World of Warcraft: Reviving Stromgarde

Chapter 167 Steel War Scorpion

After the Azeroth coalition killed all the way through the Ahn'Qiraj Reptile Tunnel, which is known as the gospel of trypophobia, they came to the insect nest where the tenacious Van Kress was.

The tenacious Van Kress and Kulinaros of the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj are the same race of bugmen, but the tenacious Van Kress is undoubtedly more powerful than the one who died at the hands of the Forgotten Royal Terror Guards.

"Scorpion?" Siege Craftsman Heisuo exclaimed happily, then hurriedly ran to Jialin and said, "King Jialin, please leave this big insect to me to deal with!"

"Are you sure? Heisuo, that is a hero-level insect lord." Heisuo took the initiative to ask for help, which made Jialin stunned. Although the physical fitness of goblins is much stronger than that of dwarfs, the birth of a hero-level strongman is also incomparable. Difficulty, the siege craftsman Heisuo is naturally not a strong hero level, or even only level 7. Let him deal with the huge insect lord, and it is not even enough to fill his teeth.

After hearing the words of speed, the siege craftsman Heisuo did not flinch, but said confidently, "Don't worry, King Garin, this scorpion insect man can be used to test the first creation of our Heisuo company! "

"Oh? Then I'll wait and see." Garin was relieved when he heard that it was the latest creation of Black Solo Company.

You know, Blackso is a goblin company with complete military technology. It has the most black technology in Azeroth. The siege craftsman Blackso even conquered the Burning Legion's magic mecha.

Galin once doubted that if Siege Craftsman Blackso was allowed to live a few more years, he would be able to conquer even the Star Destroyers of the Burning Legion.

As a king, you can't refuse your subordinates who want to show off, as that will discourage them.

Moreover, if something happens to the siege craftsman Heisuo, Jialin will take action immediately to ensure the safety of the siege craftsman Heisuo.

After receiving Garin's consent, the siege craftsman Blackso walked past the dwarfs with his head held high, and even said, "Just wait and see with your own eyes, you tiny dwarves, the greatest creation of goblin engineering will be on display!" "

The ground under the feet of the Azeroth Alliance Army began to tremble, as if something was about to come out. The Azeroth Alliance Army placed in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj were 200% vigilant, and the first thing they thought of was It's the giant bug man.

Just as the Azeroth Alliance was on alert, a giant scorpion made entirely of steel emerged from the ground and almost missed the feet of the Azeroth Alliance.

But when this steel scorpion, which was made entirely of steel and burned with flames, appeared, all the Azeroth coalition forces were suppressed.

Just like when the dungeon of Battle of Orgrimmar was first opened, adventurers fought all the way from Pandaria to Orgrimmar.

But when they came to the gate of Orgrimmar, they found a terrifying giant guarding there. The Darkspear resistance forces based on Razor Hill continued to charge against it, but to no avail.

The Iron War Scorpion is one of the synonyms of the tribe's black technology. This mechanical monster is the Optimus Prime stone among the tribe's siege weapons. Deterrence and destruction are its two almost equally important uses.

The Iron Scorpions guard the gates of Orgrimmar, tearing to pieces any who dare attack Orgrimmar.

Today, the Iron War Scorpion was born in Azeroth several years ahead of schedule. With the research funding and strong support provided by the Covenant, the siege craftsman Blackso created the Iron War Scorpion during the expedition to Ahn'Qiraj. Prepare to use the Ahn'Qiraj as experimental test subjects for the Iron War Scorpions.

When fighting against ordinary Ahn'Qiraj bugmen, the Iron War Scorpion is almost invincible. In front of the steel monster, ordinary bugmen are extremely fragile and have no backhand power.

The siege craftsman Heisuo had always wanted to find a scorpion insect lord to test the true power of the Iron War Scorpion. When he saw the huge corpse in front of the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, he was so angry that he just banged his head against the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. stone wall.

The goblins of Blackline Company have been exploring the underground of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj in the Iron War Scorpion, trying to find another heroic-level scorpion insect lord. By chance, the tenacious Van Kress bumped into him.

The appearance of the Iron War Scorpion made the tenacious Van Kress feel like he had met his destined enemy.

Two almost identical giant scorpions looked at each other in the huge nest, while constantly moving around each other looking for openings to attack.

"Steel War Scorpion, kill it!" Siege Craftsman Heisuo, who was in the Steel War Scorpion's cab, roared loudly, and then controlled the Steel War Scorpion to launch the attack first.

The scorpion's legs made of steel moved quickly, and the whirling saw blade on the steel scorpion's left arm rotated rapidly, and then slashed at the stubborn Van Kress.

The tenacious Van Kreis is actually more like an ordinary reptile than a scorpion, because it does not have huge claws or a highly poisonous scorpion tail.

Facing the steel war scorpion's whirling saw blade, the tenacious Van Kreis actually collided directly with it without dodging.

The inspiration for the swing saw blade must come from the logging gear of the goblin woodcutter. The rapidly rotating gear has incredible cutting power, and even hard ancient trees will fall down quickly.

However, the steel war scorpion's whirling saw blade had no effect on the stubborn Van Kreis. It was like cutting on steel, and dazzling fire appeared.

The reason why Fankreis is called tenacious is because of its strong defense and vitality. The steel war scorpion's spinning saw blade can't cut through its carapace.

Withstanding the cutting of the whirling saw blade, the tenacious Van Kress crashed into the Steel War Scorpion, and then his huge mouth began to bite the Steel War Scorpion.

"Damn, this bug is so tough! Use Flame Burst!"

Under the command of the siege craftsman Heisou, the coordinated deputies pressed the button for the flame burst.

The Iron War Scorpion is driven by flames, and contains powerful flames in its body. Using the huge special nozzle, the Iron War Scorpion directly in front of the tenacious insect man Van Kreis unleashed a burst of flames.

Flame is often the weakness of those creatures that always have super strong defense and vitality. This also applies to the tenacious Van Kress.

The stubborn Fankreis whined and quickly ran away from the Iron War Scorpion.

"Still trying to run!"

The drill bit of the other pincer arm of the Steel War Scorpion was inserted. Under the effect of the drill bit, the ground began to vibrate, and the stubborn Van Kress fell directly into the cracked ground.

After restraining the stubborn Van Kreis, the Iron War Scorpion chased after him. After understanding that the tenacious Van Kreis was afraid of flames, the Iron War Scorpion began to spray tar.

The black tar quickly covered the entire body of the tenacious Van Kress.

Then, the Iron War Scorpion's weapons of mass destruction were all activated, cutting lasers and mortar barrages. The dazzling laser rays and a large number of mortar shells instantly devoured the tenacious Van Kress.

The poor heroic insect man was actually bombarded, burned and cut to death by the Iron War Scorpions.

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