman?!" Erha said in shock.

Dahei said quickly: "Have you ever seen such a big headless horseman? Is this a fucking hill giant?"

Erha followed his brother's words and said, "Then the hill giant cuts off its head and becomes the headless horseman!"

Dahei wanted to say something more, but saw the headless horseman below pulling out a long knife, and quickly reminded him: "Fuck, this thing has found us, hurry up... crawl..."

The last word was spoken so quietly that it was almost inaudible.

Because the dull blade had already passed by Dahei's neck and chopped off his head.

Dahei never expected that they were at least fifteen meters away. How did the knife hit his neck? And so fast, so quietly, you can't even hear the sound of the knife?

Before dying, Dahei had only one thought.

Damn it, that bottle of so-called life-saving potion was fake and was deceived by those paladins.

But what Erha saw was different.

When the blade came, three kinds of magical light flashed from Dahei's body. The three defensive spells, Armor of Elgasis, Stoneskin and Mage Shield, were indeed activated. However, they could not block the dull and inconspicuous blade, and they could not even stop the long sword for half a second.

As Dahei's head fell, Erha also fell downwards together with his headless body.

The knife just now not only cut off Dahei's neck, but also cut the rope between the two of them.

It was a precise, ferocious, and extremely terrifying knife. Erha didn't even have time to grieve for his brother's death, and his body was tightly bound by chains.

It turned out that the long knife just now was thrown out with a chain attached to it. After cutting off the big black head, it circled twice as if it was alive and tied up Erha's body.

The armor of Elgasis, the stone skin spell and the mage shield, the triple magic defense was automatically activated, but it also failed to save Erha's life.

The thick chains stretched in mid-air, blood splattered everywhere.

Erha was cut in half, and when he fell to the ground, he had already closed his eyes.

At this time, Amber Xiu hurriedly arrived and appeared next to the headless brother.

"Brother Diga, you came just in time, we just found two infiltrators." The headless brother said proudly.

The headless brother now really regards Amber Xiu as a brother to protect him. As soon as he found out that someone was invading, he decisively killed these two people.

Under the power of the legendary strongman, any protective magic is useless.

Amber Xiu looked at the corpses all over the ground and couldn't help but sigh and said, "Gareth, next time you encounter such a small character, try to leave a whole corpse."

"What's wrong? Do you still lack these bones?"

The headless brother thought that Amber Xiu was going to use the corpses of these two people to create undead.

But Amberxiu shook his head and said: "For the spell of talking with the dead, the corpse must be roughly intact. Beheading and cutting in half will not work."

Corpse conversation is the most classic necromancy technique. It can temporarily seal the soul of the deceased in the corpse and order the other party to answer questions. Generally, you can ask five questions and you can't lie.

Amberxiu wanted to know why these two people suddenly found their way into his castle, and whether the group of paladins had any plans.

But now the body is so mutilated that it is impossible to use Conversation with the Dead.

The headless brother said a little embarrassedly: "Ah, I forgot. I'm not very good at magic, and I completely forgot about the spell of talking with the dead."

Naturally, Amber Xiu would not blame the dutiful headless brother, and comforted him by saying, "It doesn't matter. I'll just make the two of them undead. It's just a little more troublesome."

Amberxiu summoned piles of mage hands, picked up the bodies of Dahei and Erha, and sent them to his laboratory.

Looking at the reassembled corpse, Amber Xiu suddenly had a strange feeling. It seemed like it was the first time that he had used such a traditional method to create undead.

Since being promoted to Legend and gaining the ability to create virtual souls, all of his skeleton troops have used virtual souls to replace living souls. Not only that, even the corpses were collected from the battlefield of the last Warcraft War.

"It's so outrageous. If other members of the Mourning Poets Society know about it, they will probably laugh at me for hundreds of years."

With a strange feeling, Amberxiu began to sew the two corpses, and then began the traditional creation of undead for the first time in his life.

Since this is the first time, there needs to be a sense of ritual, and we should simply make them high-level undead.

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