World of Warcraft: Reviving Stromgarde

Chapter 183 Marching into the Eastern Plague Land

After Andorhal was recaptured by the Covenant, the entire Western Plaguelands was basically controlled by the Covenant.

The Western Plaguelands are where the undead plague broke out, and here, the Scourge was finally born.

But now, 90% of the undead in the Western Plagueland have been cleared away, and only 10% are blindly wandering in the dense forests and tombs of the Western Plagueland.

It can be said that these remaining undead no longer pose a threat. It won't be long before the night elf druids in the healer camp will work with the paladins to purify the Western Plaguelands and bring it back to life.

The victory in the Battle of Andorhal caused the morale of the Covenant army to rise rapidly. The Scourge Legion, which once swept across the northern continent of the Eastern Kingdom, now only has the Eastern Plaguelands left. As long as the Eastern Plaguelands are recovered, the Scourge Legion will Expelled from the Eastern Kingdom mainland.

The covenant army did not stop there, but went directly east and entered the Eastern Plaguelands.

The Eastern Plaguelands can be said to be the most powerful area of ​​the Scourge, where even the strengthened Scarlet Crusaders are on defense.

Along the main road in the Eastern Plaguelands, the Covenant army fought their way to the Crown Tower.

The Crown Watch Tower has long been recaptured by the Scarlet Crusaders. Relying on the Crown Watch Tower, the Scarlet Crusaders resisted attacks from the Scourge in Darrow County.

Nathanos Blightcaller of the Forsaken chose Maris Farm as the garrison location of the Wither Legion. It was also the farm owned by Nathanos Blightcaller during his lifetime. He also died in battle there. In the end, Resurrected as an undead.

Thoradin's Legion, Theramore's Legion, Scarlet Crusaders and Wildhammer Dwarf Griffin Knights, so many armies, the crown tower alone is not enough to accommodate them.

"Rex, Tailan, Darrow County will be left to you. Darrow County will be our first step in regaining the Eastern Plaguelands!" The victory in the Battle of Andorhal brought the morale of the covenant army back to normal. When it was at its peak, Garin took this opportunity to ask Rex and Tailan, two powerful second-generation Paladins, to attack Darrow County.

Darrowshire is just an ordinary small town in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, named after Lake Darrowmere on the west side.

But even such a small town fought an epic battle in Darrow County when the Scourge Legion invaded.

In that battle, the Silver Hand Paladins and the Darrow County militia united together to defend this small town to the death. Unfortunately, Daron County fell in the end.

Every adventurer who comes to the Eastern Plaguelands has personally experienced the replay of the Battle of Darrow County. This war is extremely small compared to other battlefields, but it is so heroic, and they defend their homeland to the death. A native of Daron County, he has gained the respect of all adventurers.

For Garin, it was the same. At the same time, Daron County was the place he was least willing to face in person, and there was little Pamela there.

Rex and Tyran are both powerful and compassionate paladins. Garin believes that the two of them will handle little Pamela's matter carefully.

Not long after Rex and Tyran led the troops to attack Darrow County, the griffins of the Scarlet Crusade came from the east.

"King Garin, Princess Caliya, the news of the great victory in the battle of Andorhal has resounded throughout the Eastern Plaguelands. The soldiers of the Scarlet Crusade are ready to completely drive the Scourge from our land." Bloody. The Crusader Lord Ashbringer Alexandros Mograine personally came from Tyr, and the Western Plaguelands were recovered. This is undoubtedly the best news for this middle-aged Paladin Lord. .

The emergence of Garin has changed Azeroth too much. One of the most gratifying changes for him is that the Ashbringer Alexandros did not die at the hands of his son Renault, nor did he become a death knight.

Without Alexandros, the Ashbringer, the Kingdom of Lordaeron's hope for success would have been dashed by the wise and mighty Grand Marshal Garithos.

It was this middle-aged paladin holding the Ashbringer who single-handedly created the Scarlet Crusade, which prevented the Scourge from completely annihilating the people of Lordaeron.

Garin was equally excited, and he responded passionately, "Lord Alexandros, expelling the Scourge is the mission of the entire covenant, and that is why we must fight for it."

"For the Covenant, for Lordaeron!" Caliya was even more eager to expel the Scourge. The culprit who caused the destruction of her country and family was the Scourge.

From the mouth of Ashbringer Alexandros, Garin learned about the current situation in the Eastern Plaguelands.

Alexandros, the Ashbringer, sat in the hands of Tyr, and successively recovered and built the Shield of Light Tower, the Crown Tower, the East Wall Tower, the Northland Tower and the Diseased Wood Tower.

Through these outpost towers that are easy to defend and difficult to attack, the two main territories of the Scarlet Crusade, Hand of Tyr and Stratholme, will not be separated again.

The Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade, Tirion the Silver Hand, is based in Stratholme.

Through the efforts of Tirion, the Silver Hand, Stratholme has been basically recovered.

In the Battle of Stratholme initiated by the Scarlet Crusade, the death knight Baron Rivendare was defeated by his son Oryx Rivendare with the assistance of the Scarlet Crusade, but Oryx Rivendare also died as a result. .

Unfortunately, Baron Rivendare's body was finally taken away by the Scourge, and he was resurrected by the Archlich Kel'Thuzad and became the leader of his Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

It's another father-son drama. There are too many father-son dramas in Azeroth, especially among humans.

However, Oryx Rivendell, like Darion Mograine, is a true filial son, not the "filial son" who is ridiculed.

It was precisely because of the sacrifice of Oryx Rivendell that the Scourge in the core area of ​​Stratholme lost its supreme commander and was defeated by the Scarlet Crusade.

The victory in the Battle of Stratholme dealt a heavy blow to the Scourge's power in the Eastern Plaguelands, causing the Scourge to lose a base camp.

In other words, as long as Naxxramas is captured, the Scourge Legion can be expelled from the Northern Continent of the Eastern Kingdom.

At the same time, the blood elves in Quel'Thalas in the north of the Eastern Plaguelands finally moved south.

The Blackrock clan orcs and forest trolls hid in Zul'Aman. Dysholm was captured by the army led by Regent Lor'themar himself. The blood elf traitor Dar'kan was killed by Regent Lor'themar's enchanted Thorium arrow.

The blood elves no longer threatened, but in return for the covenant's kindness, they used Quel'lins Hut as a stronghold to support the Scarlet Crusaders in Stratholme and the Northland Watchtower.

Thoradin's Legion, Theramore's Legion, Scarlet Crusade, Forgotten, Blood Elves, Wildhammer Dwarves, the Eastern Plaguelands' Covenant army can be said to have gathered half of the Covenant's military strength.

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